Chapter 28

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Harry woke up the next day with the smell of pancakes and bacon hovering in the air. It made its way slowly into his nostrils, as a sneaky snake waiting to attack its victim. A small smile tugged at his lips. Then reality hit him, and the smile went back to a frown. His baby. It was hurt. Sick. He might never get to see it grow up and live a life of its own. He didn't even know its gender. A single tear rolled slowly down his cheek and dripped onto his bed. He watched as a tiny, wet spot spread itself wider. Oh how he wished he could do anything to help it, and not just wait.

A knock then disturbed Harry's thinking cloud, the sound of someone's knuckles hitting the white painted door. "Yeah?" Harry answered, his voice still husky from the sleep, from not being used in a couple of hours.

Niall pushed the door a bit forward so he could pop his head inside and smiled fondly at his boyfriend. "I've made some breakfast for you and the juniors. Want some?"

Harry sat up with a tired yawn and pushed the light covers aside. His bare feet hit the carpet floor as he stood up and cracked his back. "Eww, why do you always do that?" Niall half chuckled, half shivered of disgust. "I hope the twins don't get it from you!"

They sat down by their kitchen counter and Niall placed a plate with golden brown pancakes in front of him. There were to small blocks of butter on top that had melted and ran down the sides of the pancakes. Niall had also bathed the breakfast in some maple syrup. Harry's mouth watered.

They ate in silence, Niall also eating a plate of pancakes. They tasted so good, almost too good. Harry's least problem was starving, since his boyfriend was an excellent cook. Niall would ask all the time if he was hungry or if he wanted a snack, probably after that one time Harry had woken him up at 4am wanting strawberries and chocolate... And the night after, some bacon crisps and orange juice...

"Harry?" Niall broke the silence after a while, eyeing the curly haired lad from the side. "Of course I'll listen to your opinion, but I wanted to know if you're allright with me going to a bar with Liam and Zayn tonight?" Harry snorted. Of course Louis and him weren't invited, but he kinda got that a bar wasn't exactly the best place to be for a pregnant person... And he wouldn't keep his boyfriend from having a good time with his friends.

"It's completely okay for me! Louis and I can hang out at home and watch a movie or something!" Niall's face lit up by Harry's words. "Are you sure? Because I don't wanna upset you or anything." Harry just smacked his arm and laughed. "Yes stupid! Just go with it before I change my mind."

Chuckling, he placed a hand on his stomach. "They're moving, Ni." The fluttering feeling made him really relieved, since it was a spark a spark of hope from the sick baby. They were alive and happy. Niall looked at Harry for permission, and the curly haired lad nodded and pointed to where the foetuses had just moved. They waited in silence before Niall sighed. "I don't feel it..."

Harry chuckled and kissed Niall's cheek. "You were lucky to feel them last time, it's not usual this early. It's just the carrier who can feel small flutters in the start, something that turn into kicks, something you can feel. Just be patient."

"Do- Which... Which gender do you think we'll get?" Niall silently asked as he shifted his position on his chair more towards Harry. The question kinda caught Harry off guard. They'd never discussed that topic before.

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