Chapter 4

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AN: New chapter, guys!! Thank you so much for 350(+) readers!! I'm so happy! Just can't thank you enough for your lovely comments and votes :) Keep going! I'm gonna update every thursday from now on. Then I'm gonna have plenty of time to make the chapters as good as possible for you guys <3


Harry woke up in Niall's arms. He felt the feverish skin touching his, yet he didn't move. He felt safe in that position. He didn't care if he got ill after that night. Smiling, Harry looked up at Niall's sleeping face. His thumb brushed carefully down his cheek. Niall moved his body slightly while his lips turned into a smile. Harry couldn't remember last time he felt the feeling of being in love. Everyone he used to date only used him for sex. Forced him to when he didn't want to. Did new things to him he didn't want or didn't felt comfortable with.

Every single one of them loved his body and didn't see him. But Niall? There was something different with him, even though Harry barely knew him. Niall was good. He didn't judge Harry twenty-four-seven. The blue eyes watched him with softness and wonder. Not that cocky, selfish look.

Harry yawned, something that accidently woke Niall up. "Hey", he said slowly, his voice husky from the sleep. Then both of them blushed, remembering last night actions. Niall started to play with Harrys curls, breaking the awkward atmosphere. "Uhm... How are you feeling?" Harry was a bit confused about the question, then he tried to change position and his sore bum made itself known. "I'm okay, I guess, just a bit sore", he admitted, his cheeks turning even pinker. Niall laughed, something that turned into coughing. "Well, I think you're gonna be just fine."

The two boys lied there for several more minutes, not wanting to get up and face a new day. If Harry could choose himself, honestly, he would have stayed in bed with Niall forever. NOT necessarily in that way, just cuddling. They didn't get that much more time, though, because someone knocked at their bedroom door. "Niall? Harry? Are you guys awake? Gem and I have made breakfast!" Anne's voice called. "Yeah, we're coming in a bit!" Harry answered, sinking further into Niall's embrace with a sigh. When they heard Anne's steps fade, Niall chuckled. "I love your mum. She's lovely." Harry got up unwillingly, cracking his back. He laughed when he saw Niall's grimace. "She's great, but she can be too much, sometimes." Niall shivered and got up as well. "Remind me that I'm not gonna be near you when you do that... that cracking-thing."

The two boys separated, Harry going into the bathroom to wash his face, Niall putting on jeans and a white t-shirt. They switched after a while, Harry bumping his shoulder playfully into Niall's when they passed each other. Harry opened his closet, staring at his bunch of clothes. As always, Anne had packed his clothes, since Harry himself sucked at picking them out. His mum wasn't any better, though. Harry found several jeans with holes on their knees and t-shirts with writing on them. He sighed and chose, against his own will, a pair of light grey jeans and a t-shirt that had "I'm a bad boy" written over its middle. His sister would laugh her ass off when saw him. Niall did it first, though, when he came out from their bathroom. "Oh my god", he breathed, his face turning red. "Tell me you're not going to wear..." He spotted Harrys face and grinned. "Oh, okay, you're actually going to wear it.. Never mind." Harry smacked Niall's ass and huffed. "I think it's cool, so shut up."

When they got to the dining room, the others were already seated among the table, Gemma was just about to serve herself with some scrambled eggs. Both of their mums smiled brightly when their sons came. "Harry! Honey, did you sleep well?" Anne squeezed Harry's shoulder when he sat down, she then kissed his cheek. "Mum, Jesus, we saw each other just hours ago, calm down", Harry mumbled embarrassed, but he soon grinned when he saw Niall getting the same treatment from Maura. Gemma smiled at Harry, then paused and spotted his shirt. "Oh my god..." she said before she bursted out laughing. "Are you actually wearing that?" "Hey, stop insulting my shirt!" Harry stuck out his lower lip and crossed his arms tightly over his chest, hiding the t-shirt. "It's not funny!" Niall joined Gemma's choir, laughing his little ass off. "Harry, c'mon, it is a bit fu-" Harry shook his head and held up a hand. "No comment."

Anne took a bite of her toast and spoke, after some minutes of silence. "Harry, hey, I thought a bit... Why can't you and Niall be home today, huh? Watch the house and such? Maura, Gem and I are going to pay a visit to that farm we drove past", she said, "to see if Gemma can borrow a horse or something." Harry shrugged and looked at Niall. The Irish lad was already half done with his third portion of bacon and scrambled eggs. "That's fine with me", he said with that accent of his. "I'm not completely fine from the cold, and a chill day sounds fine to me." Harry shrugged and smiled at his sister. "Well, I guess you girls deserve some girl time for yourselves. It's okay for me." Gemma clapped her hands like a child before she grinned and tucked one of her curls behind her left ear. "That's very kind of you, little brother."

Harry and Niall decided to be childish and make some lemonade to enjoy in the sun. They messed up the kitchen pretty badly and spent over two hours just cleaning it. Then they moved themselves out in the big garden on a carpet with the fresh lemonade they just made and talked. Harry was even more positive that he had made a new friend.

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