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As I woke on the day of my wedding I felt sick. I knew the whole kingdom was going to be there, watching the entire thing. And the worst part is I have to look like I want this. I have to pretend I love Loki and he is my world. My mother came bursting into my room, followed by five chamber maids.

“Come on up, up, we must have you looking presentable for the realm.” My mother said clapping her hands. I reluctantly sat up and tucked my knees into my chest. One of the maids was holding a beautiful white gown, it was plain but it shimmered in the light. It had no sleeves and was a tight fit. It reached the floor and had a long back that trailed along the ground. “Well what do you think?” Mother asked me. I looked at the dress.

“Oh its beautiful.” I moaned. My mother sat down next to me with caring eyes.

“Leave us.” She told the maids and they all hurried out. “What is it dear?” her eyes welcoming and warm. I sighed and buried my head into my knees.

“I do not want to marry him.” I cried into my knees. For most of my life my mother had been cold towards me and paid more attention to Lex. But for once she wrapped her arm around me.

“Liara, my dear, beautiful daughter. I know you do not want this but think of how your life will be like, it will be better. You are marrying your best friend, which is better than marrying a total stranger. And you will be looked after, Loki will not hurt you, you will have money and power. It is not all bad.” As much as I hated it, I knew she was right. I suppose this was more of a blessing than a hindrance to me. My mother raised her eyebrows at me and I nodded. She clapped her hands and the maids came rushing back in. Immediately they began pulling my hair around and washing my face. A maid came in carrying a white corset.

“No, im am not wearing that.” I said straight away. My mother turned to me in shock.

“You have seen how tight fitting the dress is so you need a perfect figure.” She snapped at me, going back to her cold self.

“Don’t you remember my twenty second birthday? You put me in one of those things and I threw up.” I said staring back at her.

“Well if you want to look fat in front of every one be my guest.” She said, knowing it would annoy me.

“Fine!” I shouted and the corset was immediately wrapped around my stomach. “But not to tight.” I said as the maid pulled the cords. I was forced to hold onto something as she pulled tighter and tighter. I began gasping for air. “Ok you can stop now.” I breathed out. She tied up the lace and left me. Every time I breathed I winced in pain. “Is this really necessary?” I asked as another maid slipped the dress over my head.

“But of course.” One maid replied. The dress did look beautiful and the white shoes were adorable.

“And as a symbol of your purity we won’t have any make up on you today.” Mother said.

“Pardon?” I nearly chocked. If the whole kingdom was going to be watching I wanted to look pretty. They left my hair down and left it in its natural curly shape. My nerves made my hair turn a slight red. As we went through the town, it was deserted. They were all ready and waiting for me. I stood outside the huge doors, in the golden corridor, knowing all my friends and family were out there. A huge bowl of fire rested in the center of the walkway. I looked on in despair as the doors where opened before me. My heart rate increased and my breath became frantic and the corset was not helping. I took a deep breath and began to walk up the many, many stairs. I walked down the isle to many people with smiles on there faces. Some marvelled at me whilst others envied me. I spotted Thor standing at the front with his father presiding over the wedding. Some flute music rang through the air as I finally reached the top where Loki was. I was feeling the strain from the corset and the walk only increased the pain.

“I can’t breath.” I gasped as I reached Loki’s side. He turned to me slightly and leaned in towards my ear.

“Don’t worry I have that affect on all of the girls.” He whispered in my ear. I went to nudge him in the ribs but he instead linked his arm with mine. At first I wanted to hit him but I was thankful for the rest. As the service went on so did the heat. I began to take little short breaths in-between things I had to say. The oath really took it out of me. The end could not come sooner enough. We finally turned to each other. I rested the back of my palms onto the front of his.

“Look into each others eyes and picture the love you share and shall you be bonded for life.” Odin said peacefully. I stared into the delightful green pools of Loki’s eyes. His eyes were quite difficult to make out, they were clouded. A flame began to flicker in our palms, only a little one. This was supposed to show our love, and I could tell the congregation was disappointed with our flicker so I decided to give it a boost. I gave a weak smile at Loki and the fire roared. “You have proven your love; your souls are now one. Be one and prosper.” Odin’s words came as a relief, it was nearly over. I closed my hands shutting off the flame. Only one last thing stood in the way of loosing this damned corset, the kiss. I was expecting it to be slow and gentle but Loki had other things planned. He came in faster than I had anticipated, nearly knocking me off of my feet. His lips were full of passion and lust, his tongue begging for entrance. The surprise of the kiss at all took my breath away. As the crowd applause I felt myself becoming faint, I was struggling for breath. I squeezed a hand between me and Loki’s chest, trying to push us apart. Instead of being a loving friend and husband he kept on kissing and I was running out of air. I snapped my eyes open and all faded to black.

I slowly opened my eyes as the light flooded in. I was lying on a huge green and black comfy bed. Loki was standing over me with my mother, his and Thor. I was still in my dress but my corset had been removed.

“What happened?” I questioned.

“You fainted. At your wedding, in front of everyone.” Thor burst out.

“Wow, you are subtle.” I rolled my eyes.

“Feeling better?” Loki asked.

“Yeah no thanks to you!” I shouted back. I was a relief just to breathe again; I did not know how much I would miss oxygen. “So what happened to the guests?”

“They are in the throne room with the feast. Odin father told everyone to have a good time. And there was a bit of speculation you are…pregnant.” Thor said as calmly as possible. I sat up and stared at Loki.

“You told them I am not, right?” I said very slowly to him. He began to look behind him and stare at the floor and twiddle his thumbs. I felt my hair turn a fiery red and my eyes combust.

“Get some rest my dear, someone in your condition should not be moving!” he laughed and ran out for the room before I could hit him. I let out a loud moan before climbing to my feet.

“Where are you going?” My mother asked me as I made my way to the door.

“To the feast.” I answered.

“Not in that sweetie, you have to wear your armour for special occasions.” Frigga said gently.

“But I don’t have any armour.” I regretted saying that. Next to Thor were my new robes. “No, I don’t think I will be wearing that.” I said as Thor left.

“But you must, we will met you outside.” Mother said and she departed with Frigga. I looked at the clothes. The colour scheme was green, gold and black, not surprising. I took off my beautiful dress and began to put on the robes laid out before me. I slipped on some black shiny leggings, made of some kind of soft metal. Over the top I had a dark green leotard, long sleeved embroidered with gold swirls. My boots came up to my knees and were also gold. I had gold circular shoulder pads and to top it off a crown. But this was no ordinary crown, it was fitted to me. It was designed to just slip onto my forehead and stay there. It too was gold and sat just below my hair line. It had two horns identical to Loki’s sprouting from the top. I looked in the mirror.

“I look ridicules.” I stated as I nearly cried at my reflection. I slinked out of the door in a slouched position.

“Come on dear, shoulders up. Everyone will want to see you.” Frigga said with a smile. And how I wanted her to be wrong.               

The God of Mischief | Loki fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now