Chapter 5

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AN: I can't believe how nice you guys are! I love comments, just write your fingers off! (Not for real, bc I want you to be able to live.. Lol) And I don't bite, so ask me if you're wondering about anything x TYSM for support, keep reading!

And please do comment, it was 0 comments on the last chapter :(

I've dedicated this chapter to Zmelec, bc she's fabulous and a huge inspiration to me <3 Everyone, go and read her stories!! xx


Harry's heart ran so fast he was almost sure it would break through his chest. His legs moved as fast as they could with Logan Jefferson and the rest of the gang after him. They started their 'fun' by throwing paper balls in Harry's neck while the bus drove slowly down the road. Then, when Harry reached his stop, they followed him off the bus and started chasing him. Why they did it, Harry didn't know. Every day at school he backed away from them. They was left alone like they liked to be by the freaks, yet they treated Harry like a woodo doll. Harry didn't do anything to them.

"Do it, Styles, go to your mum! Cry your little faggy ass off!" Logan shouted. His teasing laugher followed, the other guys in his gang echoing it. Harry didn't cry. Harry didn't turn around or shout back. All he did was run. He ran until he reached his front door and barged inside. He managed, even with trembling hands, to close it and lock it. He knew that Logan and his guys would not hesitate to go inside after him if the door wasn't locked. As if they could read Harry's thoughts, the door knob shaked violently a couple of times before Harry could hear the harsh voices fade away. To make sure everyone was gone, he peeked through the curtains. He could se Logan's tall figure move away from the house, his friends right behind him.

Harry sank down in the hallway and pulled his knees up to his chest. His heart raced like it was running a marathon. His breath was loud and rough. He felt horrible.

How did Logan know about him being gay? Harry was really careful with keeping it a secret. No one, exept for his mum and sister, knew that he preferred guys instead of girls. He really couldn't understamd how it got out. It wasn't like it was obvious. Harry didn't drool after the other guys in his class, not even in P.E.

Quickly he got to his feet again and ran into the kitchen. Anger, hurt and sadness had taken over his troubled mind and made him take a spoon out from the kitchen drawers and pour a glass of extremely hot water. Without hesitation he brought his supplies and locked himself into the bathroom that was connected to his own bedroom.

Harry took of his shirt and pants so that he only stood in his white boxers. He met his own terrified gaze in the mirror and frowned. He wasn't ugly... was he? Did Logan say the truth when he said he couldn't bear looking at Harry? Was Harry really a scum? He shook his head and broke the connectuon in the mirror. He wasn't happy. Why couldn't he just be happy? Why couldn't the other guys let him be alone?

With shaking hands Harry took the spoon and dipped it into the almost boiling water. His breath hitched again. One side of him told him to fucking drop the spoon and run away, the other one just wanted to feel the pain so the other feelings got pushed away for even some seconds. That was good enough for him. He just wanted a short break from them.

Harry forcefully pressed the hot spoon against his hip, screaming out in pain. It hurted so bad. A red mark was left there when he again dipped the spoon and repeated the process a lot of times, changing to the other hip when the one he was hurting looked like it was gonna burn away. It was a perfect place to hurt himself. His mum wouldn't look there, nobody would notice since it was under the hem of his pants and over the start of his thigh, so he could safely wear shorts. It was safe and hurting at the same time, just perfect for him. Harry didn't have anyone. He only had himself.

(normal time)
"Harry, what the actual fuck is this?!" Niall's voice shouted, his blue eyes wide and filled with shock. Harry didn't answer him though, he only looked every other direction than on the boy in front of him. He didn't want to see Niall's face, he didn't want to hear the words he knew came. Why did this have to happen? Why now?

"Did you do this to yourself?" Harry shut his eyes tightly. Yes, Niall, I fucking hurt myself because of a certain guy named Logan. "No..", he mumbled and finally managed to get his arms loose. Niall slid of him hesitantly. Harry turned away and swallowed. The two boys sat a long moment in silence, though Harry could hear Niall's breath run. Why did Niall even care? They met yesterday. Yes, they slept together, but thet didn't mean they suddenly were best friends like their mums wanted them to, it didn't mean that at all.

Then Niall gently touched Harry's wrist. "Harry, just answer... Did you do this to yourself?" The Irish voice sounded more soft now, something that made Harry's tensed shoulders ease a bit. "Yes." The words wasn't easy to say, and Harry had to really force them out.

Strong arms wrapped around Harry's body and he found himself being pulled against Niall's muscular chest. Somehow it felt good, relaxing, and that was all Harry needed to let his tears come. They floated freely down his red cheeks and onto Niall's singlet, but it didn't seem like either one of the boys did or wanted to care.

"Harry?" Niall mumbled, breaking the silcence after something that felt like an eternity. Harry himself sighed and changed a bit on his position, still with Niall's hands wrapped aroung him. "Yeah?" "Promise me you'll never do that again. Never."

Harry had never once in his life felt an urge to tell someone "yes" straight away like he did now. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it. If he promised Niall that he wouldn't hurt himself anymore, what would happen if the sadness again took controll and he broke the promise? Harry would be so mad at himself for not doing what he'd promised. He would just turn even more confused.

Harry pulled away and sighed before he finally met the ocean blue eyes to the boy he'd learnt to trust so fast. "Niall I can't." The Irish boy opened his mouth, then closed it again. The process repeated itself a couple of times, something that made him look like a goldfish. "Niall, it's not that easy to stop! You can't be there when I'm home. You'll be in Ireland, helluva many miles away." The words seemed to hurt Niall, somehow, and Harry couldn't understand why it mattered.

"Harry, let me try to help you, yeah? We still have the summer. Please. Just let me help you."

AN (again, ahaha):
Oh I felt this chapter sucked, but oh well, I promise you guts a better one next time!! You see, mum stole my computer bc she hated I spent so much time on it, ahaha >.< I didn't have enough time to finish it until I was gonna update, and now I'm a week late... I'm so sorry guys!! I promise I'll work harder x

And guess what, I'm GOING TO A ONE DIRECTION CONCERT!! Oh my freaking Tomlinson. I can't really understand it yet xD

Well, wnough of my babbling, sorry again!!

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