Chapter 7

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Harry woke up as he expected, sweat running down his back and forehead. He'd almost forgot how the nightmares felt; he couldn't exactly say he'd missed them. He missed something - actually someone - else, a certain Irish boy named Niall Horan. Harry got quickly out of his bed while his body shaked slightly. He moved towards his closet where he found a shirt he wore a few days ago and a pair of black jeans he slowly pulled on. He had to get out. He felt like he was unable to breathe properly, like something was blocking his throat.

And... Harry only managed to whisper, "fuck" before he had to run. He banged his bathroom door open and threw himself down on his knees in front of the painfully white toilet. Harry purged out everything he'd eaten yesterday. A few tears escaped his eyes and sweat had begun to stick his curls to his sweaty forehead. What was this? Harry usually never threw up. Maybe when he was about eight years old and a kid, but not now, when he was seventeen. Something clearly was wrong.

Harry got a short break where he gasped for air before he had to lean forward again. The awful taste of puke was stuck in his mouth and he held one hand around his aching stomach. It felt like someone ripped him apart from the inside, something that only made that desperate feeling of getting out ten times worse. Harry wanted fresh air quickly.

When he was sure he was done, Harry rinsed his mouth with some cold water before he got up on his feet. He felt like Bambi on the ice while he made his way out from the bathroom. The loss of something in his stomach made his head pretty dizzy. Yet, he grabbed his hoodie and pulled it over his t-shirt before he sneaked out from his room.

Harry ran. His legs hit the asphalt slowly, softly. There was nothing else than the moon and a few lights at the street that lighted up his path. He felt free. The nausea had thankfully eased a bit because of the fresh air outside, but it wasn't gone yet. Harry wondered about what that was all about. Hopefully the pain would escape with some painkillers and some more water.

He was going to follow his usual path down the street, to the right, across the park and then back home. But of course, faith wanted Harry to meet someone he absolutely didn't expect meeting at that time of the day, and he certainly did not want to. Harry didn't see the tall figure until he was five meters away and froze in his very position.

The boy stood leant against a pole, a cigarette stuck in his awful mouth. It was pretty clear he didn't know about Harry's presence either, he looked straightforward into the air; it looked like he was thinking about something that was far away. His dark, messy hair had fallen into his golden eyes. He usually used to have it perfectly styled in a quiff, but now he didn't even bother swipe it away.

Harry gulped lightly and tried to back away before Logan had noticed him, but he managed (as the fool he was) to step on a branch before he was safely out of sight, and Logan's head snapped in his direction.

At first, the boy didn't recognize Harry, a flash of confusion flashed over his face before he finally understood who was standing in front of him.

"You?!" Logan snapped and stepped two steps forward, clearly drunk. "What... the fuck are... you doing here?" His voice sounded harsh, but he struggled to get the words our properly. Harry swallowed several times and backed away as Logan again stepped closer.

"Uh, I'm just...", Harry begun. His mind raced on its fastest.

What was he going to tell Logan? The older boy wouldn't hesitate to punch him right in his face if Harry didn't gave him the answer he wanted, and Harry did not want to come home to his mum with a black eye.

"I'm only walking home from a friend", he lied quickly, hoping Logan would believe him. "You don't have any...h... friends", Logan hiccupped, denying Harry's lie immediately.

Well, that was a perfect thing to lie about. Great job, Harry..

Harry suddenly felt a large hand grab around his throat, yanking his thin body closer to his terrifying enemy. Harry felt the nausea deep down in his stomach, threatening to let all everything the young lad had left in there out on Logan.

"L-Let me go", Harry stammered. He usually never talked like that, not even with Logan near him, but now he was too close. He could feel the other boy's stinky breath tickle his nostrils. It stinked of alcohol, something that always had made Harry feel sick. He hated the smell of beer and wine; his parents usually respected him and were careful with their drinking.

Logan pulled Harry even closer and snared shortly. "Oh no, I don't think so, buttercup. You and I have some business we should finish before I let you go any other places." Then Harry felt a big fist hit his stomach, and everything Harry owned of air in his lungs were forcefully sucked out of him.

The last thing he thought of was Niall's safe arms holding around him.

OMG thank you so much for almost 900 readers!! Can we make it to 25 comments guys? C'mon and comment x I'll choose one of the people who do and dedicate the chapter to that person x

(Joshua Brand is playing Logan, picture on the side)

Also, I've started writing this new story called Once In A Lifetime with my best friend Lauren (@ziamsnuggets), make sure you read it and follow her x It's inspired a bit by One Direction's new song with the same title! Thank you so much guys!!

I'm really thankful for every vote, comment and for every people who reads it x Continue with your fabolouisness!

Well, and I updated a bit early bc you guys are being so nice to me x and I kinda couldn't wait xD

Are you on team#NarryRomance or #NarryBromance in this story? Remember, anything can happen!!

Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I'm gonna edit the story when I'm done x

Also sorry for the long authors note xD

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