Chapter 8

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//This chapter is dedicated to BlackSleepingPierce bc she's a loyal commenter and I love reading her comments!\\

Harry stayed home from school that day. Anne was quite worried when she found her son with a black eye puking in front of the toilet. She offered to stay home with him, but he turned the offer down immediately. He didn’t want his mum to be stuck home with him when she could work and have fun with her colleagues.  

Gemma was the first one who had found him, though, crying in the kitchen with a towel pressed unto his left eye and a bunch of different painkillers on the bench beside him. She had brought him to bed with a hot water bottle and told him that she wanted an explanation the next day. He didn’t disagree with that, though, only thanked her and slept a dreamless sleep through the night.

Now though, Harry was once again throwing up. He couldn’t understand how he suddenly got so nauseous. Something had to be wrong. If it didn’t get better soon, he would make a doctor check upon him. He wasn’t that stupid, he did care about his own health when it got bad, he hated being sick. Self-harming felt good, throwing up didn’t.

He was about to get back into bed when he found out it was already occupied. Gemma sat on it with her legs crossed and read a book, obviously waiting for him to be done. Harry swallowed a couple of times before he sighed. “Hey, Gem, why are you home this early?” She looked up, her light hair dancing as she did.

“Harry. Are you okay? I heard you throw up.” Her voice was gentle, soothing, like balsam on Harry’s tensed figure. “Mum called me, she asked me to check on you. I was finished early at work anyways.” “Yeah, it’s probably just like a flu-thing. It will go over”, Harry sighed, taking place on his bed too, facing Gemma. His sister smiled again. Harry loved her smile a so much. Gemma looked like pure happiness when she did it.

Gemma placed her hand on Harry’s knee, then moving it gently down to his thigh. “Harry, it’s not like you being ill like this. Please, see Dr. Martins, will you?” Harry groaned and turned his gaze away. Of course. Anne must have told Gemma about Harry’s nausea. She worried too much. “I’m fine, okay?” Harry rubbed his eyes tiredly.

He felt like shit, to be honest. His stomach ached in a way he never had experienced before. Well, Logan did punch him really hard there. Never doubt a drunk person. Never.

“Harry, what happened?” Gemma asked. Her perfect brows was pinched together and her slim fingers drew slow circles on Harry’s thigh. “And don’t say ‘nothing’, because a black eye and a stomach ache is obviously something.” 

He knew he had to answer, but it was really hard. Just when he was about to open his mouth to say ‘it was Logan’, the nausea choose to knock on the door and he had to run (again) as fast as he could to the bathroom before the few things his stomach contained actually came. Behind him, he heard Gemma pause in the doorway.

“Harry, don’t bother complaining; but we’re seeing Dr. Martins now.”


Gemma brought Harry to their usual doctor, a nice man in the mid-forties with grey tousled hair and a wide smile. He was really busy since he was a popular doctor, many people visited him, but since Dr. Martins knew the Style’s siblings’ mom, he got Harry a few places forwards in the lane when he saw the curly haired lad’s name on the list. His assistant, Lyra, followed Harry and his big sister to a room where he was supposed to wait on the doctor.

“He’s on his way to you, dear, just sit down on the bench, yeah?” she said kindly and pointed at the bench that stood in the middle of the room with a small pillow on it. Harry did as he was instructed. Gemma thought her brother looked pretty miserable where he sat, his head hang down and he twisted the hem of his shirt nervously. She wanted so badly to reach out to him, but Dr. Martins entering the room with a notebook interrupted her before she could do anything.

“Hello Harry, I heard you were ill?” Dr. Martins asked kindly as he took a seat at his desk. “So, tell me, how are you feeling today?” Harry bit his lip and shared a quick glance with his sister before he answered. “Well, I’ve had this nausea since I woke up in the middle of the night, and my stomach aches too”, he mumbled softly, barely loud enough for the Doctor to hear him properly.

“Okay, Harry, just let me do a little check upon you, yeah?” Harry smiled a quick smile and pushed some of his curls away from his face. What was he even afraid of? Dr. Martins was kind and warm, not horrible like other doctors usually behaved. He shouldn’t worry. Dr. Martins knew what he was doing.

The doctor got out a stethoscope and gestured Harry to remove his. Harry did as he was told and pulled his shirt completely off, only to see Dr. Martins freeze completely. Gemma watched the two guys in the middle of the room. She could feel her heart beat faster and faster in her chest. Why did the older man pause like that? Why was this frown so clear in his face? Why didn’t he say something?

Harry opened his mouth and was about to ask the doctor why he paused like that when the doctor just shook his head. “I’m really sorry, just zooned out there for a minute”, he laughed nervously and scratched his neck with his right hand. “I’m going to continue.”

The younger lad felt a cold surface press against his upper chest and he had to bite his tongue so he didn’t squeal like a girl. He was a bit of a coward when it came to being at doctors, even at Dr. Martins. Silently his hands moved, following the cold metal over Harry’s soft skin, mumbling shortly to himself. Neither Harry nor Gemma could quite catch what the doctor was saying.

The man took a step back and nodded. “Harry, I need you to take a urine sample. Here’s a cup, there’s a bathroom down the hallway. Just to be on the safe side”, he hummed and reached Harry a small cup made of plastic. “Lyra will wait outside for it when you’re done.” Harry just nodded and did as the doctor said. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t protest.

When Harry finally got out from the toilet, Lyra took over his now full cup and tripped away from him to get it analysed. Harry found it a bit strange, though, having to take a urine sample when he only felt a bit nauseous. This was turning a bit weird.

He and Gemma had to wait for a long couple of minutes until Lyra finally arrived and told them Dr. Martins was ready to see them again. Her smile was a bit forced, something that worried Harry. Did he have anything more than nausea? Was it bad?

Dr. Martins was seat at his usual spot behind his desk, his head turning into Harry’s direction as the two siblings entered the room. For the second time that day, Harry took a seat at the bench and looked nervously at the doctor. Gemma didn’t sit in the visitor’s chair. She stood behind her brother with a hand on his shoulder to support him. They could either get bad or horrible news, Harry hoped for the first one.

“So, Harry, you probably wonder why you’re not feeling well”, Dr. Martins began, but when he saw Harrys gaze he chuckled lightly and smiled widely. “This is great news, Harry.” Gemma looked confused at Dr. Martins. “Uh, excuse me, my brother is sick and you’re telling us this is good news?” The grey haired man paused before he met Harry’s gaze with his steady, blue eyes.

“Yes. At least to me, it sounds like an interesting experience. Harry, let me tell you, this isn’t going to be easy to believe, but I’ll show you any proof you want. I promise. “ Dr. Martins stood up and picked something up from his pocket. The thing he held forward looked like a stick and Harry couldn’t quite get what he was looking at. But Gemma, she knew. Since she was a girl she recognized such things, and the thing Dr. Martins showed them definitely wasn’t normal in Harry’s situation.

“A pregnancy test”, Gemma croaked.


So I chose to update a bonus chapter to you guys since you've been totally amazing and I love you all so much xx

Yay we have 995 readers!! OMG you guys are amazing!! Keep on with the good work yasss x If you want a chapter dedicated to you, comment and I'll pick the one comment I liked the most xx

Can we get five comments on this chapter?? x

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