Chapter 31

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Harry had gone back to the flat after school to get a few things when he found the letter on the doorstep. The envelope was as white as snow with Harry's name and address stamped on the front. How long it had lied there was uncertain, but it stopped Harry's heart for a few seconds. Nobody ever sent him letters. It had to be something wrong, something too important to text or email. Harry picked up the letter and locked himself into the flat, dropping his keys and his jacket onto the counter beside the door. He looked over the living room and the open kitchen and sighed. He missed Niall. Heck, he missed living here with Niall. He then remembered the letter and ripped it carefully open. His breath hitched when he recognized the all too familiar handwriting.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a shitty boyfriend and for lying to you.

Being away from you and the little ones kills me, but there's a reason.

There's also a reason why I haven't texted or answered any of your calls.

You know that, don't you? That I love you so much I have never loved

anyone before? I love you so much that I think my heart is gonna explode.

My mom didn't want me to write you this. She took my phone away, you see.

That's why I had no chance of calling or texting you. All I could do was listen

to it buzz off in the drawer in the hallway. It broke my heart for each ring.

I know how it looks like, and it looks bad. Wait, not bad. TERRIBLE. You,

who's carrying our babies, does not deserve this on you right now.

It's my mom. I.... This is so hard for me to write... You see, my mom is ill.

Not the usual kind of ill, she's got cancer in her lungs. It's completely taking

over her body and the doctors don't know for certain how long she've got left.

She doesn't hate you, Harry, god no. She just wants me and Greg close the last

days. Not even Denise is allowed near here, and she's Theo's mum. Theo cries

a lot because he misses her, because only me, Greg and him are allowed to stay.

I really want you to be with me right now. I miss you so badly, I miss my babies.

At the same time I get why mum just wants her children and grandchildren close

for the last days.

I'll call you when it's over, I promise.

Love, your Niall.

Harry just stared at the letter. He just stared. He stared until tears begun to build up behind his eyes and then ran down his cheeks like huge waterfalls. Maura didn't hate him...? She was ill? And Niall... was just being a good son and not ignoring him on purpose? A wave of relief and sorrow washed over the curly haired boy as he sank down onto the couch. His babies were going to live without one of their grandmas. Niall was going to loose his mum. The thought of loosing Anne made Harry's stomach clench. Niall was probably terrified.

"Oh my god I'm sorry", he whispered as tears ran down his cheeks. He felt so mad at himself for doubting Niall at all. Of course his boyfriend just wouldn't leave him without a valid reason!

Someone coming through the door made his head jolt up and his eyes widen. Only seconds later he felt strong arms wrap around him. "Gemma?" Harry croaked. "How d'you know I was here?" He knew his question sounded stupid, because this was his sister, and she knew him better than he knew himself. His sister just gently stroked his back. "Harry, love, don't cry." That just made Harry cry harder.

"N-Ni's mom is ill, G-Gem. She's going to die!" Harry wailed. "I-I didn't even know! How could I have been so stupid?" Gemma pulled away and looked firmly into his eyes. "Harry, cut the blame game!" Her thumb brushed a couple of tears away from under his eyes. "This is not your fault, okay?" All Harry could do was hide his face in Gemma's neck. The two siblings held each other close for what seemed like an eternity before Gemma pulled away and half smiled. "I'll make some tea, yeah?"

Harry followed Gemma and watched as she put the kettle on the stove and prepared the teapot. Her slim hands moved quickly like she did this every day. She probably did, though she preferred coffee in front of tea.

Gemma took Harry's mango tea out of the cupboard and filled the metal tea egg with it. "Harry, I know you're blaming yourself for even doubting Niall. I would be exactly the same if I were in your shoes! Of course it's totally normal to be unsure and scared if your boyfriend didn't come back when he said he was going to." She sent her brother a warm smile. "Now you know the truth, and it's not your fault at all! Do you believe you're the reason why Maura got sick? Absolutely not!" Gemma grabbed two teacups out of the cupboard that held cups. "Did you have anything with Niall being held back? No way!"

Harry sniffled and looked at the folded letter in his hands. "He... did write and say Maura had taken his phone." Gemma's eyes lid up. "See? You're totally innocent in this matter, Harry. This is all between them. Don't even bother blaming yourself when there's no need to. "

Harry smiled between his tears and dried them off with his sweater. "I love you Gems." Gemma laughed loudly as she poured the tea in the cups, adding four brown sugar cubes in Harry's and two white in hers. "I love you too, Hazzabear." He wondered how he had gotten so lucky, to have Gemma who looked after him. She was going to spoil the twins green. She already helped Anne with knitting clothes for the babies.

Harry hoped Niall was all right. He longed after his voice and how it worked like balsam on him. He knew he would wait as long as it took for Niall to get back, he just hoped he would be back before the birth. Dr. Martins had said they might arrive earlier than usual.


So there ya go, a new chappie for my beautiful readers :D FINALLY I have summer break and it feels so good OMFG. I'm at this hotel with my mom since she's arranging this jazz course, looking after my sister and a Chihuahua.

How is everyone??

ALSO, RachelOfficial_ have made a TRAILER for Baby Styles!! Please check it out xx It's bloody amazing holy shit I'm so happy with it and so thankful! <3

There will probably be like five or six chapters left of Baby Styles, I don't know if that's with or without the epilogue. 

TYSM for reading and commenting, I do read every one of them <3

- Iben -

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