A deadly decision.

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Whispers and fear started to brew around us as Loki, Thor and Odin descended into the vaults. Lady Sif and the warriors three were already starting to send people back to their houses. I looked up at Frigga, who looked more baffled than anyone.

“My queen are you alright?” I asked, gently holding her upper arm. She looked down at me slowly looking dazed, like she had just come out of a trance.

“Yes, yes, I am fine. Make sure everyone else is okay.” I nodded and gave a comforting smile. It felt like I was herding sheep, waving my arms about and pushing them backwards.

“Everything is fine, under control. Can you all just return to your homes.” I shouted more than once over the crowd. Eventually with lots of shouting and arm waving the crowd was dispersed. Frigga had gone to her chambers for a lie down, I felt like one myself. I sat down on the side steps, looking at the huge feast table that was covered in delicacies and wine. I could hear Volstaggs tummy rumbling from here. Soon just Loki emerged from the vaults.

“What’s going on?” I asked as he sat beside me.

“Two ice giants slipped into the vaults and were very close to taking the casket.” The anger in his voice was clear. He ran his fingers threw his black hair, gripping at his scalp.

“What? How can anyone slip passed the gaze of Heimdall?” I asked in a hoarse whisper.

“I do not know, but…” At this point crashes and bangs could be heard coming closer. Looking up I could see Thor obviously angry and disgruntled, coming towards the table. He threw back two servants who where clearing the plates away, and they landed with a huge thud. Thor let out a massive growl as he heaved the long table over, forcing Loki and I to stand up and take a step back. The food was squashed beneath the table and cutlery lay where I was sat. After all of the moans and groans came the silence as Thor slammed himself down on the floor. At this point Lady Sif, Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg had come into the hall also looking concerned.

“Redecorating are we?” Sif asked looking at the floor as a stray goblet rolled to her feet.

“Look at all of this food! Not even tasted before touched the ground…it just brakes the heart!” Volstagg looked on in disgust at the spoilt food on the hall floor. I stood with my back against a nearby pillar feeling sympathetic for Thor. Loki went and sat down next to his brother.

“It is unwise to be in my company right now brother.” Thor’s fury burning threw.

“Who said I was wise?” Loki laughed. I looked on carefully, not sure at what Loki would do.

“This was to be my day of triumph.” Thor was obviously annoyed and agitated.

“It will come.” Loki replied. Suddenly Loki’s voice turned into a soft whisper so that only Thor and I could hear what he was saying.

“If it’s any consolation, I think you are right. About the frost giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Azgard’s defences once, who says they won’t try again, with an army next time.”

“Exactly!” Thor replied louder, I could feel him building up, Loki was up to something.  

“But there is nothing you can do without defying father.” And then the penny dropped. I knew Loki to well; he was building him up, putting thoughts into his head.

“Yes there is!” Thor said confidently, standing up.

“No stop there, I know that look.” Loki said pointing at him.

“It is the only way to ensure the safety of our boarders!”

“Thor it is madness!” Loki said also standing up.

“Madness? What sort of Madness?” Volstagg asked as he piled up some food.

“We are going to Yodenheim.” I let out a frustrated sigh and closed my eyes. Lady Sif step cautiously forward.

“Thor of all the laws of Azgard this is the law you must not break.” She was right, if he went in there who knows what Odin will do.

“If the frost giants don’t kill you, your father will.” I spoke up, seeing Volstagg and Fandral nodding in agreement.

“My father fought his way into Yodenheim; he defeated their armies and took their casket. We will only be looking for answers.” He tried to reason with me.

“It is forbidden.” Sif shouted. Thor gave his usual chuckle and walked towards the warriors three and Sif.

“My friends have you forgotten all that we have done together? Who brought you into the sweet embrace of all the exotic maidens in all of Idrecel?” He asked Fandral, who began to blush.

“Well, you helped a little.” He replied.

“And who led you into the most glorious of battles?” He asked proudly to Hogun.

“You did.” He replied quietly.

“And who led you to delicacies so delicious you thought you had died and gone to Valhalla?”

“You did.” Volstagg replied proudly.

“And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea of a maiden could be one of the fiercest of warriors this realm has ever known?” Sif laughed.

“I did!”

“Yes but I supported you!” Thor replied.

“And who, decided not to push you into the fiery waters of Gloudenstim?” He finally asked me.

“You did with a little persuasion from me” I smiled.

“My friends trust me now. We must do this. You are not going to let me and my brother take all of the glory are you?” He asked standing tall. I could see the flicker in Loki’s eyes.

“What?” Loki asked looking confused up at him. Thor’s face fell.

“But you are coming with me aren’t you?” He asked worried. Loki looked down and took a breath before standing up.

“Yes of course. I am not going to let my brother march into Yodenheim alone.” Loki finally said.

“Nor I!” I said standing by them. Thor smiled at me and patted me hard on the back.

“And I!” Volstagg cried out.    

“And I.” Fandral said more composed.

“And I, the warriors three fight together.” Hogun said.

“I fear I will live to regret this.” Sif sighed as she bowed, and the four of them made their way to prepare. The three of us, as we were already dressed, went to the horses.

“So Liara, one last adventure before being tied down to married life?” Thor laughed.

“Oh you wish, you are not getting rid of me that easily.” I grinned. We only had to wait a few minutes before the others joined us, Lady Sif wearing a hooded cloak and Fandral wearing a fur shoal around his shoulders. We all walked down in a line towards our armaments. We each collected our weapons and anything else we desired. All I had is a metal sword; my fire will do the reset. As I set it into my scabbard I saw Loki move over and have a quiet word with a guard.

“The first task is to get passed Heimdall.” Thor said, strapping on his gloves. They all walked off and mounted their horses, but I waited for Loki. I had my back to the rest and as he passed me I put my hand on his chest, stopping him in mid stride. He looked sideways down at me.

“Loki I know you. Now that Thor is doing what you wanted, I hope you know what you are doing.” I whispered harshly. He looked at me quite blankly.

“Honestly Liara, I do not know what you mean.” And with that he mounted his horse.

“Coming Liara?” Thor called out. I took a deep breath and turned around smiling. 

“Would not miss this for the world!”

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