Chapter 10

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Anne sat down in the opposite couch as her two children and curled her hands around a steaming cup of coffee. She looked nervous, but Harry couldn’t find himself feeling sorry for her. He deserved an explanation. She was mad if she thought keeping it a secret would make his life easier. She only made it worse.

Harry just couldn’t forget the fact that he had a thing in his stomach, a thing that grew into a human for every minute that passed.

“Well...”, Anne sighed before her eyes met Harry’s. “Uh… The doctor probably explained to you how it could happen to a male... That his body could get a fully-grown female reproductive system in his body?” Both Harry and Gemma nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

“I got a heart attack when I was about four weeks pregnant with you, Harry. It came suddenly, without any warning, and caused me to collapse when I was on the bus on my way home from work. I had too little air, too much blood that needed to be pumped around, therefor my heart got enough.” Anne put the cup down on the table between the couches and started twisting a small amount of her dark hair.

“Apparently that attack was enough to make those female parts inside you. You were so small that it had an effect on you.  I didn’t realize something was wrong until you broke your leg at the age of four and they had to take a picture of the bones inside. They quickly discovered that you had a uterus and many other parts you as a male shouldn’t have.”

Harry felt so confused. This… was actually possible. Anne wasn’t kidding with him. He was fucking pregnant. He immediately felt the nausea move and pinched his brows together. No. He wanted an explanation first.

“I… Chose to tell your dad, but neither you nor Gemma got to know anything. I was scared. Scared that you was gonna be bullied and beaten up by other kids because of it”, Anne whispered, her eyes suddenly watery and blank. “I didn’t want you to go around and think too much about it. When you told us you were gay, it slipped my mind to tell you. I didn’t imagine my boy having sex with another guy, because I know how careful you are with your body. “

Harry flinched under those words. He was careful with his body; it was just different with Niall. He felt comfortable with the Irish boy. Safe. His mom didn’t know that, of course.

A silence filled the room after Anne was done talking. Gemma stared at the woman in front of her, half in shock and half in confusion. Harry himself had a big trouble with controlling his tears. He wanted to scream, at the same time he wanted to die.

“Mum I’m pregnant!” he blurted out. Okay, he did not mean to say it that way. He didn’t want to say anything. He’d hoped Gemma would do it for him.

Anne gasped and stared at her son with wide eyes. She breathed heavily, in and out, the progression repeating itself a couple of time. “No, this can’t be true, tell me it’s not true!” she suddenly whispered, tears appearing in her beautiful eyes.

“I took Harry to the doctor. He quickly found out that he’s pregnant”, Gemma muttered, placing a hand on Harry’s shoulder for support. She was with him, on his side, same what. Harry knew that. He couldn’t understand where he would be without her.

“Harry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry!” Anne whispered. She looked like she was gonna break down any minute. “Mum… it’s okay”, Harry choked, “I only wished you’d told me sooner.” Anne stood up and raked her shaking hands through her hair. Tears streamed down her cheeks and made the look of her even sadder. “H-How long?” she finally managed to whisper.

Harry furrowed his brows and turned to Gemma, not sure what his mom meant. Because of the shock, he’d only been half listening to the doctor anyway, so maybe she knew a lot more than him in this situation.

“Four weeks”, Gemma sighed, giving Harry’s sweaty hand a light squeeze. Anne looked at them with confusion before realizing, her hand fled up to cover her mouth. She must have understood who Harry had slept with much quicker than Gemma, and that scared him a bit. Mums sure did know everything. 

Carefully Anne came to Harry, sinking down on her knees in front of him. Her bright eyes had calmed a little from the tears, but they were still sad. Harry hated to see his mum like that; he wanted her to be happy and to have a son that didn’t have fucking female parts in his body.

Anne took her son’s hands in her own. “Harry, why didn’t you tell me this sooner? That you liked Niall?” Harry frowned at this, but let his mum stroke her thumbs over his hands. “I don’t know if I like him, mum, it just happened”, he finally croaked.

“Harry, love…”, Anne swallowed before meeting Harry’s green eyes with her own, “what do you want to do now? Do you want to keep the baby?”

Gemma cleared her throat from where she sat beside them. “Dr. Martins gave him three weeks to decide.”

“Okay”, Harry’s mum nodded. She then smiled, a sad smile, but that was way better than seeing her cry. “Harry, I know it’s my mistake. I should have told you earlier, and I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you in. But I promise you; I’ll be here. I’ll support your choice, whether you keep, adopt or take an abortion. I promise you that we’ll get through this.”

AN: OMG guys thank you so much for 1.4K readers, 128 votes and 64 comments! You're seriousely the best readers ever <3

Follow me on twitter (@ibobenon), tweet me that ur from wattpad and I'll follow you back ;)

I love to read comments, it's not that hard to write a few words, is it? xx I don't bite, haha, I promise :)

Anyways; this is the 10th chapter!! Yay!! A big thank you to Zmelec for inspiration, and thank you to all of my lovely friends who've read and voted for this!

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