Chapter 27

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Harry walked out of the large front doors of the school with his bag over his shoulder. A relieved sigh left his lips as he saw Niall waiting by his car with his nose down in his phone. They were going for his four month scan to see how the babies were doing. Dr. Martins had told Harry that they needed more regular scans now, since his pregnancy was really risky. Firstly he was a male, and second, he was pregnant with twins, something that weren't common with male pregnancies.

Harry couldn't wait to see his babies on the screen again. This time he would print out another picture he could add in the album he was making for his children. He would also give a copy to his mum and Gemma, and maybe Maura too if Niall insisted. 

«Harry, how are you today?» Dr. Martins greeted the two boys, shaking Harry's hand before clapping Niall on the shoulder. «Excited to see the little ones, eh?» Both of them just nodded and grinned at each other.

As usual, Harry lied down on the bench and dragged up his shirt. Now, at four months with twins, he really looked much bigger. He just managed to hide his stomach really well because of the big hoodies he wore. Dr. Martins started the session off with pushing on Harry's stomach to feel the babies position. 

«Your babies are a bit smaller than usual, because this is a male pregnancy, but they're absolutely healthy!» He nodded and noticed something on his computer before he found the famous gel and spread it all over Harry's bump. Harry yelped a bit before he blushed. He would never get used to the sudden coolness. 

He chuckled lightly when he felt a little movement from the inside. «I think they can feel it too.» Dr. Martins raised his brows in excitement and smiled. «So they have moved? Excellent!» Again the constant typing on his computer. «That's great Harry! How does it feel?»

«It's wonderful. Now I know that there's something in there, you know? Something that wasn't so clear before they started moving. I know it's a good sign.»

The doctor nodded in agreement before he took the wand and started sliding it in slow, circular movements on the lower part of the bump to see if he could spot the babies. A few buttons were pushed, and soon the two soon to be-fathers could hear a steady, beating rhythm coming out from the machine. 

«That's your babies heartbeats!» Dr. Martins explained merrily. He pointed at a spot on the screen. «There's one of the babies heart, and there's...» The doctor suddenly fell into silence as he furrowed his brows. His eyes scanned the screen again and again and as if he had to make sure about something. Harry and Niall watched nervously. 

Dr. Martins suddenly took the phone on his desk and dialed a number. «Lyra? Yeah, it's me. Can you please ask Dr. Grace to come into room 127, please?» What was going on?

Niall cleared his throat. «What's going on? We have the right to know!» Dr. Martins lifted a hand and nodded. «I know, Mr. Horan, calm down. I just have to make sure about something, then I'll explain everything.»

Soon a female doctor in a blonde ponytail entered the room. She straightened her white doctor coat before she greeted the two boys and the other doctor in the room. «Hello, boys, I'm Dr. Grace. I'm just gonna help Dr. Martins with confirming something for him.»

Again Dr. Martins put gel on Harry's stomach without even asking him, as if the bump was an object, and started showing, pointing and mumbling lowly to Dr. Grace. He seemed worried, and of course that caused Harry's hormonal brain to go bollox,and soon he had tears in his eyes.

«Stop! Can't u see that he's terrified?» Niall spoke out loud, his hand protectively lying on Harry's shoulder. «What's the deal?»

The two doctors exchanged gazes, as if they weren't sure if they actually should tell them or not. Then Dr. Grace sighed. «Harry.. I'm really sorry, but it looks like one of your babies's heart is beating a bit slow.. It may have some sort of rare disease.»

Harry's heart stopped. It literally just stopped in his chest as he stared at the female doctor, trying to process what had just came out of her mouth. He felt his breath hitch, and his hand immediately sled down to his bump. No. It couldn't be happening. No, not to his baby. 

«As she said, it's really rare, but we're not 100% sure. We'll have to run a test, but I'm afraid there won't be much we can do before it's out...» Dr. Martins said, then he too sighed, «And we're not even sure that it's gonna make it until then.»

Harry immediately bursted into tears. He hadn't realized how much his two little peanuts meant to him before now, now that he might have to loose one of them. It was so unfair. If it was so rare, why did exactly his baby have to get it?

«So there's absolutely nothing you can do? Nothing?» Niall breathed, as if he struggled to understand it as well. 

«We could induce you earlier than planned - but for now we have to wait as long as possible so we know that the babies are big enough to come out», Dr. Grace spoke softly. «For now, all we can do is have even more scans, maybe one every third day, to make sure it's okay, and to wait...»

After Harry had dried the gel away from his bump, he immediately sank down in his boyfriends arms. 


So, one of the babies might have an injury... What do you all think? ;)

Also; please, pretty please, I beg you so nicely, if you know how to make a trailer, please enter my trailer making contest. Read the chapter 'some babbling' for more info.

I also wanted to tell you all about @ziamsnuggets my really talented friend who has this story called 'Dark Love'. You guys should totally follow her and read it, it's completely amazing!!

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