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I stood there straight faced, staring deep into his eye. We stood as if we were at a standoff, each one ready to draw, aim and fire.

"Let me ask you again, if you didn't hear me the last time. Who the hell are you?" Fury raised his voice in impatience. He took a step closer to me in an attempt to intimidate me but I stood my ground.

"Oh I heard you Director. The names Vasko." He looked at me with much annoyance.

"And do they not have first names where you come from? And pray where do you come from?" He asked. Coulson stood there, smirking and looking down to the ground.

"My name is Claire Vasko and I have no home, I wonder, travel." I kept calm and collected. I enjoyed the torment on Fury's face.

"Well if you would be so kind, Miss Vasko, to join me inside just for a moment." He responded being overly sarcastically kind. I gave me a courteous nod and a smile as I strolled inside the huge base. I had no idea where I was or what was going to happen to me. Many people passed me dressed in tight black three piece suits. Some carried suspicious looking boxes and weapons, others just looked like security. I was led down many corridors until I reached a huge room. Suddenly something flashed at me when I entered.

"What was that?" I asked startled.

"Just sit down Miss Vasko." Coulson smiled gesturing towards a large black chair. I sat comfortably down with my hands behind my head, I was going to enjoy this.

"Hill, run a file check on a Miss Claire Vasko. And be sure to use her face shot we just took, its bound to be a lie." He openly said to a tall, brown haired woman. She immediately obeyed him.   

"Tea?" Coulson asked me whilst receiving a glare from Fury.

"Why thank you." I beamed.

"Enough, now would you kindly tell me how you managed to take down Deadpool all by yourself, with barely a scratch?" Fury asked as he sat opposite me.

"Just did it I suppose." I smiled and sipped my tea.

"Put the tea down!" Fury shouted smashing his fist down on the table. Pouting, I put the cup down gently. "Just did it?" He repeated my words softly.

"Lets face it, he wasn't that hard to catch. Just a bit cocky." I leaned back into the chair. He took a deep breath. He did a sequenced tap on the desk in front of him, bringing up a image of what looked like me about to fight Deadpool back in the streets. He pressed another triangle button and the pictures moved like a hologram.

"You mean to tell me, this was natural to you?" He asked as we watched. I had to admire the way I moved really, I looked amazing. I nodded.

"Sir, there is nothing." Hill said to the Director. His threw himself up to look at a screen behind him. He tapped on it furiously before turning around back to face me.

"Nothing. Nothing on the name, Nothing on your face imprint. How can you go through the world without leaving so much as a smidge of evidence of your being?" He asked angrily.

"I'm just clever like that." I replied slowly, leaning onto the desk in front of me.

"Listen, who ever you are. There are not many people I do not know about, but those who I do not, I usually do not like, and they usually end up behind bars." He leaned forward in a threatening tone.

"Sir, please." Coulson said butting in, "We need her. You saw how she moved, think of how useful she would be." He said trying to persuade him. Fury just looked at him, mouth wide.

"I'm sorry Phil but...You want me to hire this girl, we know nothing about her, she could get secrets for all we know. God damn it, what are you thinking about?" He shouted. Coulson and Fury seemed to intensify the brawl. I was willing to lay back and watch the fireworks but something felt wrong. I could feel an almost presence, the floor was shaking. I closed my eyes to get a better sound of the frequency. I had heard it before, but so long ago. My pulse quickened, it could not be here. I stood up and opened my eyes.

"And where do you think you are going?" Fury asked. I did not answer him. I took a deep long breath and studied the surroundings. Fury realised that I was readying myself for a run. "Hold her." He shouted but I was already running. I slide over the table and leapt over Hill's head. A alarm suddenly rattled off around me. I raced down the corridor, crashing into walls as I went. I could hear many footsteps running after me. I turned the corner to find around fifty soldiers waiting for me. I skidded to a halt and ran backwards. I kept on running until I got to a flight of stairs. There were many coming up but I had to get down. I composed myself and slid down the banisters. As they turned to go around the corner I grabbed hold of the railings, flinging my body outwards I swung to the set of stairs beneath me. This cut out about twenty soldiers now on the stairs above me. I got to the bottom but this time there was one man, one man with a bow and arrow.

"Really?" I almost laughed at him. With out a thought he unleashed an arrow towards my head. Luckily my speed was with me as I step to the side, just missing it.

"Stand down." Fury's voice cried. I realised I was surrounded, I could not take on this many. I allowed my arms to be held back by two men. I looked up, behind the man with the bow and arrow. And there I could see it, the impossible. 

"The Tesseract." I whispered in disbelief.

"What did you just say?" Fury asked. I shook myself free of the two guards on me. I began to walk towards it, Fury let me pass. I approached the blue shimmering cube. I had only heard about it as stories from my childhood. I did not know much about it. Only that these mortals should not have their hands on it.

"I said that is the Tesseract." I repeated myself.

"And how do you know its name?" Coulson stepped beside me.

"Oh, it is the stuff of legend. A treasure fallen from Odin's chambers. A great unlimited power, that mere mortals can only dream off. And by the looks of things you are trying to harvest its power. But the question remains, for what purpose?" I spoke of the Tesseract. This corporation was mad if it thought it could control it.

"Can you not see, we need her." Coulson begged Fury. I did not look, my attention was to focused on the Tesseract at the present moment.

"I will not put S.H.E.I.L.D in danger. We know nothing about this girl, yet you want to hire her only because she can fight and knows a lot?" Fury said.

"And what about Natasha? She was exactly in the same position Vasko is in. I told you to trust her, and look at how it has turned out. I am telling you now to trust me once more." He pleaded. I withdrew my attention from the Tesseract and looked at the two men. I could see Fury deliberating the decision in front of him. If he didn't let me stay I had no idea what I would do for the two months.

"She is your responsibility. You will have to look after her, and she will have to sleep at your place, I will not have her living in this facility. And if this goes all wrong, it will be on your head." And with that he stormed back upstairs, bringing the officers sent to arrest me with him.

"Thank you." I said turning to Coulson. He merely nodded with a slight smile.    

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