Chapter 33

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"So, I've been seeing someone for quite a while now", Zayn said with a smug smile on his lips as he and Harry walked down the hallway to get to math class. Everyone told the curly haired lad to stay away from school until the twins were born, but he wouldn't bend. No matter what people were saying, he was going to get a proper education and a job to take care of his family. He felt extra tired and nauseous that day, but it didn't stop him.

Harry widened his green eyes and smiled weakly. "Are you serious? That's great!" A light shade of pink crawled over Zayn's cheeks. "Yeah?" Harry nodded in agreement. "Definitely. So... Who's the lucky one?"

Harry always remembered to be careful; since he hated when people asked him about his 'girlfriend'. That just meant him explaining he didn't like girls and all that babble. It was never a pleasant conversation.

"His name is... Marcel." Harry stopped dead in his tracks and almost chocked on his spit. "What in gods name did you say?" Zayn stopped a few steps ahead and looked back at his mate. He scratched his head and grinned sheepishly. "I'm dating a guy named Marcel." Harry rubbed his bump; a habit of his that had become usual when he felt stressed these days, now he did it because of the small pain that hovered in the lower part.

"Tell me it's not that Marcel...?" Harry said. Zayn raised his brow. "Harry, you're confusing me here. What's wrong?" Harry took a deep breath. "Is his last name Styles? Are you dating a guy named Marcel Styles?" Zayn nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"That's my last name you idiot! Marcel is my cousin!" Harry groaned and hid his face in his hands. "Oh my god is this really happening? Tell me you're joking." Zayn's cheeks, which now had gotten the color of Gemma's red lipstick, were answer enough for Harry.

Zayn gulped. "I'm... uh, sorry! I can't help it! We're in love! I didn't know he was your cousin, honestly! I thought Styles was an usual name." Harry snorted as he cached up with Zayn and they continued walking. "Yes, but have you noticed he could just as well be my twin brother? We have the same hair color, but his is just shorter. We have the same eyes because of our mother's. We're the same height. Are you seriously blind? It would almost be the same as dating me."

Zayn wrinkled his nose. "I would never date you. Sorry, but you're my friend. Besides, you're already dating Niall!" The curly haired lad just shook his head. "Remind me to call my idiot of a cousin later, will you?"

After sweating and suffering through a hard math test, Harry got first out in the hallway, desperate for anything chocolaty. The twins were moving as fast as they could with the little space they shared and also danced Irish folk dance on his bladder. They took after their second father, someone Harry was going to punish for the sake of his abused bladder.

He screamed in victory as he found a chocolate machine and digged a few coins up from his pocked. He was just pushing the button for the Twix, but he felt someone behind him. "Styles", the cool voice said. He swallowed and turned slowly around. Logan stood with his arms crossed and his eyes small. "We need to talk".

"Now isn't a good time; I was just-", Harry started, but Logan dragged him after him, leaving the Twix in the machine. The taller guy had all strength, since Harry was currently weaker. To be honest, Logan had always had the power.

Logan pushed him into the janitor's closet and closed the door. Harry felt like a mouse trapped in a cat's claws when he heard the sound of the lock being turned. "How are the babies, Styles?" Logan asked with a lick around his lips. Harry looked down as he muttered out a, "fine." Logan didn't have anything to do with his babies.

"How far are you along?" When Harry didn't answer, Logan gripped his arm tight. The other boy's nails dug into it and made blood appear. "Answer me!" Harry winced. "S-Six months and a few weeks, twenty six weeks." Logan smirked. "Wow, you're so lucky!" He stepped closer just as Harry felt his stomach sting with pain. This wasn't a usual pain, no, something was wrong. He gasped as his back arched. Logan stared at him with wide eyes.

"Styles? What are you doing? This isn't funny!" Harry stared at the other male in horror when he understood what was about to happen. No, this couldn't happen now! Tears appeared in his eyes as he gasped, "please, get Zayn, Louis or Liam. Whoever you can find. Hurry!" Miraculously, Logan did as he was told and unlocked the door. He banged it open and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Harry felt like he was about to loose his breath. He sank to the floor inside the closet and clutched his aching stomach. "No, please, babies, you must stay in there longer!" he sobbed. To make everything even worse, Harry felt his sweatpants getting soaked. His head spun and his heart felt like it was up in his throat.

"Please, I love you so much, stay in there!" He had, against his mom's will, read thousands of horror stories online about too early born twins. He knew they could survive from week twenty-five and over, but the chance was little. When one of them also had a disease it could be a lot worse. They could both be caught up with medical issues for the rest of their lives.

Right before the dark cached up with him, Harry saw a pair of piercing blue eyes in front of him. Niall. Where was he? He needed him, he couldn't give birth to the twins without him. What if he lost them? Harry could never bear that sorrow alone.


I know this chapter was short; sorry my lovey tulips!! It's just necessary for the next ones to come, they're gonna be so sad to write and I'm already dreading it >.<

Thoughts on #Zarcel? Thoughts on Logan wanting to talk? Thoughts on what's happening with the babies?

Keep up the lovely commenting and voting, but maybe we can get the commenting up? Tell me which country you're from!

Also, I'm gonna work a bit on a new story before the sequel comes up, so go vote for the teaser! It's called "Spaces" and it's a Larry fic x

Iben, xoxo

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