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“And where the hell have you been?” I spat out angrily.

“What happened?” Loki asked as he spun around to look at where Enchantress had been dragged off to.

“It would seem your wife and Enchantress had a little tiff.” Thor replied standing behind me.

“And I missed it!” Loki moaned. Letting out a huge grunt I stormed in the direction of my room. I could hear soft footsteps echoing mine behind me. Throwing the doors open I walked straight in leaving the doors open. I heard Loki enter behind me and shut the doors behind him.

“It would never have happened if you kept your promise and came on time!” I shouted spinning on my heels to face him.

“Whoa you are the one who hit her.” I tried to contain my anger.

“She was being out of line and she has had it coming for weeks.” I replied slowly and calmly.

“I know! I am just sorry I missed It.” he laughed. Groaning I fell face first onto the bed. “So don’t you want to know why I was late?” he asked sweetly.

“No.” came my blunt reply.

“Not even if it’s organizing a visit to Earth?” his tormenting tone rang from behind me. I lifted my head up from the bed and turned around curiously.

“Earth?” I repeated in a dream state.

“I did tell you it was somewhere you have never been before.” I could feel a small smile tug on my lips. “Is that a smile I see? Come on you know you want to.” Loki’s childish smile plastered all over his face. I looked at the ground, biting my bottom lip. Earth has always been a mystery to me, and I would love to see it’s for told beauty.

“Fine, but this doesn’t mean I forgive you!” I smiled.

“How did I know you were going to say that!” he beamed back. I bounced up onto my feet, ready for this new adventure. “You might need to change first, into something more earth like.” Loki said looking me up and down.

“But I don’t own any earth clothes.” Loki’s smile remained on his face.

“You don’t think I was just organising all of this time?” he held out in front of him a black lace dress. It had a white under coat with the black lace embroidery on the front. It was high across the collar bone and was sleeveless. A small skinny glossy belt was tied around the waist of the dress and the dress fell to a few inches above the knee. This was defiantly earth style, but not mine. I looked at Loki with an eyebrow raised.

“You want to go to Earth don’t you?” he teased.

“I will make it work.” I moaned quietly and took the dress into dressing room. It surprisingly fitted perfectly, tight and snug. I let my brown hair down and it fell in ringlets to mid way down my chest. Slipping on some knee high sandals I came out to see Loki still dressed in normal Azgardian way.

“And what will you be wearing?” I asked. He gave a brief smile and thrust his arms out. He immediately glowed a brilliant gold and his clothing changed into more human attire, I did love his parlour tricks. He was now wearing a crisp white shirt with a black waist coat and matching tie. He wore a long black over coat reaching just above his knees, black trousers and black shoes. Over the top of his coat he wore a green cotton scarf, dangling from each side of his shoulders.

“Well?” he asked expectantly, whilst I looked at him.

“I suppose it will do.” I smiled. Loki returned the smile and with that we were off. Mounting our horses we made our way to the Bifrost. Waiting out side was the keeper, Heimdall. Dismounting we entered the huge circular dome. We walked around a massive golden circle in the middle and stood in front of a wall. I was nervous I had never travelled by this method before. Behind us Heimdall drove his sword in the center of the circle, causing the circular walls surrounding us to spin violently. I let out a nervous puff of air, making Loki chuckle at my nerves.

“Shut up you.” I whispered jabbing him in the ribs. Suddenly our bodies were thrust forward on the spot and then we were flying through an infinite tunnel, decorated with colours and rainbows. As quickly as it began it finished with a crack of thunder. As I looked around I could see we were not in Azgard anymore. It smelt damp and was dark. Stone and brick walls surrounded us. “Where are we?” I questioned slightly disappointed.

“I believe people on earth call it, England.” Loki replied grinning. As I looked forward I could see a little boy frozen on the spot, his mouth wide open and staring at us. “Hi!” Loki cried out and the boy started to run and scream. I shot Loki a look.

“What? He will be fine.” I wish that could be true. I rolled my eyes and began to walk to where the boy had run off to. At the end of the dark long walls at either side of me, was an opening and light was peering through. As I stepped out I was greeted with a beautiful sight. Loki joined my side as I stared at the green oasis in front of me. It seemed to be a rather large park filled with blossoming trees and thick green grass and a long flowing river racing through the wilderness. Looking back to where we had emerged from I could see we had come from a gap between two tall buildings. Between us and the park was a paved over wide rode, with various metal machines whizzing down the road.

“Shall we?” Loki beamed at me, offering his bent arm to me.

“Certainly.” I replied linking my arm with his. We crossed the road with a crowd of other people, some where talking to hand held blocks in there hands, others were simply sipping some sort of beverage in their hand. We entered the park through some black railings and were greeted by a swift breeze and the smell of freshly cut grass. The park was filled with laughter from playing children and the chirps of birds nesting in the trees.

“How is it, is it to your liking?” Loki bent down and whispered in my ear.

“Its everything I ever imagined.” I said out loud in wonder of the place in front of me. We walked on still my arm linked in his. We walked around the lake for at least fifth teen minutes with out saying a word, just looking at the blue sky with white fluffy cloud above our heads, watching the animals known as ducks swim about on the surface of the water.

“You did not have to do this you know.” I said as we sat down on a near by wooden bench.     

“I felt like I owed you something, and you are my best friend.”  Somehow this made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

“Well thank you.” I said and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. A few awkward moments followed that and I just stared at the ground. “So have you got anything else planned or are we just going to sit here all day?” I laughed standing up.

“I thought we would just stand around staring at the trees all day.” Loki tried to keep a serious face on. Rolling my eyes I walked on.

“Be serious!” I said as he followed on my left hand side.

“But I am!” Loki replied his face managing to keep straight. He stopped an inch away from the lake and looked at a small birch tree that stood near it. “I mean just look at it.” he said in awe. For a millisecond I felt a strange feeling of mischievousness run threw me. I looked to my left and right and upon seeing nobody I stretched out and sent Loki stumbling into the lake.

“Whoopsy!” I gasped bringing a hand to my open mouth. I looked down to see Loki sitting in the shallow lake, drenched in water. His hair was flat against his face and his white shirt was clinging to his chest. He brushed the hair back out of his face to reveal an angry looking face. “Sorry that was a complete accident.” I said innocently.

“Oh yeah yeah, come on and help me out.” He said moodily holding out his hand. I held back the urge to laugh as I grabbed his hand with mine. With out warning he pulled me towards him, forcing me into the lake with him. I gasped in shock at how cold the water was. The bottom of my hair was wet and the dress I was wearing was floating around me all puffy.

“Sorry accident.” Loki repeated my words. A smile crept over my face as I splashed him. He stood up holding his hand out to me and I took it. We both climbed out of the lake, absolutely soaking. “Well I was hoping to take you out to dinner but that will have to wait. We will need to get back and change, maybe another time.” Loki smiled. People stared at us as we crossed the road again, dripping water behind us, but we did not care. We re-entered the gap between the buildings and to the spot on the ground where we had landed. Suddenly our bodies were pulled upwards and we were once again back in Azgard.                          

The God of Mischief | Loki fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now