Chapter 34

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Before you read, this can be a very strong chapter so keep the tissues ready... also don't kill me when you're done.. heh

"We have a 17 year old white male, unconscious, 26 weeks pregnant with twins", a voice broke through Harry's darkness. He felt like he was trapped inside his own body. He could listen to everything going on, but he couldn't find the power to move, let along open his eyes. He did feel slight movements now and then, but he wasn't entirely sure on what was going on.

"Blood pressure is 80/50 and falling, body temperature 36,1 and decreasing rapidly."

"His water broke, the birth have just started. We've gotta bring him into the operation room, an emergency C-section is necessary for baby survival!"

"He also has trouble breathing and seems to be in an unknown form for a shock. We have to move him into the ICU."

"Someone, call his personal doctor and parents!" And Niall? What about Niall? They had to call him too! Soon these babies were going to be born. One or both had a small chance of survival, especially since they got born this early in the pregnancy. Harry didn't know how he was supposed to cope with that alone. Without Niall.




Niall stood by the window in his hotel room wearing a dark suit. Strained tears streaked his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot and red. He hadn't been crying before now. He didn't cry when Maura took her last breath in the hospital bed. He didn't cry when they saw her for the last time, lying in the coffin. He didn't cry when they lowered the coffin into the ground and the priest said his last words. He didn't cry before they got back at the hotel and the sorrow caught back with him. Now it felt like he had an entire ocean inside of him he had to cry out.

It wasn't just the loss of his mother. The absence of his boyfriend and his twins made his heart shatter even more. He wanted so badly to be there, to help. He wanted to care for Harry and be there for him through the whole pregnancy. What if something went wrong? What about the heart disease one of them carried?

"Niall? We're leaving, the plane is leaving in thirty minutes", Denise said, coming into the room with Theo on her hip. She was Greg's wife and Niall was so happy for the couple. They seemed happy together, and they had Theo as well. He couldn't wait to show the little blonde his new cousins. Or, cousin, a voice whispered in the back of Niall's mind. He quickly pushed it away.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm coming", he answered with a smile. He grabbed his bag and his suitcase and headed out the door with Denise. They all drove to the airport in Greg's car. Theo fell asleep quickly and Niall couldn't stop staring at the young boy's face. Were his babies going to look like him? Blonde with huge, blue eyes? Curly haired or fair-haired?

They were just getting out of the car as his phone rang. He had just gotten it back from Maura's drawer; Greg had gotten the key from her before she passed. He wanted to call Harry, but he also wanted his return to be a surprise.

He frowned when he saw Gemma on his caller ID. "Hello? Gemma?" He heard a sigh of relief on the other end. "Niall, thank god you answered!" she breathed, "I thought you weren't going to." Niall felt guilty for the statement but he knew she was right.

"Why are you calling? Is something wrong?" The blonde asked nervously. "Where's Harry?" Gemma's heartbroken sob answered all of his fears. "Oh, Niall. I'm... I'm so, so sorry. Harry's in the ICU. He's giving birth."

The whole plane ride was a nightmare. Niall wouldn't stop crying and whispered small words he didn't even understand himself. Somewhere he recognized a 'fuck', 'damn it', 'please' or 'let them be allright'. Denise was holding his hand the entire ride while Theo sat in his lap.

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