Chapter 22

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Harry woke up later that night drained in sweat and breathing heavily. He managed to get the clock in view and saw the numbers 3.45 am blink towards him. The covers was tangled with his legs and he fought long to get them free before he stumbled over the floor and sat the course straight for the bathroom.

"Harry? Why on earth are you up now?" A sleepy Niall commented from where he stood in the bathroom door. When he saw Harry curled up on the carpet, the tight and sour smell of puke lingering in the room, he understood and dropped to his knees.

"Harry? Talk to me. Are you feeling nauseous?" He gently gripped the curly haired boys arm and frowned. "You're burning up!" He moved his hand up on Harry's forehead, something that just approved his thoughts. Definitely a fever. In Harry's case, being pregnant with fever, this wasn't good.

Niall wet a cloth with cold water and placed it on Harry's boiling forehead. "Wait here", he mumbled and got up. "Dr. Martins's number is stuck to the fridge, right?" He earned a nod from Harry before he disappeared into their kitchen.

The white note with the doctor's number scribbled down on it were stuck to the fridge with a magnet under the picture of the twins. Niall smiled when he saw the tiny dots that was supposed to be him and Harry's babies, but he quickly shook it off. He had to focus on Harry.

He grabbed their home phone and pushed the number before he placed the phone to his ear. Dr. Martins had told him in person that since Harry was a male and pregnant with twins, the risks of something happening were higher than usual pregnancies. He had told the blonde to call him if anything seemed to be wrong apart from the nausea.

"Arthur Martins", a sleepy voice answered on the other end, making Niall breathe out a 'thank god' before he cleared his throat and explained who he was.

"Niall? Something wrong?" The doctor understood the seriousness of this immediately, and Niall suddenly felt smart for calling him and not one of their moms, who would freak out and not help at all.

"Yeah, Harry's burning hot. He woke me up by bursting into the bathroom and I went to follow him because of the weird timing, and I found him curled up on the floor... I'm almost 99% he has a fever", Niall rambled, telling the doctor every detail he could remember. He wanted to help Harry as quickly as possible.

"Okay, Niall, I'm coming. I usually don't do home visits, but in Harry's case I can make an exception. Just make him drink some water, the best would be a whole cup", the doctor said after a long pause. "I'm on my way."

After the conversation Niall placed the phone back and filled a cup with ice cold water from the sink. He went back to the bathroom where he knelt in front of Harry. The younger boy seemed to be half asleep, his eyes closed and the lack of movements. Though he did shake slightly and the back of his t-shirt was wet with sweat.

"Harry, love, wake up", Niall said softly, shaking Harry's shoulder. "You need to drink some water. Doctor told me. He's on his way, okay?" With a struggle, Niall managed to get Harry to sit in his arms, his head resting on the blonde's chest.

"It's hot in here", Harry mumbling before he shivered. "And cold." Niall nodded and brought the cup to Harry's lips. "I know, love, I know."

The curly haired boy sipped to the cold drink. When he had gotten half of it down, he frowned and pulled away. "'S enough, Ni, please."

The Irish boy sighed before he put the cup down on the ground a little away from them. "Okay." He then held Harry close until he heard the doorbell.

Niall then gently placed Harry down on the floor again and quickly went to their front door to open for the doctor. He was met by a smile and a quick 'Hello' before the older man stepped past Niall and placed his coat over the back of their couch. "Now, where is he?" Dr. Martins asked.

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