Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I said are you with me!.", yelled Eziahl.

I was so lost into the mirror and my thoughts that I had completely tuned out everything.

"Uhm yeah sorry. Got in my own head for a second.", I reply smugly, knowing he'll be annoyed with me because he was worried that something had happened to me.

He squinted his eyes at me. As usual I ignored him and watched as he got rid of his shirt. I still gasp as I see the hard tones of his muscles. Mike's is better though. I should know I see him shirtless a few times a week.

Eziahl gets his bed ready, on the uncomfortable couch. I feel bad for making him sleep there, I mean my bed is big enough for both of us.

"Hey, you know it is fine if you crash here next to me right?. I trust you with my life, the least you can do is sleep without grunting uncomfortably the entire night on a squeaky couch.", I say.

He smiles. "Okay scoot over fatso, I want this side of the bed.", he says while pointing to the other side of the bed. I scowl but scoot over despite that. I then reach for my book which I haven't gotten a chance to read because I was disrupted by a demon.

I place it on the bed, get rid of my contacts and slip my glasses on from my drawer. Did I not mention I wear glasses?. Well I seem to have perfect vision but contacts are the key to hiding blindness.

Eziahl looks at me and his eyebrows hitch to his hairline. "You wear glasses?", he asks as if it is such breaking news.

"Yes some peoples eyesight ain't all there now lighten up sugar plum.", I say in my best southern accent.

He closes his mouth and rolls his eyes at me. He gets under the covers in nothing but his boxers. Did I mention that he is shirtless?. I swear most of you teenage girls or guys must be envious of this arrangement, but unless you're a medium... you can't do as you please.

I open my book to whatever I stuffed as a bookmark, and instantly shrieked, jolting an almost asleep Eziahl awake.

"What in the ever loving hell happened?.", he asks.

I keep my mouth shut but then his eyes follow my book and I swear he coughs so bad that I thought I might have to do the heimlich on him.

"What now?.", I asked.

"Uhm, why is there a uhm?.", he said while pointing to my book.
I groan as I see the condom which was used as a bookmark. Damn Lorraine.

"Long story short ot was dark and I didn't know what I put in there.", I groan again.

This time her bursts out laughing and I laugh with him.

"Strawberry flavoured?.", he rasied his eyebrows. "I always knew you were kinky.", he teased.

I rolled my eyes and got to my book. I'm almost done with 'paper towns', so maybe about an hour more and then I'll sleep. Mike and I had finished our assignments with ease and Eziahl didn't suspect anything.

I didn't want to hide anything from my best friend but there is already hard feelings between these two and considering Eziahl and his protective instincts, I prefer he doesn't know.

Eziahl is busy doing something with one of his daggers and it starts to glow.

"What are you doing?.", I ask, intrigued by the dagger.

"This is my dagger. My very first dagger. It glows brighter with each demon I slay. More powerful and deadly than the last time.", he said.

"Fancy.", I say, while getting back to my book.

My eyes are tired but I literally have one more chapter to finish. John Green is oddly amazing when it comes to writing from a teenagers point of view. It's so fascinating considering he is so old... no offence John.

I finish the chapter and then swing my legs over the bed to get rid of my socks so I can sleep. Sleeping with socks is not right.

"Finally.", I hear Eziahl sigh in relief.

"What now drama king?.", I say.

"I thought you was never going to finish with that dumb book.", he says smugly.

I slug at his arm, hurting my hands more instead of his solid muscle.

I growl and switch the lamp off and darkness consumes the room, allowing me to get lost in one of my dreams of Mike again.

I am deep in sleep when I hear a 'clink' noise. My eyes snap open and I can't breathe. I dart my eyes to my chest which has Ezihals heavy hand stretched across it. He sleeps like an animal.

I eye the window where something has hit it. My heart is beating rapidly and I can feel something about to happen any moment. Eziahl is sleeping, which is odd because generally he is a light sleeper.

The window then lifts and I see a figure enter the room. I want to scream but my voice is lodged in my throat. I see the shadow of whatever that is, navigate itself away from the window towards the bed.

This time I shake Eziahl awake. He grunts and opens his eyes at the same time I switch the lamp on and my jaw hits the floor.

"What the hell are you doing here.", both Eziahl and Mike say in unison.

Oh this must look so bad. I stumble out of the bed, dropping my forgotten book which had the damn condom inside it!. It hit the floor and the condom spilled out, making the misunderstood situation much more of a clusterfuck. Yes I just cussed. Can you blame me?.

Mikes eyes show hurt and anger and he is reading this whole situation wrong.

"Mike, it is not what it looks like.", I say calmly, as a shirtless Eziahl gets up from the covers.

This whole situation is so messed up right now. What the hell is he doing in my room anyway?.

"Really?, because it looks like my girlfriend is in bed with another guy!", he exclaims in anger and his voice cracks in the end.

"Girlfriend?.", asks Eziahl coldly. "Why would you not tell me something like like this?. I thought we were friends Audrey?", he says calmly. Almost too calmly.

"Ah so she played both of us then?", laughed Mike humorously, he shouldn't have done that because in 0.5 seconds, Eziahl had him against the wall and growled.

"There is nothing going on between us.", Eziahl seethed.

"Then explain what the fuck you are doing in her goddamn bed with a damn condom for fucks sake.", shouted Mike. I am shocked at his outburst. He never ever once cussed until now. They are being too loud. Lorraine surely can hear everything.

"Shhhh.", I hiss.

"It's something we can't share with incarnates.", says Eziahl.

Eziahl doesn't know that Mike knows about my abilities.

"Uhm, actually... you can tell him. He was there with me when I went to my mom.", I say quietly.

Both of them raise their eyebrows. Mike is confused because he doesn't know about Jenny and Eziahl is angry and confused as to why I hid so much from him.

Eziahl loses his grip on Mike and runs a hand through his hair in frustration, and heads to my closet to grab a shirt.

I notice Mike eyeing the closet and clenching his jaw.

"Explain. Now.", he growls, just as Eziahl sits on the couch in my room. "Yes Audrey explain.", taunts Eziahl.

This feels like I'm giving a presentation in class and everyone's eyes is on me.

Damn demons and condoms.

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