Chapter 2

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A/N: Hello everyone! I totally forgot an authors note in the last chapter, lol, sorry! But I have to warn you guys: this story is about mpreg (male pregnancy), and don't come to me with those comments about it being unrealistic. Don't even bother. Of course I know about that, I mean, I write this. I can write whatever I please. If you think mpreg stories is disgusting, don't bother reading this, then!

So, enjoy!


When Harry had unpacked all his stuff, he grabbed a towel and his swimming pants. He had promised himself that bath, and he was still going to get it. Half way through the front door, someone stopped him. "Harry? Where do you think you're going?" Anne asked, her arms firmly crossed over her small chest. Harry sighed and stopped unwillingly. "I'm just going to take a bath in the lake! Are you going to stop me from that?" She smiled, shaking her head. "No I'm not. All I ask is for you to bring Niall." Really? Did Harry have to bring the annoying Irish boy with him? "No way, mum, I need some privacy", Harry mumbled, taking a few steps forward. "Harold Edward Styles! Take Niall with you. Don't be a jerk." He stopped again by the sound of Anne's sharp voice. Did he really have to...? His mind told him to run, to fight for a moment alone, yet his mouth answered, "Alright! Fine, I'll do it!" Anne nodded, finally pleased, and went back inside.

A few minutes later, Niall walked through the door, his blue eyes looking unsure. "Hi..." he mumbled, scratching his neck. "Uhm, Anne told me to join you for a bath? Is that okay?" Harry shrugged and started to walk forward on the small path that led to the lake. Niall followed in his heels. "I guess", Harry muttered. They walked a few minutes in silence. All Harry could hear was Niall's heavy breath and his footsteps behind him. The silence was really awkward, but Harry just couldn't figure out something to say. He didn't want to be rude, though... "Have you been here before?" Harry finally managed to push out from his mouth, smiling shyly. Niall's eyes moved to meet Harry's. "No, just a couple of times. It's been almost three years since last time." Harry nodded, his hands nervously tugging the towel against his hip. "Oh." So much for starting a conversation.

They reaching the lake, the blue water shining, luckily saved him from any more awkwardness. Harry threw his shirt off and was about to pull down his pants when he found Niall just standing there, just staring at him. Harry raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat to get the Irish boy's attention. "Niall, everything okay?" He didn't know why on earth Niall stared at him; it wasn't that weird with four nipples? And... He wasn't sure about how people thought about his body, but he wasn't fat? "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm completely fine!" Niall laughed while he blushed quite hard. "Why wouldn't I be?" Harry shrugged. "Maybe the fact that you were staring at me?" Niall dragged own his own shirt while muttering, "Staring? I wasn't staring." Okay, Niall was definitely acting weird. There was something mysterious about that boy, and Harry promised himself to find out why.

He pushed everything aside and changed into his swimming pants. He wasn't going to think about that when he was at the lake. It was a peaceful place without room for thoughts like that. With an animalistic sound, Harry threw himself out in the water. The cold liquid surrounded him, making his curls stick to his head. When he got over the surface again he rubbed his face happily. The water felt so good and cool against his tensed skin. "Niall, come on, it's so good!" He shouted to Niall, who stood with only his feet in the water. "I... I think I'm fine..." Niall whispered. Anne asked Harry to bring Niall... Only to stand there like a total moron? Harry sighed and got up from the water. He then did something that had to be done.    

"Let me down for God's sake!" Niall squealed like a girls where he was hanging over Harry's left shoulder like a five year old. "Nope, not including in the plan, I'm afraid", Harry giggled as he moved closer towards the water. "I don't want to, l-let me...!" Niall's words was cut off by the water, the Irish lad's body sinking down completely after Harry throwing him down in it.

He felt his body froze. His arms tried desperately to get him up, but it didn't matter. His body continued sinking deeper and deeper into the dark. Niall was a jerk. Why didn't he tell Harry that he couldn't swim? Why didn't he tell him before they got there? Now he was lost, he felt his lungs growing empty of oxygen. He felt like he'd lost his body. Niall shouted to his brain that it had to work, that it had to get him away from the water, but it just wouldn't listen. It remained zoned out. Soon darkness washed over Niall, and he welcomed it thankfully. He didn't want to be awake down in the deep.

Harry got to the small beach quickly after pulling Niall unconscious body up after him. Why did he throw the boy down? It was clear Niall didn't want to be in the water. Yet Harry stepped over his comfort zone, and now he was getting no response from him. "Come on, Niall, breathe! Say something!" Harry whispered shakily. His hands clapped on Niall's ice-cold cheeks a couple of times, but his blue eyes just didn't open. Harry went through chest compressions in his head, trying to remember anything from school. He had to at least try. He couldn't bring Niall home like that. His mum would be upset over him again. He counted inside his head while pushing down on the Irish boy's chest. "Come on, come on, come on, Niall! Wake up!" Harry raked a hand through his curls while his breath hitched. Niall had to wake up! Then he finally remembered something and was quick with tilting Niall's head back a bit. If that didn't work, he had to bring Niall back. "I'm gonna help you", Harry whispered.

He bent slowly down, placing one hand on Niall's forehead and the other under his chin. Then he placed his lips over the other boy's and blew forcefully.

Niall fought in the dark. He could see some sort of a light, a spot in the distance. He knew that if he reached that, he would wake up again. He was going to kill Harry for forcing him into the water. Of course, the younger boy didn't known about that Niall couldn't swim, but that wasn't a reason for doing something like that. Niall then felt something weird on his way to the light. Something that reminded him of... A kiss? But it wasn't quite a kiss, it was stronger, harder. Nearly there he felt his chest jump. A lot of pain followed. What happened to him? Where was Harry? Then he broke through with a gasp.

Harry pulled back immediately. Niall's body shook intensely and his blue eyes flew open. For a long while, all Harry could do was staring at him. Both of them breathed heavily. Niall then cleared his throat and whispered, "T-Thanks...". Harry wrapped his arms around him, holding the other boy tightly into his chest. "Promise you'll never leave me like that again." Yet Harry just met the guy, he felt funny. He didn't want Niall to leave. For the first time in forever, Harry felt comfortable with another person that wasn't Gemma or his own mum.

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