Chapter Twenty

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"Ooolala, Audrey's got a boyfwend.", Lilly teased in a singsong baby voice.
I rolled my eyes. "No he is not. He is just a childhood friend.", I say.

Lorraine is still sporting a huge smile and it just felt creepy. Damn it I never seen so much of teeth since I saw that Colgate advert.

Miles just had a shit eating grin on his face and even though he is not saying anything. He is thinking plenty.

"Sureeee he is. I mean since when you bring friends home and that too a beautiful stranger.", Lily chimed. At that Miles scowled. Miles is more protective over Lily than he is me, because the last place these two was at, the man they lived with, tried to rape Lily. The sick and sadistic maniac is currently behind bars, but if I do meet him one day, he is one dead man.

"Stop scowling Miles, I am just saying. ", she rolled her eyes.

"Okay I'm just gonna go.", I said, while attempting to head in to my room and just never face anyone ever again.

"Audrey wait.", Lorraine said. I holted my movements and turned to her.

"Yes.?", I say.

"I need to talk to you alone for a little while if that is okay?.", she asks ever so gently.

I think the worse when anyone says they want to talk to me. I scramble the files in my brain and think if I had did anything wrong that could get me into trouble.

"Okay sure.", I reply shakily.

Miles and Lily walked out of the kitchen and opened the door knob to leave.

"Be back before curfew!.", Lorraine shouted, as they opened the door.

"We will!.", the replied in unison.

I was so scared. My heart was beating a mile a minute as to what Lorraine had to say to me.

"You can stop shivering, you're not in trouble you know.", Lorraine commented, staring pointedly at my hands which were full on vibration mode.

I clasped my hands together and offered her a shaky smile.

"So I know you don't take me as your mom, but you're like my daughter, and it is my duty to have these talks about boys. So I don't have an issue with you dating it's not an issue I promise, but I do want you to becareful. ", she said while handing me a brown paper bag.

I still feel bad about what she told me in the beginning of the sentence. She does so much for me and I never once addressed her as mom. Sure she isn't my real mother but she took care of me even though I wasn't hers to begin with. I should stop calling her Lorraine. She deserves at least the right title. Besides, being a mom is not only about blood, it's about being there for your child no matter the circumstance and considering the secrets I have learned in a single day I'd say if anyone did deserve to be called my mom, it would be Lorraine. So here I go trying to call her mom for the first time .

I place the bag next to me on the counter and take a deep breath as I clasp Lor- I mean my moms hand in mine.

"Don't ever say that I don't take you as my mother. I am a damaged girl, and yet you still fulfilled a mothers duty despite the title of 'foster parent', and if there is anything I have learnt, is that blood doesn't make a difference in my life. What I am trying to say is, I love you mom. Thank you for looking out for me.", my heart felt lighter after saying the 'L' word to someone for the first time, and I am glad its my mom.

My mom literally was in shock. Her eyes widened with unshed tears, and she sniffed once, before coming to my side of the counter and embracing me in a hug that made me feel safe.

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