Chapter 32

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It was finally January and Harry's six months, 24 weeks, pregnant with the twins. He had started to become really eager to get them out and to meet their children, to hold them in his arms. His belly had become really visible, even through large hoodies. He worried a lot about Maura, even though she had never been very nice to him. Now he knew there was a reason.

It being January of course meant Harry going back to school after his long break. He was a spinning ball of feelings, pregnant downsides and worries. He knew everyone knew about him now, thanks to Logan and his big mouth. He just prayed to god the older guy would stay away from the twins. It went pretty all right since Louis, Liam and Zayn stayed by his side. Louis had found out he expected a daughter and was ranting about names basically the whole time. Harry loved how it distracted his mind.

The nursery at the flat stood almost ready for use. The double crib was up, a closet and some drawers to keep clothes in, a box with stuffed animals and cute curtains made by Harry's mother. A shelf was filled with loads of books to read, many Harry had read as a child himself.

Harry was currently on his way to another appointment at Doctor Martin's. He was alone this time. Both Anne and Gemma had work and this was just a regular checkup, so it was nothing to worry about. Yes there is, one of your babies have got a disease! His inner voice hissed, but Harry pushed it firmly away. He wasn't going to listen to it. He got checkups often so if something got worse they would notice quickly.

He lied down on the bench and had his shirt pulled up. Dr. Martins hadn't arrived yet, but that just gave Harry more time to examine his stomach on his own, to properly look at it and touch it. Under his hand he suddenly felt a kick and giggled softly. "Yes, daddy is here. I'm here, sweetie." The kicking got stronger as if the baby heard him. "Where's your brother or sister, huh? Is he or she asleep?" Harry continued to murmur to his stomach. That exact moment the doctor walked in.

Harry blushed strongly and removed his hands from his bump. "Sorry, doctor." The older man laughed. "Nothing to be sorry about, Harry. Besides, the twins' internal ears are complete so they've just started listening to your heartbeat and your voice. Talking to them is just good. It will give them something to recognize when they're born." Harry smiled. He loved getting to learn about the development and how they grew bigger for each time he got a checkup.

Dr. Martins rolled his chair closer to the bench and started pushing slightly to feel the twins' position. He nodded and wrote something down on the computer. "They're a bit too far down for my liking, something that mean they can come way too early." Harry's heart jumped. He had read horror stories on the interned about too early born babies and he didn't want that to happen to his. He also knew twins usually got born earlier, but that didn't worry him less.

"If they're longer down when I see you next week I think we would have to deliver these babies earlier than I had planned", Dr. Martins said. He smiled at Harry. "I would advice you to stay home, but I know it's impossible. Your mum tells me you're a hard worker. At least try not to stress. At this stage it's easy for you to get short breathed quickly and feel dizzy." Harry nodded and said a quick thank you before the doctor squeezed out the cold gel on the lower part of his bump. Harry yelped but blushed after the amused gaze Dr. Martins sent him.

Dr. Martins let the wand travel across Harry's stomach to get the best picture he could up on the screen. When he was pleased he pointed to show Harry the twins. "There's a head, a nose, look, I think h- uhm, the baby is sucking its thumb!" Harry's eyes welled up with tears and he grinned like an idiot. Dr. Martins moved his finger. "There's the other one's head, it's lying a bit behind the other one. Here's its foot and knee", he explained. Harry just stared in awe. Even though he had many pictures he asked the doctor for more, though not where you could see the parts downstairs. He still wanted the genders to be a surprise.

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