Chapter 3

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AN: Whoa, 148 readers and I haven't posted three chapters yet? You guys are crazy! TYSM! Keep reading! :)

I'll be updating once a week, maybe sooner if I have a chapter ready to post:)

(Re-published bc there was a mistake!)


Harry woke up by a sneeze. He sat puzzled in the bed a few seconds before he understood that the sneeze came from the bed to the left. He moved his gaze slowly, the sleep still ruling his body. "Niall?" Harry whispered. His voice sounded husky and sore as it usually did in the morning. "I'm fine, really. Sorry for-" another sneeze cut off Niall's words before he continued, "waking you up this early." Harry, without fully realizing what he was doing, got out of his bed and tiptoed over to the other boy. He placed a hand on Niall's forehead and felt the heat immediately. "I'm getting you a glass of water and some pain killers". Niall's pale, blue eyes stares up at him with that feverish look over them. "You don't have...," he mumbled, but Harry was already gone out the door.

"Harry? Is that you?" a woman voice asked from behind. Harry turned around and spotted Maura, Niall's mum, standing in the kitchen doorway. "Oh, hi, Mrs. Horan", he greeted, closing the cupboard and taking the painkiller in his hand. "I was just picking up some water and painkillers for Niall." Maura smiled that sweet smile of hers and crossed her arms over her chest carefully. "I told you it's all right to call me Maura, and that's very nice of you." Harry nodded and paused, actually not knowing what to say. Thankfully (or, actually...not), Niall's mum broke the silence by asking a very direct question Harry didn't see coming at all. "Harry, are you gay?" "Excuse me?"

Harry furrowed his brows and couldn't do anything else than stare at this odd woman standing there in front of him. Did she think he liked... wieners instead of jungles? Was she crazy? He met Maura yesterday, only in front of the door when he and Niall came home from the lake, and he didn't know her at all. Now she thought she knew him well enough to ask him this? "I know it's weird for me to ask you this, Harry, but it has to be done", Maura said, a smile tugging her thin lips. She obviously waited for an answer, and Harry cleared his throat. Yet, a big lump grew bigger and bigger.

"Uhm... I'm not sure... what you... mean?" he managed to startle, his hand, which held the glass, shook slightly. Maura stepped a few steps closer, her kind eyes softening. "Harry, I just wanted to ask. It's no pressure. But you have to know this about Niall... he's gay." He blinked a couple of times before he managed to pull himself together and close his O- shaped mouth that had been hanging open. "Uhm, I... I think I've gotta go", Harry forced out before he managed to push past Maura.

Niall was gay? So what! Harry couldn't quite understand why Maura told him that. He wasn't going to be all crazy and sleep with him, if that was what she meant. Harry barely knew Niall. Why couldn't she wait for Niall to tell Harry himself? Harry wasn't judging. He didn't care if he had friends who was serial killers, for that case, he didn't care. He only wanted friends.

Harry closed the bedroom door firmly shut behind him before he placed the water cup on Niall's bedside table. The blonde boy smiled thankfully back when Harry met his gaze.

"Thank you". Harry sat down at the end of Niall's bed, his legs crossed and his head rested in his hands. How was he going to tell Niall what his mom told him? He was certainly not going to blurt it out like - "Your mum told me you're gay". Excellent. Great, Harry, really great, Niall will probably fancy you loads for telling him like that. You're a natural at making a fool out of yourself. The blue eyes that belonged to Niall widened and he choked on the water he just took a sip of. "She told you? Really? God, I told her to let it be." Harry let his tongue swipe slightly over his upper lip before he shook his head. "I don't mind, really, I don't care about it." "Really?" There was disbelief in the Irish voice, something that made Harry lean closer. "Niall, really, it's fine. You're not any different only because you like boys." They were so close that Harry could smell Niall's breath. Since he was ill, Harry expected it to smell sour or at least smell bad, but it smelled like peppermint. He loved peppermint. Their eyes met, Harry's green ones and Niall's blue. Even if Harry had tried, he would soon have figured out that he wasn't able to move his gaze. "I think you and I are going to be good friends", Niall murmured at last, leaning closer. Harry felt his heart flutter, racing as if it was going to break out of his chest any minute. What was happening to him? This wasn't usual. And... Niall's lips against his own wasn't usual, either. Wait, what? Niall kissed him? Without even thinking, the curly haired boy placed his hands on Niall's hips, at the same time as Niall braided his hands into Harry's hair. They explored each other, tasting, smelling, feeling. Harry felt Niall's tongue tickle his lips, asking for entrance. Harry gave it to him without hesitation. Niall leaned even closer, their chests melting together. Harry pulled away a few inches and smiled. "Niall Horan. I think your gayness is infectious."

Yay! A Narry kiss! What do you guys think? Remember: There's a lot of this story left to write, and I know I'm rushing it at the start, but hey, I know I'm a lama! ^^

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