Dead or alive

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As soon as Deus was born, Frigga insisted I moved back into the palace. Now that I had Deus, a constant reminder of Loki, the room was not a problem any more. It is tradition that as soon as the royal children are of five months that they should be cleansed in the waters of stagnum sanguine nobili, the lake of noble blood. Waking up early to his cries was natural to me now. Stumbling out of bed, I quickly made my way over to his cot. His skin was as cold as ice again. Since he was young he could not understand his power over ice.

"Shhh, everything's ok, Mother's here." I whispered to him. This would happen about three times a week, he was just to young to understand. Gently warming up my hands with flames I placed my hand on his forehead, warming him up. Soon his cry's stopped and he was once again asleep. Softly I ran my warm fingers threw his black tight ringlets on top of his head. Stretching, I realised that I should start to get ready. Thankfully I went back to my normal dress size after the birth so I did not have to buy new clothes. Once I was ready Frigga came into the room.

"How is he?" She asked softly looking into the cradle.   

"Had another burst this morning but other than that, sound asleep." I whispered back as not to wake him. She nodded and turned to me.

"I thought he might want to wear this today." She said bringing out a mini green asgardian suit. It was very sweet. "It was Loki's." She added and my heart sunk.

"I'm sorry Frigga but I do not want Deus to wear that." I said quietly trying not to offend.

"Oh" She whispered quietly, looking downcast.

"Don't get me wrong, its lovely, it really is." I quickly rushed to say. "Its just... I want him to know his father, but I do not want him to be his father." Frigga nodded in understanding. "I am sorry." I said with a slight smile.

"No, no it is okay, I should have thought. I will get Thor's out instead." She smiled back politely. I knew I had upset her, she missed Loki too. But Deus already looked so much like Loki, I could not bare to see him become him. She left to fetch Thor's old cleansing suit. At this point Deus had woken up fully.

"Hello." I said playfully as I lifted him above my head. He screeched out an adorable laugh and his tiny hands reached out for me. I cradled him in my arms and he sucked his thumb. I lightly kissed his forehead. He was truly the best gift Loki had ever given me. Frigga soon came back and we dressed him. The lake was located in the back of the palace towards the border of the woods. Again most of the kingdom was there as I walked with Deus down the steps. My family was standing by the lake along with Frigga, Odin and Thor. Thor could not hold back the smile as Deus grabbed hold of his finger. Even though Loki was not related to them, Frigga, Odin and Thor all treated Deus like he was one of the family. Odin gently took Deus from me and he too smiled at the beaming child in his arms. I thought I could even see some tears brimming from his eyes. This was not a spoken ceremony, it was silent with no words except the child's name. Every one just stands there in silence. The all father walked with Deus into the lake. I felt like the proudest mother as Odin carefully submerged Deus in the water.

"Deus." He whispered softly and lifted him out. He was crying from the cold shock of the water, he never liked bath times either. As Odin handed him back to me, he stopped crying and just snuggled into my warm body. We all went back to the main hall for a feast. While people ate and drunk, I instead chose to be a mother and sit with Deus at the front of the hall.

"You have truly been given a gift Liara." Thor said as he crouched down to his nephew. Deus always livened up when he was around Thor, his cute giggles would echo the halls and bubbles would pop from his mouth.

"Thor." Odin called his son sternly. Looking up I could see the serious nature on his face. Thor stood up immediately, confused. They both left the room quietly. I was about to go after them when my mother came up.

"He is so precious." She cooed at him. Deus was not so keen on my mother. He pulled back and pulled a scrunched up face. Odin came back in without Thor.

"Mother can you hold Deus for a few minutes." I said giving him carefully over to her.

"Of course." She said with a smile, but Deus looked like he was going to kick off. I left and found Thor pacing the corridor.

"Thor what is it?" I asked concerned. He just kept on shaking his head. I stood there in silence waiting for a reply.

"Not here." He said storming down the corridor. I followed him immediately, twisting down many corridors until the noise of the hall could not be heard anymore.

"Well?" I asked impatiently.

"I don't know how to say it." He looked distressed.

"Thor. Please." I pleaded with him. He took a long deep breath, I did not know what to expect.

"Loki, he is...still alive." He said slowly. I stood there shocked, I did not know if he was telling the truth or playing some sick joke.

"You told me he fell. You told me he was dead." I said trying to keep calm.

"We all thought he was. No one could have survived." He pleaded with me. Tears started to fill my eyes but I blinked trying to push them away.

"Where is he?" I asked my voice wobbling.

"He is on midgaurd. I have to go and get him at once." He replied.

"Earth?" I said out loud puzzled at where he was. "What is he doing there?" I asked. Thor licked his lips.

"He is causing some trouble." He said quietly. A maid passed us and we both went silent. When she was gone I leaned into him.

"What kind of trouble?" I asked again.

"He some how found the Tesseract, he is trying to make the Chitauri go to war on earth." I did not believe this, Loki would no do this. The Loki I knew, would not do this. 

"So you are going down to stop him?" I said absent minded. He nodded in a sincere mode. "Then I am coming with you." I said.

"No Liara, you can't." He replied.

"Why not, He is my husband. I maybe the only one who can convince him to stop if indeed he is as bad as you are saying." I wanted to help, I wanted to see him again, hold him.

"Liara, he is dangerous. He might kill you. Deus needs you, Asgard needs you. Also the all father will only have enough strength to send me down to earth." He said sternly.

"Then let me come down with you." I argued.

"No." He said bluntly and began to walk of.

"Thor!" I cried out after him, and I received no reply. Loki was alive. He was alive and I had to see him. One way or another I was going to find him and one way or another I knew I was the only one who could convince him to stop.    

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