Some babbling

13K 319 11

Firstly; HOLY FUDGE!! We've reached 100K!!! When I started this story I never imagined it coming this far :') Thank you so much for all of you amazing readers who comments and reads my story <3 I love every one of you!

Second; I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while!! School is taking over my life and soon we have four mini exams (Norway is bollox I know) and I have to concentrate on those... I also have a couple of presentations and a few booklets to make... FML

As if that wasn't enough, my computer chose to die, and no matter what I do, it remains black. So....

I'll be getting a Mac!! I had my confirmation (not Christian, in Norway you have two options), and I got some money, and with some help from my dad, I'll be getting a Mac when they get more in the shop!! :D I promise you I'll update straight away when I get it!!

Also; I wanted to announce, that Ashantie_Styles is translating Baby Styles into Slovak!!! I'm so excited for it :D if you want to translate it into another language, please contact me via wattpad messages.

Last (I'm so sorry for my completely boring life story xD); I wanted to have a small competition. I want you to try to make a trailer to Baby Styles. No rules for how it's gonna look, as long as it looks like a trailer and that it's in sync with the story. DM me and say you're in, and I'll add you to my list! You can make it onto the list until Thursday, where I'm gonna not gonna add any more contesters. I'll give all of the people on my list five days to make the trailer. When the trailer is done, I'll post a link to every one of them and you guys can vote for the ones you liked the best! I'll pick three prizes for the three best trailers. Maybe such things as a follow, a shout out or that I'll read your story. If there's any questions, please comment or DM me ;)

Good luck!!!

- Iben -

Baby Styles (Narry mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now