Chapter Fourteen

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My heart raced as I couldn't fathom why I walked further into the alley. A dark alley that is. I saw this thing that is what it was. It had huge bulgy eyes with a dark pool as its pupil and it looked a momo doll exept more possessed.

I didn't feel the chill that I am used to, instead I felt somewhat safe?. I followed the creepy figure and when I came to the end of the alley, it literally vanished into thin air. Talk about Houdini magic.

I was just about to turn around when I felt something behind me. You know sometime you feel as if you have eyes in the back of your head and you can feel something there. Yes that.

I slowly turned around and faced a ... person?. I honestly was expecting a demon of some kind but instead I was faced with... well what seemed like a guy. He was using black leather pants, with boots that had three spikes on it, followed with a simple chain which had a symbol on it. He also was using a black leather vest with no sleeves and a mask.

A black and sliver mask which kind of freaked me out because of the skull shape.

"Excuse me?, can I help you?", I asked, since he was literally in my way.

He slowly reached his hands up and removed his mask, and the first thing I had noticed was his eyes. So blue, like the ocean. He also had a long scar from his eyebrow till his neck. It looked like the symbol from his boots.

"You can stop staring at my scar now.", he muttered, and I couldn't help but notice his smooth baritone voice. Like silk, but I preferred Mike's voice. Ugh why am I thinking of him!.

"...and yes you can help me.", he said, snapping me from my thoughts of Mike.

He stepped towards me and I reflectively stepped back. He rolled his eys at that.

"Chill out. I'm not going to hurt you, I just need you to come with me Audrey.", he said calmly.

Come with him where exactly? And how did he know my name?.

"How do you know my name?.", I asked, thankful for the lack of stuttering.

"Well its hard not to know the most powerful medium in the paranormal world and to add to that, I am your designated protector.", he said in a bored tone.

What the hell?. Like really? Could this day get anymore weird for me?.

"Im so confused right now. Uhm... dude?, as much as I would like to trust a stranger, I don't know what is happening to me or why or for what, but I can protect myself.", I mumbled.

He paused for a moment and I saw him clench his fists.

"Look dude my name is Eziahl, I am a trained protector. The son of an angel. It is my job to protect mediums, specifically you, because for some reason you are different. There is a place for mediums like yourself and since you're confused I suggest you come with me. You don't know anything about the parallel dimension and the paranormal so if you were smart you would just listen and come with me.", he said.

I shouldn't be going with a stranger anywhere, but at this point I don't have much of a choice. What Jenny had told me wasn't very detailed, it was quite vague.

"Fine, but let me tell you that I need to be home because my mo-, I mean Lorraine would freak out if I am late, how far to this so called place.", I asked, while doing that bunny finger impression to emphasis place.

He actually cracked a smile at that and walked to the alley wall, in the corner. He then reached into his boots and pulled out something shiney. A blade to be precise. The blade was absolutely beautiful. The handle had jewels and symbols which looked amazing. It was sterling silver and shined even in the dullest of weather.

He placed the tip of the blade onto the wall and whispered. "Avà Lesou portluì".

I felt the ground shake a little and then my jaw dropped at what I saw. It was a white uhm portal I guess?. It was swirling around and gave an illusion of a whirlpool. I could feel the wind against my face and I was just in awe.

It looked like those typical portals from movies that you would see, but the difference is, it is very tiny. Like literally the size of my palm, yet it gave of such power.

"So how are we going to fit in that?. Let me guess... you have those mushrooms like in Alice in Wonderland and then we shrink?.", I teased.

He just gave me a dry look.

"Place your palm onto it.", he instructed.

I reluctantly obeyed, and just then I felt a zap and I could feel myself falling, as I got warped into a portal which was like a bolt of lighting, I closed my eyes at the feeling of the portal and then everything just went white.

A/N: Readers!!! I hope everyone is well during this pandemic. Recently I have been updating chapters consistently and I just wanted to give an update... or basically a heads up that I am back at school ☹️. Yes ... back at school in the middle of a deadly pandemic which means that chapters won't be updated daily but every third day. I am so sorry to cause any dissapointment but I promise the chapters I do publish will keep you entertained .. or will spook you.. either way😁. Lots of love to my readers!! Don't forget to comment on anything regarding my book or just to comment in generally about literally anything. StaySafe!!

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