Chapter 29

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When Harry woke up, he felt slightly confused about his whereabouts. The cover that was placed neatly over him smelled different, heck, the whole room smelled different. The window was placed on the wrong side of the wall, and the door wasn't white... Then yesterday's events ran into his mind like a gigantic waterfall. Harry pulled the cover closer over his head and squeezed his eyes shut. Oh, man.

Did he overreact? Was it just foolish running away with Louis? Did he ace like a little child, not being able to take responsibility? But then again, Niall did say some pretty bad stuff. And as that saying says, a drunken mind speaks the truth. Of course he felt hurt by the words, but... Niall couldn't be serious, could he...? Harry wasn't that heavy? He was pretty light considering the fact he carried two human beings and not just one. And he wasn't lazy, just afraid.

He wanted to say sorry to Niall for overreacting, but knowing his boyfriend was most likely passed out in his bed in their flat, he wouldn't wan to interrupt.

Carefully Harry got up, despite his longing for some more sleep, and picked up his jeans and his wrinkled t-shirt from the floor. His seventeen-week-old belly made the fabric of his shirt stretch widely. It was sad, since it was his favourite. 

"Morning, lovlies", Harry smiled, rubbing his bump. "You slept well, yeah? Daddy is gonna find some food for you." He sighed, the thought of one of them who might be sick was still fresh in his memory. "We're gonna make it, yeah? Both of you are gonna get born and grow up healthy and strong." He said it mostly to himself, to calm down.

His phone vibrating made him jump, but he grabbed it anyways to check who had sent the message. It was Anne.

Anne: Hi lovely! How are you? Xx

Harry: Fine, thanks, and you?

Anne: All good x Listen, I wanted you and Niall to come over so we could discuss some baby stuff. Is that all right with your schedule?

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes. This was just bloody amazing. How was he going to tell his mum that Niall lied home drunk as a donkey? She wouldn't exactly be happy. Maybe she even told Harry to move back home.

Harry: I'm gonna speak to Niall, we might have some plans, but maybe at least I will manage to come :) x

Anne: Splendid! Also, tell Niall that his brother is visiting with his wife and Theo! I think Maura wants them to meet :)

Oh crap. How was Harry supposed to bring Niall to meet Greg and pretend everything was okay? That just didn't sound smart.

Harry shoved his phone into his pocket before he padded into the kitchen in Louis and Liam's flat. It was eerily still, the two other boys probably still slept. A kick from the babies followed by a loud growling sound made it pretty clear Harry needed something to eat. He found a bowl, some milk and a spoon and began preparing cornflakes.

He was half through his bowl when his phone began ringing. He frowned at the caller ID. It was Niall.

"I don't wanna talk now", Harry mumbled as he answered unwillingly. Niall should use his energy on resting, not drunk talking to him.

"I'm fine, Harry. I just... I can't say how sorry I am." A silence broke out between the two boys. Harry sighed and swallowed his spoonful of cornflakes. "Y-You couldn't know... You couldn't know I feel uncomfortable with drunk people."

"No, of course. I can totally understand you." Niall's voice shook slightly. Was he... sober? After the scene last night?  "Harry... Please come over? I wanna talk about it."

"No. Forget it." Harry felt like a stubborn child.

"Please? I wanna explain. Make it good again." Harry sighed and finished his breakfast, putting the empty bowl in the sink. He felt his stomach clench as he mumbled out an, "I'll be there in ten minutes."




Harry dropped his bag down immediately when he got inside their flat. Cold damp puffed out of his mouth after each breath from the sinking temperature outside. A big, thick hoodie protected his bump. "Ni?" He called as he found his boyfriend absent from the living room. "In here!" his boyfriend replied. His voice came from the twins' room.

Harry kicked off his shoes, padded down the hall, and found the door slightly open. He pushed it carefully with his fingers and spotted Niall on his knees by the closet. The blonde looked up when he heard Harry coming and smiled carefully. He held two pairs of plain, white baby socks in his hands.

"Hi." "Hey". After the greetings, an awkward silence followed. Harry scratched the back of his neck as he waited for an explanation. When Niall didn't say anything, he sighed. "You wanted me to come over, what is it? Are you sober already?"

Niall nodded and placed the socks back in the drawer. He straightened up and med Harry's gaze. "Threw much of it up earlier this morning, I also took a few painkillers. Still have a headache, but I'm fine."

Harry sighed. "Listen, I don't wanna be mad at you. Just... Don't do it again." He felt his stomach sink. "You're gonna be a dad, Ni. You're gonna have human beings looking up to you. I don't know how your life in Ireland was like, but please don't get drunk anymore? At least try? For our sake?" As to add more meaning to his words, Harry rubbed his bump. Niall's face looked heartbroken. His shoulders hung low and he looked so tired. Harry wanted so bad to be in his arms, to kiss him.

"I.... I don't know what got over me, Harry. One second I was there, having so much fun with Liam and Zayn, then I just had too much to drink...", Niall's voice chocked and his eyes got watery. "I never wanted to let you down and I'm sorry Harry."

The two lovers looked into each other's eyes for a long while. Then Niall quickly closed the gap between them and their lips melted together. Harry's eyes fluttered shut as Niall cradled his neck. His boyfriend's fingers played with the loose curls that had managed to escaped Harry's bun. Harry slid his arms around Niall's waist and pressed his body against Niall's.

"I love you, Harry." Harry's heart jumped a little from those words. He realized that he actually loved Niall too. He just really hoped nothing else would mess up. He didn't need that since Christmas was just around the corner.  


So, there you go!! A new chapter xx I'm honestly trying to update as soon as I can, but when the school year is coming to an end, theres so many tests and things to do before the summer break finally can begin....

But holy macaroni, how did I get 153 FRIKKIN READERS on my story?? I never expected more than 500 ahaha xD You guys are truly amazing!!

I read every comment, even though I don't answer very often ;) I love reading them so much <3

- Iben -

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