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Walking down the rainbow bridge was the most tense five minutes of my life. The five of us remained silent as we approached the bi-frost. We stood before Heimdall in a straight line, hands behind our backs and our heads to the ground. The only thought rushing through my head was we are doomed. Heimdall stood tall in front of us but I noticed he did not have his sword with him. This was unusual for him.

"You would defy Loki, your king? Brake every oath you have taken as warriors and wife, and commit treason to bring Thor back?" Heimdall boomed at us. Fandral gave me a worrying side ways glance. As I breathed out I looked up and I spotted Heimdall's sword imbedded in the centre of the bi-frost.

"Yes." Sif replied confidently.

"Good." Heimdall snapped shocking us all. We all stood dumbfounded as he walked down and out of the bi-frost.

"So you will help us?" Volstagg asked confused.

"I can not help you. I am bound by honour to our king. I can not open the bridge to you." I was beginning to understand what Heimdall wanted as I saw a flicker of a blue spark coming from the sword.

"Complicated fellow." Volstagg laughed. Leaving the others I quickly ran out of the bi-frost. Sif had noticed that Heimdall had left the gateway open for them.

"Where are you going?" She cried out to me.

"Someone needs to stay here!" I called back. I saw her nod and the bi-frost was activated and they disappeared in the blue lightening.

"Queen of Azgard." Heimdall's deep voice made me jump. I spun around to face him. "Take care, I can see many things and one thing I can see is the love you share with the King. But be carful, for he has seen the opening of the bi-frost and he has disappeared from my sight." He was sincere like always but he had some regard in his tone. I solemnly nodded and walked back towards the city. When I entered the palace Loki was no where to be found. I checked our room, the throne room and finally Odin's chambers, but he was not in any of them. Frigga gave a weak smile as I entered and I knew that she would like some company. I could not imagine the pain of sitting next to your husband for nights on end, not knowing if he would ever wake up again.

"How is he?" I asked quietly. She looked down at Odin and smiled.

"The same as yesterday. No signs of anything." She whispered.

"Well that can be a good sign too, at least there are no bad signs." I smiled trying to cheer her up. She gave a little laugh and sat up straight.

"So why are you here? I do know you would have had a better reason to come here other to see me." She beamed, trying to put on a brave face.

"Do not be so hard on yourself, but I did hope to find Loki. Have you seen him?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No I am sorry dear, I have not." I nodded in understanding. I did not want to leave her alone and so quickly I slowly walked to the King's open balcony. For once there was nothing, Azgard was silent. There was no breeze, no wind. The skies seemed to be cloudy and no stars could be seen. Suddenly something caught my eye. A bright bold beam emerged from the bi-frost. It could not have been lady Sif and the warriors three, it was to early. I strained my eyes to try and see who it was, but it was to far away.

"Do you know who would use the bi-frost at this time?" I called out to Frigga but my eyes stayed transfixed on the golden orb.

"No, anyone could." She replied. It was very hard to see any movement from that far away and the rainbow bridge did not make things any clearer. I used my right arm to support my body against a pillar. Once Thor was back Loki would surly know I had something to do with it. I shook my head trying to rid these thoughts of my mind, I would cross that path when it comes to it. The quiet atmosphere was suddenly disturbed by a mini scream of terror. I turned around to see Frigga standing up and three frost giants surrounding her and one of them was Laufey. I immediately grabbed for my dagger tucked into a pocket strapped to my thigh. The one closest to me made a dive but I quickly rolled out of the way so his back was facing the edge of the balcony. Our eyes locked, his cold red eyes and my flaming green ambers. He lunged towards me and I stepped to the side taking his fist and twisting it behind his back. Spinning him back around so he was facing the edge now I pushed him forward and kicked him hard and he toppled off of the edge. I ran towards the other frost giant and jumped at him with my dagger. This one formed his own ice dagger and cut my arm with it. Gritting my teeth with the pain I managed to slice off one of his arms. With his other he grabbed the arm he had cut and squeezed on it hard, forcing me to drop my knife. He brought his head closer to mine and stared into my eyes with a demented smile. I smiled back and connected my head with his. As he fell back in pain I picked up my dagger and stabbed him in the chest. I did not watch to see him crumble to pieces. Frigga screamed as Laufey slammed her to the marble floor. I ran to jump on him while his back was turned. I was so close when he spun around and knocked me to the floor. The dagger skidded out of my reach. I tried to get back up but Laufey was to quick for me. Before I knew it his icy fingers were clasped around my throat. Using both hands I gripped at his gigantic hand that squeezed around my neck. He began to pick me up by my neck, causing high amounts of pressure on my throat. I gasped for air as I could no longer touch the floor.

"Insolent girl. Why shouldn't I kill you now?" His voice was cold to the touch. I was growing weaker. I knew I had to use everything I had. I glanced to Frigga, she was still laying on the floor but she was breathing. Sucking in all the remaining breath I had I set my skin ablaze and Laufey's grip soon loosened. As I dropped to the floor with a bang his cries echoed the room. I was kneeling trying to recover enough oxygen to stand up but an ice fist hit me back down to the floor hard. I was lying on the front of my body. Every single one of my senses were disorientated. My vision was blurring and cutting off to black. A constant ringing echoed in my ears and I could not smell or taste anything either. And finally my body was the numbest it had ever been. I tried to push myself up on my wobbly arms I could roughly see the blurred figure of Laufey standing over Odin's bed. My arm's gave out beneath me and I collapsed to the floor.

"Are you listening All father? I want you to know that Odin was killed by Laufey." A deep voice said. I shook my head and could see Laufey raising an ice knife. I did not have the strength to push myself up, Frigga was still getting up herself and Odin was about to be murdered. Suddenly a different sound rattled the chamber. Looking up once more I could see Laufey on the floor and Loki standing by him, his staff pointing down towards him.

"And you were killed by Loki, Odinson." His voice was confident. His staff shot one more golden beam out and Laufey was shredded into millions of tiny icicles. I was glad but at the same time sad. Loki had just killed his real father. Loki rushed over to me and knelt down beside me.

"Liara, are you ok?" He asked his hand on my cheek. I nodded silently as he helped me up.

"Loki! You saved him. You saved us both!" Frigga cried as she ran up to us. She hugged Loki but he held her at arms length.

"I promise you they will pay for what they have done today." He said looking deep into her eyes.

"Loki!" Yet another voice joined our convocation. I turned my head to see Thor standing at the door. I could not help the smile that grew over my face. He was finally home.

"Thor!" Frigga ran up and hugged her son. Loki looked less pleased. He began to step away from him and to the other side of Odin's bed. I stayed where I was in-between them both.

"Why don't you tell them? Tell them how you sent the destroyer after me and our friends!" He shouted. I stood there shell shocked. I looked at Loki who had no expression on his face.


The God of Mischief | Loki fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now