Chapter 16

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Harry had just left. He hasn't answered Niall, just immediately got into the car when it blinked. He had seen the blonde's sad face when they drove away, yet he couldn't find himself feeling sorry for him. Niall was the one who had left. He could easily have called or texted.

When they arrived home, Anne hugged her son tightly. "I'm so happy that you're going to keep the baby, Harry." She pulled away with a smile. "He or she will be my first grandchild, you know." Harry blushed and took off his coat. It felt good to know that Anne at least was excited for it. Harry didn't know what he was. Excited? Terrified?

"Hey, why don't you and Gem watch a movie or something together while I prepare the dinner?" Anne suggested. "I know you must feel a bit exhausted."

Harry hadn't really thought about it, but when his mum mentioned it, he found his body longing for the couch, a warm blanket and his sisters company. "Thanks mum", he smiled and wandered into the living room. "Where exactly is Gemma?" He shouted. He jumped when his sister suddenly stood in the doorway to the kitchen, her two slim hands holding two steamy cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream.

"How on earth did you manage to get there and make those so fast?" Harry shook his head but smiled when Gemma handed him one of the cups. "What can I say?" She grinned and took a seat in the corner of their soft sofa. "I'm a natural at being fast."

Harry and Gemma watched "Me, Myself and Irene" and laughed their butts off as always when Jim Carrey was involved. The hot chocolate tasted delicious, not too sweet nor too bitter. Gemma probably had gotten passed on Anne's cooking talent because she could cook almost anything and make it taste delicious and original.

When Harry got to bed, he discovered that he had an unread message on his phone.

Niall: Hey, Harry... I'm so fucking sorry! I can't believe myself.. I would do anything.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. He kinda missed the blonde.. But he needed more explanation first.

Harry: Niall.. How could you leave me like that?

Only seconds later an answer popped into his inbox.

Niall: I was afraid Harry. But believe me, that was the biggest mistake I've ever done.

Harry: I don't know Niall.. How are you planning on 'making it up' again..?

Niall: Tomorrow.

Harry: What?

Niall: You don't know? I'll be over at your house tomorrow for dinner. Anne surely must have told you that..

Harry sat with a towel turban on his head and was straight forward pissed out. How on earth could Anne do this to him as well? Invite Maura and Niall on fucking dinner? So what would then happen? Would she just assume Niall and him would become best friends again, or even worse, boyfriends? That was not gonna happen. The Irish boy had to do a little more to make it up for it.

Harry placed his hand on the tiny bump and sighed. "Baby, please tell me why your dad is such a complicated person..?" He mumbled. He couldn't let Niall see the baby if he was going to 'just' leave again. He didn't want that kind of childhood for his baby.

"Harry!'" Anne chirped from downstairs. "Get your suit on, love, the guests will be here any minute!"

The guests you didn't tell me about, Harry snared back in his head.

Yet he couldn't do anything else than actually step into the black suit trousers and the white shirt he had gotten for Christmas last year. It felt rather tight over his stomach and he cursed a bit under his breath. He felt so fucking huge already, and he was just over seven weeks pregnant. He felt the tears sting behind his eyes. He didn't want to look fat. Of course he wanted the baby, he wouldn't leave it, but he didn't want to look horribly disgusting, either..

"Haz?" A silent voice asked from behind the door. "You okay?" Of course Gemma knew. She knew he was nervous about the dinner. "Can I come in?"

He made a sound that was meant to sound like a "mhm" but instead sounded choked and dreaded. His sister took it like a yes, though, and stepped quickly into the room. When she saw Harry hanging with his head, just standing there, with his shirt on, she smiled fondly.

"Oh Harry." She gave her brother a tight hug. "You look amazing." He snorted and shook his head.

"No, Gems, I look fat! It's fucking disgusting!"

Forcefully he was pushed on the bed, his older sister crossing her arms over her chest. "Harry. What did you expect? Of course your stomach is growing, but that's just because there's a baby in there! That doesn't make you fat."

Then she turned around, not giving Harry a chance to answer, and dug into his big, wide closet. She dug around for a moment before making an 'aha'-sound and smiled. In her hands she held Harry's black casual cardigan.

"No need for sorrows. This one will fit perfectly." She threw it on his lap, and he found himself smiling. Gemma always found ways to deal with things.

"Thanks." He then sighed, touching his belly with carefulness. "I just didn't think it would grow so fast."

Gemma winked and moved to the doorframe. "Well, maybe it's a big baby, then, just like you were."

The sound of the doorbell broke their moment and Harry froze. They were here. Niall and Maura was here.

Happy New Years my beautiful giraffes! Hope you had a splendid evening and that you are looking forward to 2015's secrets!

I didn't think I would be able to write a chapter since I wasn't home, but I wanted so badly to do it so I used my phone instead :P

Thank you SO muck for 5.9K! It's totally amazing and I'm so grateful for each vote and lovely comment I get :)

So, can we get this up till 163 comments?? <3

- moi -

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