Chapter 23

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Harry knew it came. Monday. Having to attend to school with his belly was scary as hell, something that made him dislike Mondays. He didn't have the biggest pregnant belly in the world yet, but it wasn't only one baby in there, and it was only a matter of time before people started to notice it and bully him even more.

Wait, there was one thing that wasn't the world end, and that was Niall going to school with him. Harry felt much safer knowing he was going to be there, but then again... Logan could surprise him anytime. And if Niall or Zayn weren't there when he found out about the pregnancy... Both Harry and the babies could be in danger.

"You ready to go?" Niall spoke softly and squeezed his hand. When he saw Harry's face expression, he chuckled lowly. "Harry, it's gonna be fine. What are you even so afraid of?"

Oh I don't know, maybe that a certain someone will beat the crap out of me and hurt the babies? No big deal, pfft.

Of course he didn't say that, he just smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

The two boys left their flat and got into Niall's red jeep. It was a nice car, absolutely, it just made Harry more.... visible coming to school.

Niall put on the radio and 'Stole the show' by KYGO came smoothly out of the speakers. Harry furrowed his brows and looked at Niall. Without even noticing himself, his right hand had slid down to his bump. It had become a habit of his these days.

"Who is this?" Niall smiled and kept his shocking blue eyes on the road. "It's a DJ called KYGO, he's brilliant! He's about to break through with his songs." Harry smiled to himself and looked out of the window the rest of the ride. Niall seemed to like music, a new thing he learned about the Irish lad.


"Harry! Hey!" Harry and Niall turned their heads towards the call and spotted a running Zayn coming towards them through the hallway. Niall raised a brow and nudged Harry's side. "Who's this?"

Harry blushed and closed his locker. "It's just Zayn, a friend."

By that moment Zayn had reached them and smiled carefully. "Hi! You must be...?" Niall stepped forward and reached out a hand. "Niall. Harry's boyfriend." Harry nearly choked on his own spit. What did Niall just say..? Boyfriend...?

They were interrupted by the bell and Niall kissed Harry's cheek quickly. "I gotta find the office. See you in the next class, boo." Then he was gone. Harry tagged along with Zayn with wide eyes.

"He's not usually like, um, that.... He's really nice", Harry said, "but he haven't mentioned being boyfriends to me".

To his surprise, Zayn just laughed and shook his head. "Protective guys. I know them when I see them. And don't worry, I find girls more attractive." When he saw Harry's glare he laughed again, a bit louder. "Harry, okay, you're hot, but I'm in love with someone else. Sorry." Then they escaped into class.




When they got out of class, Zayn nudged Harry's side. "I'm off to meet my special someone before the next class, I'll catch you later?" Harry just nodded and smiled back. He knew Zayn assumed he'd meet up with Niall, but in fact, Harry had no idea where his 'boyfriend' was located. Just when Zayn was out of sight, Harry felt his stomach clench. Morning sickness was the best thing ever.

He got out of the bathroom stall and started washing his hands. He met his own green eyes in the mirror and smiled slightly. They fell down to his stomach that wasn't showing that much under his huge hoodie, but he knew it was there.

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