Chapter 12

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Harry hated his stomach. Nobody could actually tell that he had a baby inside it, but Harry himself could easily see the slight bump that had formed over those five, soon six weeks he’d gone around pregnant. As Dr. Martins had said, he’d always been a thin kind of guy. He was tall and didn’t have anything close to a bulbous stomach. Therefore, it was easy for him, his mum and Gemma to spot the change.

Harry hadn’t heard anything from Niall since the phone call. The fight caused the curly haired boy to wake up in the middle of the night, screaming Niall’s name. He was so frustrated and mad at himself. When he thought closer about it, it was the most normal way to react for someone that had been told about a male pregnancy. Yet, he couldn’t help it. He missed Niall helluva lot.

He was one day from being six weeks pregnant, now. He knew he had to go back to school soon if he wanted actually good grades, yet his body felt shittier than ever. He wanted the baby, but if Niall didn’t... He’d blame himself as long as he lived if he kept it. He didn’t want an abortion at all. Killing an innocent life was wrong, so it was either keeping or adoption.

A soft knock on the door made Harry jump. His mom peeked in, a tray with cookies in her hands. “Hey, love, you okay?” Harry nodded and straightened up from his weird position he’d been lying in.

“Hi, mum. Yeah, I’m fine, just a small headache.” Anne laughed while she placed the tray on Harry’s nightstand. “Oh yeah, I remember those. They were awful.” Her beautiful blue top hang loose around her upper body as jeans covered the other half. Harry remembered when Gemma and he had bought her that outfit for Christmas a few years ago. He always got happy when she wore it.

Anne sat down and crossed her feet under her body. “Harry, listen, you have to go back to school soon.” He knew the truth in his mother’s words. He knew he had to do it soon.

Slowly he got up from his bed and walked in front of the mirror. He lifted his hoodie up, uncovering the really tiny bump. Would people see it? Would people notice it? Frustrated Harry let down the sweater again. He looked fat. Ugly. Now Logan had another reason to bully him for.

“I’ve heard there’s a new boy in your class”. Harry turned around, furrowing his brows. “What did you say?”

Anne came to Harry and smiled slightly, knowing she just hit the blink. “Yeah, there’s a new guy in your class. I met his mum in the grocery store, she seems really nice. You should try saying hi to him, yeah? His name is Zayn. Zayn Malik.”




Harry had his heart in his throat the moment he stepped inside the warm school bus. The driver, William, greeted him like always, his red beard covering half of his face. That was basically the nicest person Harry met through his day, and just the thought of it made Harry shiver.

He stumbled to the very back of the bus, dumping down by the window. He slid his messenger bag off his shoulder and placed it on the seat to his right. He was sweaty and already panicking. He felt like everyone could see through his grey Abercrombie hoodie and that they secretly laughed behind his back about the bump. When did he think going was a good idea? Wait, he didn’t... Anne did...

The bus drove forward, and Harry thought the ride took longer than usual. He almost got mad because of the heat that ruled inside the bus, and the amount of people that came on the bus for every stop they stopped on didn’t make it better, either.

“Hey, is this seat free?” A quiet voice asked. Harry looked surprised up from his book, furrowing his brows. No one had ever wanted to sit beside Harry on the bus. At least, no normal person. Reynold, who always picked his nose and smeared the buggers out on the seat in front of him and Leannah, who always threw up on the bus, had asked him a few times, but he’d gently turned them down.

This guy looked like he was taken out of a Hollywood film. Tan, olive skin met Harry’s wide eyes, and he soon saw that the boy had big, dark eyes as well. His hair was styled up in a pretty cool quiff. The girls would practically throw themselves at him when they arrived. Harry did know something.

“Uh… Sure you don’t wanna sit with them?” Harry nodded against Ryan, Matt, Nick and several others occupying the double seats in the middle, looking like they owned the place. Logan and his girlfriend, Stephanie, was driving in Logan’s shiny new Toyota, so Ryan had taken the role as the leader for now.

“Nah, I’m cool. They’re not so nice, I thought it would be better to pull back a bit”, the boy answered shyly before his face lit up in a beautiful smile. “I’m Zayn, by the way, and you are..?”

“His name is Gay-Douche!” Nick shouted, causing half of the bus to laugh. Harry blushed quickly and hid his face further down in his hoodie.

Zayn turned slowly towards the gang and shot them a gaze. If only looks could kill, wasn’t that a saying? Well, Zayn would probably fit perfectly to it.

“I didn’t ask you.”

Harry had moved his bag while the other students were laughing at him, and now Zayn dumped down on the empty seat. “I can’t believe those douchebags!” He groaned, his accent sounding strangely calming in Harry’s ears.

“Well, welcome to Cheshire”, Harry mumbled.




Did you unicorns like it? (^.^) The feels Narry give me is just…. Aaaaah. I ship them so much, lol.

Which gender do you think the baby is? And what do you think Harry chooses to do? *smirk*

I’m pretty cruel, I know, but yah.

Can we get this story 100+ comments?? Comment your nasty little Narry-butts off now :P

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