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As the door closed the tears pooled out of my eyes. How could I have been so stupid? I just got swept away in the romantic moment, no thought of planning. Running my fingers through my hair, I tugged at the roots. Pulling down the covers, I carefully placed my hands onto my bare stomach. There was a life inside of there, a child, Loki's child to be precise. I never even wanted this, not in this way. Looking over to Loki's untouched side of the bed, a lump appeared in my throat. I grabbed for his pillow. I ran my fingers over the green cloth that covered it. Bringing it up to my face, I buried my head into it. The scent of the pillow reminded me of him. The faint smell of smoke and fresh grass. I had to get out of here, the room was driving me crazy. Throwing the pillow to one side, I put on my robe. I pulled open the door ever so slightly to reveal two guards standing on the door.

"You have got to be kidding me." I whispered to myself as I closed it again gently. I really hated Thor sometimes. Walking out to the balcony I could see that it was raining quiet heavily. Taking a deep breath I drew my hood up over my head. A cold wind swept threw Asgard, probably as a result of the Bi-frost being destroyed. Slowly I climbed over the low granite wall of the balcony so that I was on the other side. As I looked down I could see I was higher up than I thought. Spotting an ivy bush to the side of me, I made my way towards it. Once I had hold of the vines I carefully shimmied down to the ground. My cloak was now soaking and my breath was visible in the air. I knew that the place I needed to go was the place I really didn't want to go. Knowing what I needed was of greater importance I made my way to the house. It was gone midnight, but I couldn't stay out here long. I knocked on the old familiar wooden door for what seemed like hours, before it was opened by an old lady dressed in her night clothes, holding a flickering candle.

"Mum?" I whimpered. The door immediately swung open as I collapsed into her arms.

"My dear girl, what are you doing out in such awful weather and so late at night?" She asked as she cradled me in her arms.

"I had to get out...I could not stay there...I...I" My voice trembled with the cold. She helped me into her arm chair and shut the door. Wrapping an old grey sheet around my shivering body, she stroked my arms. The fire place was already lit with a warm greeting.

"Oh dear, you are freezing!" My mother exclaimed shocked. She took my hands and desperately tired to warm them. "Please warm yourself up, I don't mind, set your flesh on fire, just get warmer." She pleaded desperately. I looked deeply into her sad eyes and my lip quivered.    

"I can't." I cried out, huddling in the blanket.

"Why not, I do not understand?" She was confused.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered. Her hands began to shake in mine. She looked as shocked as I was. She steadily got up and sat by me, her frail hand wrapped around my soaked shoulders.

"Did he..." She said quietly. She then nodded.

"Did he what mum?" I asked in return.

"Did he force himself on you?" She trembled.

"No, no he didn't." I laughed gently. She began to nod uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes of course. I just wanted to know." She reasoned.

"It's ok, I know you only want to look out for me." I said hugging her. She stared at the floor in deep thought.

"Have you thought about....keeping it?" She asked slowly. Normally I would riot at such an idea, but I must admit I had thought about it.

"I am....I'm going to keep it. As much as I hate the idea of being a single mother and that this child will forever be known as Loki's child and that it will probably be ridiculed for it, it is the only thing left that I have of his." My mother looked at me with understanding.

"We are always here for you." She said wrapping another blanket around me.

"I know. Can I stay here...move back in?" I asked. I just couldn't stand another minute in that place, everything reminding me of him, the smell the objects.

"Of course you can, your room is exactly how you left it." She smiled at me. Nodding I got up and began to make my way to my room. "Do you still want to keep that?" She asked referring to my necklace that had dangled out of the blankets. Looking down at the green pendant I could sense a warmth from it. I simply nodded and made my way up the stairs. Opening the door I could tell nobody had touched it since I had left. Everything was left as I left it, the clothes draped over my chair, my bed covers not made. It was cold in the room, but I did not want to use my abilities. I have no idea what it would do to the baby. Feeling that it was safe enough to just use my hands I lit the candle that laid across the room. For the first time in weeks I felt at peace. I sunk into my old bed, still amazed at how soft it had stayed. As the candle light flicked in the distance, I finally let sleep take hold.

It was the first time that I had slept in ages. I still felt like hell but I felt more refreshed. Maybe this is the right thing for me to do, right? Standing up, I felt my legs were much steadier and much more stronger. Walking over to the mirror I studied my reflection, in particular my body. There was a definite bump forming. It did look bigger because of my frail and skinny frame. In a few months this baby would be here, a little soul to take care off. And for the first time I felt happy to be a mum. After getting dressed I could smell food being cooked. Walking down stairs I found my mother in the kitchen cooking.

"Good morning dear, could you lay the table?" She asked sweetly. For once I felt useful, not like at the palace when I couldn't do a damn thing. After setting the table I sat down to a buffet of food.

"Please eat dear, if not for me, for the baby." She smiled.

"You're right. I need to get healthier." I agreed. If I was going to have this baby, I need sustenance. I needed to take better care of myself. Lex came running down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Morning." He beamed.

"What no smart talk? No insults?" I asked surprised. He shook his head and looked at mum.

"I told you she would be suspicious." He told her. "Mum told me to be kind to you." He pouted.

"You can be as mean as you wish Lex." Said rolling my eyes.

"Yes." He whispered, grabbing at the air with his fist. Father now joined us, sitting down opposite me.

"Hello darling." He smiled. "Congratulations are in order I suppose." He said digging into his breakfast. I knew that mother would have told them both.

"Really? Is it that joyous of an occasion?" I asked.

"This baby will be good for you Liara. You will soon see that." And for once I had to agree with him.                 

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