Chapter 20

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Harry woke up that Friday having to throw up. Again. Dr. Martins had told them that twin pregnancies often caused you worse morning nauseas and that the morning nauseas lasted a few weeks more. At that, Harry had been pissed. He hated throwing up everything he ate for breakfast, often his lunch too.

It hadn't really got to his mind that Harry actually had two fetuses in his stomach, not just one. He just couldn't process it. It explained why Harry's stomach looked bigger though, and Harry was of course happy there wasn't anything seriously wrong. He just felt completely lost now that he had to take care of two babies in the future. He just hoped Niall would be there to help him.

"Harry, baby? I think you're going to stay home today, yeah? You could use some rest", Anne said when her son came down to eat breakfast. Of course Harry didn't disagree on that one, so he went up the stairs and happily back to bed.

When time got closer to dinner time, Anne peeked inside her sons room to find him sound asleep. "Harry? Sweetie?" she whispered softly while sitting down on the bed. "You have to wake up now."

Harry fluttered with his eyes before he opened them fully and looked at his mom. "Hm? Dinner?" Anne smiled and rubbed her sons back.

"Yeah.. Maura wanted us to come to Paulo's to eat some Italian food. Are you feeling well enough to go?"

His moms word made the curly haired lad furrow his brows. "Maura? But.. I thought they left?"

"No.. They just went to get some things from Ireland. They came back a few hours ago."

Why has they returned? Maura didn't like Harry, that was clear enough... Maybe Niall had convinced her? Maybe he wanted to see Harry?

"Oh", he mumbled and sat up, rubbing his green eyes tiredly. He honestly felt like shit, but he really wanted to see Niall. And of course, they had to tell both Niall and his mom about the extra peanut in Harry's belly. Maybe, just maybe, he could manage to keep down some pizza or pasta?

"Yeah. I'm fine to go", he nodded, earning a smile from Anne. Her eyes looked fondly at her son, then down to his bump. "That's great! Just change and we'll drive in ten minutes, yeah?"

The twins was going to get the best grandma in the world. Harry knew Anne would spoil them and help him if he needed help. He didn't know about Maura. To be honest, he didn't care.

Harry searched his locker and, to his surprise, found a pair of pregnant jeans, with high stretch waist. Anne or Gemma must have bought them for him so he could wear as normal pants as possible. He felt really relieved.

He then pulled a white button up shirt on and finished with his casual blazer. Now he looked good enough, didn't he?


Harry felt his heart beat in an insane speed the whole ride to the little Italian restaurant in town. He felt relieved Gemma came home in time to go with them. She understood that her brother needed support, and thankfully she'd handled the news about the twins well.

"So, here we are!" Anne smiled while she parked the car. She then sighed and turned to Harry. "I know it's uncomfortable with Maura and all that, but this is mainly to tell them the news and for you to see Niall, okay?"

Harry just nodded silently and got out of the car at the same time as Gemma, his sister placing an arm over his shoulders and followed him inside. They quickly spotted the blonde Irish people at a big table in a stall by one of the windows.

Anne waved and Maura did the same. When she spotted Harry, she put her nose in she sky and turned back around. Niall shot his mom a glare but smiled to Harry himself.

They sat down, Harry in a corner closest to the window beside Niall. Anne and Maura say opposite of them and Gemma by the short end of the table.

"So how did the appointment go?" Niall asked Harry, their parents and Gemma had started talking already.

"I-It went fine", Harry stuttered and blushed. "The baby is okay." The news seemed to please Niall and his beautiful face lightened up, his eyes filled with joy.

"Did you get a picture?"

Harry didn't get to answer, because just then their waiter arrived with five menus. He looked very kind, with big brown eyes and a wide smile. He seemed to be around Anne's age. "Good evening!" he greeted with a thick Italian accent. "I'll be with you shortly to get your orders!"

Everyone dug into their menus and started to search for a dish that looked appetizing. Niall looked at Harry and lifted a brow, the same smile still on his lips. "You found anything?"

Harry nodded and pointed at number four in the pasta menu, tortellinis with meat filling in a tomatoes sauce, sliced bread and some salad belonging to it.

Niall closed his menu and leaned back in the chair. "Great! Then I'll have the same!" He then straightened out his shirt. "But yeah, did you get a picture?"

Harry cleared his throat and got eye contact with his mom that chatted with Maura. 'The picture' he mouthed and Anne quickly fished it up from her wallet. She handed it to Harry, the good luck wish written in her kind eyes.

"So, uh...", Harry spoke, earning everyone's eyes on him. "H-Here's a picture of peanut."

"Peanut? Who the hell nicknames their unborn kid 'peanut'?" Maura sighed, clearly annoyed with the choice. "You should figure out the gender and call it he or she!"

"Mom, let it be", Niall muttered, putting a protective hand on Harry's back. "I like it. Peanut is fine." That shut the older lady up so Harry could continue talking.

He swallowed and placed the picture on the table. "It's twins." First, none of them spoke. Maura and Niall just started blankly at the black and white picture.

Then Maura sighed and rubbed her hands in her face. "That just adds it!" Niall still hadn't said a word, he just took the pictures in his hands and stated at the two fetuses. He looked unsure of what to say.

Anne smiled forcefully before she sighed. "Maura.. Maybe we should tell the boys first." Harry froze and couldn't do anything else than stare at his mom, as well as Gemma and Niall did.

"Maura and I.. Have decided that you and Niall are going to get a flat together. Be responsible over the babies together."

So there ya go, a double update ;3 I loved reading ur reactions to the twin news xD

*angel Iben*

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