Chapter 35

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"Boy, stillborn."

The words chimed in Niall's head. His son... They had gotten a son. His little heart just didn't beat. He hadn't been caught in life's arms.

"I wanna hold him, let me hold him!" Harry screamed with pain with watery eyes. Niall looked helpless at his boyfriend. A nurse peeked through the curtain. "I'm sorry, Mr. Styles, we have to take him away." Niall stood up so his chair scraped over the floor with a whining sound. "Let my boyfriend hold our son", he snared, "that's the least you can do. He deserves a goodbye."

Niall saw the nurse hesitate before she sighed, defeated. "All right, then." She disappeared for a few seconds. There were a few murmurs before she came back with a really small blue bundle. Inside it Niall spotted a face, a tiny little face with closed eyes, smeared with blood and slime. Their son.

He was too small, Niall noticed. He could easily fit in Niall's hand or in the fruit bowl at their apartment. The towel around him seemed too big for his little body. The nurse lied him slowly down on Harry's chest. Harry sobbed silently as she unwrapped the baby from the blanket so they lied skin to skin. Niall saw their son's tiny hands lying there lifeless.

"He needs a name, he deserves that", Harry cried. Niall nodded. "Whatever you want, love. You decide." The curly haired lad shook his head. "No. Together." They sat there for a while, Harry in the bed with their baby on his chest and Niall in the chair, stroking their baby's back.

"Jason", Harry whispered. "He looks like a Jason, don't you think?" Of course Harry was right, the little pale face on his father's chest looked completely like a Jason. "Jace for short", Niall suggested and Harry nodded.

"Seth as a middle name?" Harry whispered after a pause. "I like that. Jason Seth Styles Horan." Niall smiled through the tears. It was a long name but it fit him perfectly.

Minutes passed, ticking into hours. Harry whispered sweet nothings to their son and didn't stop stroking his little back while the doctor sewed his wound shut. Niall just watched in sorrow.

"Niall?" Harry asked after a while. "Yeah", Niall answered with a hollow voice. He felt so empty, so broken. "What's happening with him?" The blonde bit his lip." They're gonna take him away and we're gonna arrange a funeral." The curly haired lad shook his head.

"No, look." Niall looked down at the baby. At first it looked like before, the baby like a statue, not moving, with his eyes closed on Harry's naked chest. Then the blonde saw something that made him rub his eyes in disbelief.

The baby breathed. He took small, raspy breaths. They were barely noticeable, but it was truly breaths. "Someone, please hurry!" Niall shouted. "He's breathing!" The doctor who had obviously done the operation removed the curtain and looked at the baby, then up at his parents in shock. "What did you say?"

A bandage covered Harry's stitches and he didn't feel a thing, probably because the drugs still worked their wonders on him.

Niall pointed on the baby. "Our son is breathing. Breathing." The doctor bent down to examine the baby and shook her head after she was done. "I'm sorry, Mr. Horan. That's just death cramps. I'm terribly sorry you had to experience this."

Niall frowned and were about to shout a whole bad word vocabulary after the doctor when she left, but Harry cleared his throat. He saw the curly haired boy truly fought with his tears. "Don't bother, Niall. It's nothing we can do."

Harry kissed Jace's forehead carefully, then both his closed eyelids. "Rest, little buddy. Daddy loves you, so does Papa." He looked up at Niall with a weak smile. "We're so proud of you, Jace", Niall spoke softly, now it was his turn to kiss their son goodbye.

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