Chapter 9

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Harry just stared at the stick. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from it, the two stripes that clearly showed that someone was pregnant. But… was Harry that person? He quickly shook his head and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. Of course it wasn’t him. He had never heard about a male who could get pregnant. This had to be a joke.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me, right? Like, I’m a guy. Guys don’t get pregnant. That’s the women’s job”, Harry snorted glaring at Dr. Martins as if he thought the older man was insane or something. Dr. Martins only smiled brighter. “Harry, this is real. When you lifted your shirt, I couldn’t ignore the fact that you had slight curve on your stomach. Since you have a slim figure, I could easily spot it. The symptoms you told me only confirmed my suspicions.”

Gemma gulped slightly and stared at Dr. Martins. “Is this… even possible?” she asked him, her mind working hard to digest the fact that their doctor held up a pregnancy test and told the Styles siblings that Harry was pregnant. The doctor sighed and scratched his neck.

“Yeah, it’s possible... A male can, under special circumstances, get a fully-grown female reproductive system in his body”, Dr. Martins explained, walking a few steps around in the room, “and you’re one of them. It’s extremely rare and special; it’s not many of them in the world.”

The curly haired lad held up a hand and frowned. “Wait – you’re saying I have a woman’s body parts inside me? That’s insane!” He couldn’t get it. How could he get pregnant? Why did it have to happen to him? “What do you mean by ‘special circumstances’?”

Dr. Martins sighed. “If a woman is pregnant, in this case, Anne, and something happens to her, the thing can affect the child she’s carrying, you, Harry. For example a heart attack, cancer and such serious illnesses.” Gemma gasped. What even..?

“If the child was growing into a boy, its inner system would be turned a bit on its head and change things a bit”, the doctor finished, leaving both Gemma and Harry in shock. Were Harry pregnant for real? Could this actually happen?

Harry closed his eyes and frowned. This couldn’t happen. It just couldn’t. If he were pregnant, what would his mum say? Worse, what would Logan say? Or do? The child would grow inside him. He would walk around with a freaking bump. People would only laugh more, and he didn’t know if he could handle that.

“Harry, I know it’s awkward and such, but I really have to ask, you had sex with a boy, right? Do you know who he is?” Dr. Martins said, breaking through Harry’s storming mind.

Wait… oh.

Oh holy crap.

Niall. Niall fucking Horan had knocked Harry up.

“Harry?” Gemma asked kindly, drawing small circles on her brother’s thin back. “Uh, you know who the father is, right?” Harry met Gemma’s worried eyes and sighed before he pushed out the words he thought he never would say. “Yeah. I know who it is. I had sex with Niall.” He heard his sister gasp behind him, the doctor only eyeing them curiously.

Harry couldn’t quite get it. Yes, he slept with Niall. They didn’t use a condom because Harry didn’t know the fact that he had fucking disgusting women’s parts inside his body. If he only had known, of course he’d insisted on them using protection. Now he was doomed, sitting inside a doctor’s room with a foetus inside his stomach.

“Oh my god”, Gemma breathed, her mouth hanging slightly open. Her brother had slept with Niall. The Irish lad they’d spent the summer with.

 Dr. Martins sighed and started to search through his drawers. “Well, Harry, anyways, you have to inform your parents and of course the baby’s father about the pregnancy. Then you all have to make a decision, mainly yours, Harry. You have to decide whether to keep the baby, take an abortion or give it up for adoption.

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