Chapter 19

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Zayn stared at Harry's belly for several minutes. His brown eyes just remained the same, he didn't blink he didn't look away. He just stared. Harry swallowed and quickly drew the hoodie back down. He found the staring gaze pretty uncomfortable, but he understood that Zayn found it hard to believe.

"How is that possible?" He finally managed to push out, his eyes moving to meet Harry's, they were wide and shocked.

"I-I", Harry started, but he had to close his eyes for a short moment. He inhaled his breath slowly before he spoke again. "I have a fully working female system inside my body. Pretty crazy, huh? That just makes me more freak."

Zayn frowned and closed the toilet before he sat down on it. "How far are you along? Five months?" The statement made Harry's eyes grow huge. "What do you mean? No! I'm just past eight weeks!"

This time it was Zayn who looked genuinely shocked. "What!? Harry, tell me you're joking? You're frikkin huge!"

He then let the breath slip away slowly between his thin lips. "I'm sorry. I just have no experience with this."

Harry just heaved a hand through his curls. He knew this was hard for Zayn to understand, but now that he hadn't left the short time they had known each other, he didn't want to let go of him now.

Zayn then stood up and placed a hand on Harry's thin fabric covered shoulder. "Harry, I know this is hard for you, I get that. And I won't leave your side, okay? Just promise... promise me you're gonna be careful when Logan is-"he started, but he couldn't quite finish, since Harry practically ripped the toilet open again and once again threw up.




When Harry came home from school that day, he felt literally exhausted. He felt like he had to drag his body with him, the weight of his joggers and hoodie only sinking him more. Anne saw that immediately and let him sit down in the living room. She quickly made her and her son a steaming cup of herbal tea before she sat down with him.

"You feel okay for going to the appointment today?" Her voice was soft, connected to her kind eyes and that warm smile that tugged at her lips. "I think it will be nice seeing little peanut, huh?"

"Peanut?" Harry lifted a brow. Grandmas did get excited... maybe a bit too much. "Anyways, of course I'm going." He was cut off by a yawn. "I really wanna see if the baby's okay."

Anne nodded and stroked her hand over Harry's knee. "That's good. There will just be me and you today, okay? Gem is at a friend's house, and..." Niall and Maura? Harry thought in confusion, but shook it off. Maura had probably dragged her son with her back to Ireland. Again.

"So, we'll leave in ten minutes, yeah?" The curly haired boy's mother stood up and straightened her blouse.

All Harry did was nod before he took a sip of his tea.




"Harry Styles?" Lyra, Dr. Martin's assistant, peeked her head out of the door of the room they used to be in. "He's ready for you, honey!" That sounded so wrong in Harry's head, and he couldn't help himself but let out a small chuckle. When he got a worried glance from his mother, he immediately pulled himself together and walked into the room. He had to control those damn hormones.

Dr. Martins sat in his usual chair and greeted Harry with a nod. "You know the routine, Harry, on the bench!"

The curly haired boy obeyed and pulled his shirt up before he lied down on the bench in the middle of the room. Anne sat in one of those chairs that was lined against the wall closest to the door with her black Mark Jacobs bag in her lap. She gave her son an encouraging look.

"So, how have you been since last time?" The doctor asked and applied the cold gel on Harry's swollen stomach. He then furrowed and itched the back of his head. "Tell me, are you sure the baby was conceived in July?"

Harry nodded. "Completely sure." He whimpered when the doctor put the wand down on his stomach, making the gel spread. He got chills down his spine of the cold rush.

"Let's see...". Dr. Martins frowned and peered closely on the screen to see if he could spot the baby. He found it easily, but he got the shock of his life a few seconds later. "OH...!" he breathed, his eyes widening. "No way!"

Anne cleared her throat behind them in impatience. "Dr. Martins, may I ask what's wrong?" The older doctor laughed and ruffled through his short hair with his free hand.

"There's nothing wrong, Mrs Styles, there's more in the direction of another miracle." He turned his sparking eyes towards Harry and an even wider smile spread across his lips.

"Harry, tell me, you have been feeling nauseous even though you've taken the tablets I gave you?" The young boy nodded. "And you have been gained weight already?" A blush confirmed the doctor's question.

"What are you trying to say?" Harry whispered. He was both confused and concerned. Was something wrong...? Were the baby in danger?

Dr. Martins moved the wand a bit before he pushed some buttons on the screen. "Hang on, I'll get the picture for you and I'll show you!"

Harry sat up and shared a gaze with his mom. "Just think if there's something wrong?" He croaked. He had learned to love his baby more and more for each day that passed, and he didn't want to let go of it now that he had grown used to it being there.

"I'm sure everything is fine, sweetie!" she answered back. Somehow, she didn't look afraid, just curious. "The doctor didn't say there was anything wrong, yeah?"

Just then, Dr. Martins entered the room again with a small clip of paper in his hand. He sat down on his chair and placed the photo on his desk before he handed Harry some tissues to wipe of the gel from his stomach.

Harry just did it in some sort of trance; he was too worried of what the news was.

"So, what do you see, Harry?"

The younger boy peered down on the black and white photo and tried his best to see where in it his baby was, and where it wasn't. After some minutes, the doctor pointed at a white spot. "There's the baby's head...", he let it slide a few centimetres to the side, "and here's the other one's."

Harry nearly choked on nothing. He just stared blankly at the picture before he looked up at the doctor.

"You guessed it right, Harry. You're expecting twins!"

Please don't kill me for a late update >.< I have a lot going on in my life atm, and it's not always easy updating every week, but I try my best :)

So Narry is expecting twins *smirk* Did anyone have a thought about it? xP

Anyways, thank you so f0ck!ng much for 19K!!! I never imagined this story get this far!! Thank you for each and every one of you who comments and votes <3

*busy Iben*

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