Chapter 26

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Niall picked Harry up at the library after PE, and smiled widely when he spotted Louis by his side. "Hey Lou! How is it going?"

Louis gave Niall a quick hug before he smiled brightly. "I'm great! Harold and I were just discussing the pregnancy downsides. There's pretty many of them, ya know." The Irish blonde chuckled and placed his arm around his boyfriend. "I know that."

The three of them walked out towards the parking lot, Harry and Louis continuing their discussion. Louis was one as well – one of those special males who could get pregnant. He was about eight weeks pregnant, a few weeks less than Harry's almost sixteen. The curly haired boy was in awe to have met Louis, and he liked Liam too, the moment he met the guy.

"You guys wanna catch a movie?" Liam, wearing his college jacket and a black snapback, leant against his car with a small smile. "Lou and I had thought so anyways – it would just be nice if you two wanted to come too."

Niall changed gaze with Harry before he nodded. "Yeah – why not? As long as we get something to eat when it's done."

They quickly agreed to meet by the cinema, since Harry wanted to change into nicer clothes, and Niall needed a shower.

When Harry was sat on his bed while trying to read some more of Romeo and Juliet, waiting for Niall to get dressed, he fell into his thinking bubble again. He was almost sixteen weeks along now. Four months. Wasn't the babies supposed to move soon? The though of maybe waiting another four weeks to feel them made Harry almost groan out loud. He couldn't wait to be done with the whole pregnancy and meet his children.

He wondered how they would look like. Would they be two girls or two boys? Ore even one of each? Would they have blonde or brown hair? He hoped at least one of them got Niall's blue eyes. Maybe Harry's curls, too.

"You ready?" Niall asked where he stood in the doorway. He looked gorgeous. His sparkling eyes shone with excitement and his neat clothes looked perfect on him. Harry nodded and stood up, walking the short steps between him and his boyfriend. Niall placed his hands on Harry's hips and pulled the boy tighter.

Harry smiled and slowly kissed the blonde, his eyes fluttering shut. He braided his slim hands into Niall's hair and the two of them just made out for a bit. Then the kiss got intense, faster, and Niall's tongue asked for entrance. "Mm-" Harry started to argue, but his stupid, hormonal brain gave in, and their tongues started their dance together.

He could feel Niall's member hardening against his own groin, something that made him break the kiss and pull away a few inches. "No, not now", he whispered slowly, then smiled and pecked Niall's lips one last time. "Wait until tonight."




"Twins, huh? That's quite a miracle!" Louis beamed, him and Harry sitting side by side, having their boyfriends on the other. The lad had his mouth studded full with popcorn. The popcorn basket that rested on his minimal bump was already half empty. The four of them only waited for the movie to actually start.

Harry wasn't that candy addicted, so he'd just bought a bag of m&m's that he shared with Niall. He'd also avoided the coca cola, as he was terrified the caffeine would hurt his peanuts. After a long time of discussion, he'd just gone with some ice tea.

"Yeah – I can't wait!" Harry smiled, shaking his head before ruffling his hair into place. "They haven't moved yet, though." Louis smiled and stuffed some more popcorn into his already full mouth. "Don't worry Harry – they will eventually!"

Harry felt Niall take his hand and blushed quickly. "I love you", the blonde whispered into his ear and Harry immediately answered, "love you too".

Then the movie started with a blink and all of their gazes were moved to the large screen in front of them. They were watching Insurgent – the second film in the "Divergent" series. Harry had read the entire series as the bookworm he was, and he couldn't wait to see Shailene Woodley rock the scene again.

When the scene was on it's most exciting and Harry was almost crushing Niall's hand because of all the excitement, he suddenly froze. Everything around him just went still, it was like he was the only one there.

His face went pale and his green eyes widened. His breath hitched and his hands moved quickly down to his bump.

"Harry?" Niall mouthed beside him, furrowing his brows. He saw immediately that the brunette had stiffened. "What's wrong?"

Harry just swallowed and tried not to freak out. "I need some air." Quickly he got up and hurried out of the row, mumbling out a few 'sorry's' and 'excuse me's' on his way. Niall blinked a couple of times before he too got up and went after his boyfriend.

He found Harry in the hallway outside of the movie room with his shirt dragged up and his hands roaming over his bump. "What's wrong? Are the babies coming already?? Are they dying?" Niall hyperventilated and gripped Harry by his shoulders.

The curly haired lad surprised him by shaking his head. "N-No... It's not that." His face had this funny look on it, something Niall couldn't exactly describe.

"Then what is it?" Niall groaned and watched as Harry bit his plumb lower lip in concentration. "You're driving me crazy!"

Harry's beautiful face then lightened up in a wide smile and he snatched Niall's arm and placed it on his bump. "Look! Feel here, can you feel it?" His voice was so eager and excited. The blonde didn't get it. Why did he act so.... Wait. What was that..? He moved his hand a few centimetres and his mouth opened in shock.

"They're moving! Our babies are moving!"


So, the Storan twins finally made their presence known ;) What do you all think??


And keep joining the trailer competition (if you don't know what I mean, go back to the 'Some babbling' chapter and read through it), because I still don't have enough people there to actually start the contest >.<


Love, meep (aka Gollum, aka Dracula, aka Iben)

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