Chapter 21

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The next week went past in a blur. Harry went to school, Zayn was being protective and of course, Niall was going to start there soon as well, since he had moved to Cheshire for good. Harry hadn't told Niall about Logan yet, but he would find out eventually. Logan hadn't bothered Harry since that time at the loo, maybe because Zayn never left his side.

At home, Harry had his hands fully taken by packing his stuff down in boxes and bags. Gemma had kindly offered to help him, and it was good having her there when he had to run to the toilet to throw up.

Niall had already moved in, and of course, Maura had bought all the furniture. Harry hated to admit it, but the lady had a good fashion taste. He loved the soft cream colored couch and the belonging glass table. Both Niall and he had special ordered beds in their rooms, a colleague of Maura ran a bed fabric. Their kitchen was open out towards the living room, not exactly the biggest living room ever, but it would work for them.

What scared Harry the most was the room that stood empty for the babies. Since they didn't know (in Harry's case didn't want to know) the gender of the twins, it was just a light and soft yellow painted walls. Anne had suggested they should start the baby shopping, but Harry wasn't ready for it. Not yet.

The day Harry finally moved in, it rained. He felt so tired, nine weeks along, but there was also other feelings bugging him. The pregnancy did come with downsides. Terrible mood swings, the hormones ruled his body, and of course, he was kinda sexual frustrated too. He had to help himself out, yet it didn't cause as much pleasure, and it killed him from the inside. He had read on the internet that it was common for pregnant women. Did that mean it got worse for men?

"Hey, Harry!" Niall greeted, holding their front door open. Thankfully they had gotten the lowest flat, so there was no need for stairs or lifts. Harry thanked the house gods for that, because how on earth was he going to get up a long set of stairs when he was pregnant in his last month? Or worse - with the twins with him?

"Hi, Niall", Harry answered shyly, bringing one of his bags with him inside. Niall went carefully past him and quickly, to Harry's surprise, pecked his cheek. "I'll go get the rest of the bags, yeah?" Then the Irish lad disappeared.

Harry brought the bag to the room he knew was his and put it down on the bed. He liked the flat, it felt safe. It wasn't too long away from Anne's house, and Maura was going to move into Harry's old room.

When all of Harry's things was taken inside from the car, the two boys decided they should make some dinner. It was Friday, after all.

"So, should we just make some wraps with meat and cheese?" Niall suggested, opening all the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen to show Harry what he'd bought in. There was a lot of food there, and Harry blushed. Anne must have told Niall about his urgent cravings lately.

Harry nodded. "That sounds nice! I can... uh, cut some vegetables?" That sorted it. Niall started cooking the meat with loads of Mexican spices that made Harry's mouth water.

After a while, fate chose to challenge Harry in one of the most unfair ways possible. Niall had to bend down to get something from a drawer right beside Harry, and his bum slid over Harry's crotch in the process. The curly haired boy just couldn't stop the moan that escaped his mouth. That felt too good.

Niall straightened up and furrowed his brows at Harry. "You okay?" Harry blushed, then he realized his growing boner. No way. He quickly crossed his legs and tried to hide it, but Niall had already seen it.

"Harry... What is this?" he softly spoke, stepping closer. No. Don't. That will only make this worse, Harry thought, but it was like his body had lost ability of moving. Niall placed a hand on his shoulder, the blue eyes scanning him.

Then he bent down and kissed him. Niall frikkin Horan kissed him. His mouth moved softly against Harry's, his hand braiding carefully into Harry's long curls. A moan escaped the curly haired lad's mouth, and he blushed.

"Don't be shameful", Niall breathed between the kiss, "I have read a few things about pregnancies, you know."

"Y-You have?" Harry whimpered, kinda surprised. He never expected Niall to do that.

Niall didn't answer, he just went over to kissing Harry's neck, making small bites and sucking lightly. That just made the curly haired lad moan louder.

Then Niall moved his hand and started palming Harry. The Irish lad could already feel the big lump under the fabric of Harry's new pregnant jeans. Harry moaned and tossed his head back, letting small breaths of air escape his mouth.

Niall caught him by surprise, again, when he without warning yanked Harry's pants down along with his boxers. He smiled up at the bump before he smirked at Harry. They kept eye contact as Niall slowly swallowed him. His lips wrapped around Harry's length as he started bobbing his head up and down.

Words just couldn't describe how good that felt for Harry. He felt like a big weight was lifted from his shoulder. He could feel the good tension go all the way from his chest and down to where Niall was sucking him. He gave a f-ck about everything else, what mattered was Niall.

"N-Ni, I'm close", Harry whimpered, his sweaty hands gripping the kitchen counter he was leaning his back against.

"No, not yet", Niall whispered. He stood up and unbuckled his belt, pulling down his own pants and letting his huge monster slip out. Harry had absolutely forgot how big it was.

He felt Niall put his arms around Harry and followed him towards their kitchen table. There he pushed the curly haired boy down with a smirk. He carefully, while seducing Harry with his gaze, slid one finger inside Harry.

"F'ck, N-Ni!" Harry moaned, grabbing onto the edges of the table with his hands so his knuckles whitened.

"You liked that, huh?" Niall added another finger and twisted them to tease Harry even more. Harry didn't remember last time he had felt such pleasure.

Then Niall had three of his delicate, slim fingers inside and he felt Harry clench around them. "Oh my god", Harry breathed. He felt his body tingle of excitement. Niall positioned himself and nodded to Harry.

"I will make you feel good." Then he pushed himself inside.

So, there ya go, there's your smut >.< I'm really sorry that it sucked and please do tell me in the comments what you would like me to do different <3

Anyways, have a great weekend and don't forget eating!!

Love you my giraffes ^.^

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