Chapter 14

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Harry woke up that Saturday with a lump in his throat. This was it. The foetus was now seven weeks old and he had to make a decision, and it seemed like it was without Niall. He had to choose either if he was going to put his life on the shelf and be a father or kill an innocent life or live with the guilt the rest of his life.

He quickly took a relaxing shower and threw on some pants that didn’t sit too tight over his small bump but that didn’t look too sloppy either. Gemma popped her head in just when he was about to pull a white t-shirt over his head.

“Mom’s making breakfast. You okay..?” She smiled that smile that Harry loved and of course made him smile back.

“Yeah. I’ll be right down.”

He met his own terrified gaze in the mirror, frowning softly. His curls was a mess and he had huge, dark bags under his usual big eyes. What the heck was he going to do? His hand sled slowly down to his fabric covered torso.

“Hey, baby”, he mumbled softly while his thumb made soft, slow movements. “I’m your… uh… daddy.” It felt rather weird talking to a person that wasn’t even born yet, but at that moment, Harry didn’t care. Everyone did strange things when they were on their own, just admit it.

“I’m so sorry for being confused, but you see… I want your other pa to also be here for you. You’re so welcome in my heart, in my life, but… I don’t know what to do.”




Anne had been silent since they left the house with their stomachs filled with her delicious pancakes, fear and butterflies. Usually she was chatty and always the one calming people down, but now her words seemed like they were totally gone. Harry found that strange. Did Anne know something he didn’t?

“Don’t be nervous, Harry, we will be here for you no matter what you choose”, Gemma whispered the moment Anne had parked their car outside the clinic where Dr. Martins had his office. Harry smiled softly to cover his nervousness and show that he was thankful. “Thanks, Gems.”

“Just go in and say you’re arrived and I’ll pay the parking, yeah?” Anne said and pulled the key out. The Styles siblings nodded and went out of the car, huffing a bit. It definitely had gotten colder these last days, and Harry didn’t like it.

Gemma followed Harry inside the massive building and told him to sit while she spoke to Lyra. “No jumping around playing Easter bunny, okay?”

Harry just rolled his eyes at his sister but did as she said and sat down on one of the familiar red seats that was lined against the walls in the hallway. It felt rather good to sit down, though.

Soon both Anne and Gemma joined him, his sister shooting their mom ‘pull your shit together and support your son’-glares when she thought Harry didn’t look. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one spotting the difference in Anne’s mood. She’d been so understanding and kind earlier in the pregnancy so why did it change on one of the most important days?

“Harry Styles? Come on in! The doctor is ready for you!” Lyra chirped after several minutes with awkward and confusing silence. Harry had always wondered if it was from her Gemma had her weird hair styles ideas from since the older nurse had shocking read hair that hung straight down to her bum. Since last week, Gemma had dyed her hair caramel brown with lilac tips and Harry really couldn’t see why her hair was that important. He didn’t even bother to cut his own.

The room looked the same since last time they had been there. The same white walls and the grey floor. Dr. Martin’s desk were stuffed into the usual corner and the bench Harry had lied on last time throned in the middle of the room. He gulped and handed his mum his coat before climbing up on it.

This was it, the moment he’d dreaded to face in three weeks now. Zayn had helped a lot with making his mind calming a bit, but of course, he had a fucking choice to make anyways.

Dr. Martins entered the room with the bright smile on his thin lips. His notebook was as many times before stuck under his arm as he took a seat.

“So, Harry, how are you?” The doctor smiled, nodding his hello to both Anne and Gemma. “This is the day, huh?”

The curly haired boy nodded and swallowed. “I’m… fine. The medications you gave me helped a lot with the nausea...” though it didn’t disappear.

Dr. Martins placed his notebook on his desk before coming to Harry. “Shirt off, please”, he ordered. When Harry sat with his upper body bare, the doctor asked him to lie down on his back. “I’m just gonna do a scan to check on the baby, yeah? Then I would like to hear your decision.”

Harry yelped a little when the doctor splashed some cold gel on his bare stomach, but he soon started blushing. It wasn’t really that bad, he was just basically nervous.

When Dr. Martins was about to touch the bump with the wand, ready to reveal the baby on the screen in front of them, someone bursted through the door.

That someone hadn’t bothered calling or texting Harry since he was told the news. That someone had caused Harry to feel so fucking afraid, angry and hurt for two weeks. That someone had just left without any warning, and now he was here.

Niall Horan.

There you go, my unicorns :D Niall is back! *dun dun duuuun*

What d’yall think?? Will the baby live?? :P

Write your theories below, I’d like very much to see what you’re thinking!

It’s finally Christmas break and only three fucking days until Louis is turning 23… ugh. FML.

This chapter is dedicated to my dear bestie, Lauren, who inspired me to write a new part :"3 She's fabby, so go and follow/read her stories! @ziamsnuggets

Whale, bye then!

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