Chapter 25

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Harry hated the nausea. He hated it so much, and it just wouldn't disappear. Dr. Martins said that since he had twins, the nausea lasted a few weeks longer than normal. He did take tablets for it, but it didn't last longer than for him almost keeping his lunch down, then mostly running towards the loo. Thankfully he had Zayn and Niall by his side, because the rumours had started to spread. Harry just knew it was because of Logan, because how he'd pulled up Harry's hoodie that time in the loo and spotted the growing bump. People had started to stare - their curious gazes always travelling down towards his stomach. Thankfully he still had a few weeks left before the bump became visible through the enormous hoodies he always wore. Niall knew how much Harry hated it - and always made sure to send killing glares after the ones who stared.

"Harry, please eat that", the blonde murmured, caressing Harry's pale hand, nodding towards the untouched sandwich on the tray in front of them. Niall had already eaten his own, as well as emptied a bottle of sparkling water, but Harry hadn't touched anything.

"You know the babies need it?" He tried again - smiling. Yet, the curly haired lad just shook his head. Niall knew what he was afraid of.

He placed his finger under Harry's chin and tipped it upwards so the boy was forced to meet his gaze. "Listen to me. You need energy, proteins and vitamins so our babies can grow. I know you're afraid to throw it up, but it can't block you from eating properly. Please, just a few bites?"

Harry sighed. He didn't like arguing with Niall - not with anyone, for that matter. Yet... He just hated throwing up. But... Niall did have a point...

With his pale fingers, Harry lifted the sandwich up and carefully unwrapped the paper, careful not to wrinkle it. Why he always did that, he didn't even know himself. He looked at Niall before he sighed and digged his teeth into it.

Tastes exploded in his mouth, and he almost moaned at the taste. He'd actually forgotten how hungry he was - the nausea had totally covered for it. Jesus, why did his messed up hormonal pregnant brain always mess with him?

Niall seemed amused when Harry finally put down his emptied paper with a sigh. "Not hungry, eh?"

"Shut up, you Irish fûcker."




Next thing they had were PE, but since Harry was... uh, in the condition he was in, he had gotten free from that class, and had to attend to this silent library reading thingy instead. He was completely fine with that - since he loved books and reading, and he had no problems with writing tasks to books.

He sat down at his usual spot by a light brown table and placed a book in front of him. He loved that spot, since it was just by the window, so he could look out, but surrounded by shelves so it was nobody around and quiet enough for him to have some well earned peace. Niall wasn't the one having to feel like a basketball twenty-four-seven.

The book he'd chosen was "Romeo and Juliet", classic but really interesting. He would get a huge step forward in front of the other students when they started on the Romeo and Juliet period in a few weeks.

He'd read 157 pages and was too inside the reading bubble to even notice someone'd approached him. Since people rarely sat there, he didn't expect anyone to show up.

"Excuse me?" A clear, soft voice asked, and Harry jumped, like in those comic movies he used to watch. He managed to throw his book up in the air by surprise, and it did a sharp turn and went straight back down and hit Harry's head. He let out an 'ow', but at that moment, his phone buzzed, making him jump even more, half falling out of his chair.

The person who'd arrived came quickly to Harry's rescue, and soon he stared up in the worried face of a guy he'd never seen in his life. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Harry furrowed his brows before he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just too into the book." He chuckled.

The stranger reached out his hand and helped Harry up. "I'm Louis Tomlinson, I'm new here..." He seemed pretty nervous, but he actually treated Harry like he was a human, and that just a few seconds after he'd met him.

Harry smiled a small smile before he picked the book up from the floor and placed it back on the table. "I'm Harry, Harry Styles."

He couldn't help but notice that Louis's eyes travelled down to his bump. He waited on the reaction in fear, and couldn't understand what kind of strange human being this was... because Louis was smiling.

"Congratulations!" What the heck?

Harry rubbed his sore head and mentally cursed. It most definitely was going to turn into a big, blue bruise, and most probably swell up. "Eh, what?"

Louis gestured towards the bump. "Congratulations with the little one!" Was he serious?

"Oh... Thanks..." Harry said puzzled. Didn't Louis find that weird? He sat down at the table, and surprisingly, Louis did the same. Harry couldn't do anything else than stare at the stranger.

Louis chuckled and pulled out a book himself. "You may find my visit weird, but my boyfriend Liam knows your... uh, boyfriend." Oh.


Harry smiled now, a bit more relaxed than he'd been a little while ago. "Oh, sorry! I didn't know."

Louis waved his hands at Harry. "Don't worry, it's completely fine." Then he smiled and looked down at his hand. "And besides, you're not the only pregnant male here."

Harry gasped at this. He wasn't alone?


I'm so sorry for this taking so long!! I've had so many things to do, and of course the teachers just place more and more on our already full plates u.u

This was the best I could do for now - and I promise the next part will be both longer and better.

I'm gonna keep that list open for a while (check my last update if you don't know what I mean), so more people can attend to the trailer contest. Please enter - there's no rules beside it being in sync with the story xD

- Iben

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