The birth.

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"Short, deep breaths darling." My mother soothed in my ear. As I laid flat on my back her hands were entwined with mine, trying to comfort me. My breathing quickened as I felt another wave of pain building up.

"Oh God make it stop!" I cried out in agony. I could no longer feel my legs, they were to numb. My hair was now sticking to my face with sweat. I was to tired, it felt like was being tortured for hours on end. My mother brought a cold, wet cloth to my forehead.

"Shhh, it will all be okay soon." She whispered. My stomach strained for the hundredth time as another contraction caused me pain. I was constantly shouting out in pain, my cries echoing through out the room. My heart was racing, I could not take any more.

"This might get difficult." The maid sighed.

"What? What is wrong?" I asked immediately sitting up to look at her. Nothing was going to happen to this baby, it is all I have.

"It appears the baby is breach. This will make it extremely difficult for you." She told me calmly. I slammed my head back down on the pillow with frustration. The pain skyrocketed as I suffered some more with the agony and anguish.

"I can't do this anymore." I cried to my mother. She looked sorrowfully into my eyes. I could feel my tears and sweat mixing and becoming one as they slid down my cheeks.

"You can do it. Just think of what you will get at the end." She said sympathetically. I nodded as my face scrunched up with a throbbing sting. This time the pain was to much, my cries turned into full hearted screams. I closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath. I was not strong enough for this and I could feel my body growing weaker, I would not last for long. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the people around me. The maid who looked increasingly worried, my mother who was starting to cry and Frigga who was sitting in shock. I glanced down to see some blood. Everything seemed to slow down. Now there was another person in the room, but it was an impossibility. A tall, lean, skinny man walked slowly up to my side. The male was pale with hair as black as coal. The man was clothed in green and had a smile.

"Get out of my head." I cried softly to myself as I looked at the illusion of Loki. My body was playing tricks on me, trying to fool me with illusions.

"Now why would I do that? I am here to help." he said softly looking down at me with those bold green eyes. I began to cry to myself. How could my body be so mean to me? Suddenly time sped up and the so did the pain, but the figure of Loki was still there.

"Get out!" I screamed as I trust into a seated position. Both my hands wrapped around my thighs, trying to push.

"Who needs to get out?" My mother asked shocked. Her eyes were wide with confusion. The hallucination of Loki looked at me with a playful smile.

"Get him out!" I cried out again as  fell back onto the bed. My Mother looked around slowly.

"Liara there is no man in here." She answered with a calm tone. Loki walked around the room, examining me, seeing my suffering.

"You know you really have let yourself go! Let me give you a tip, falling threw space sheds a lot of weight off the thighs." He winked at me. Both my hands grabbed clumps of my hair and yanked at it.

"Get out, get out, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I shrieked. My mother began to sob, believing that I had gone mad, and I probably have.

"Please Liara, stop it. You are scaring me." She wept into my hand. I could see how much this distressed my mother but I could not help that my body and mind were being so cruel to me.

"Ooo, we wouldn't want to scare mummy now, would we?" Loki said sarcastically. Using the palms of my hands I began to bash on my forehead.

"No, no, no, no, stop it!" I cried.

"Liara? Liara please. Can you hear me?" My mum called out. Turning away from Loki I faced my mother.

"Please, make it stop mum, I can't do this any more. Please." I groaned as I was attacked by another burst of pure distress. My mother did not say a word, she just stroked my head and held my hands. A sharp cold shock came from down below, making me gasp and to lose my concentration on Loki.

"What on Asgard was that?" I asked. The maid looked horrified. Frigga stood up and cleared her throat. I looked at her intensely.

"It looks like the child takes after its father." She said solemnly. I took a quick deep breath and held it.

"You mean..." My mothers voice trailed off.

"An ice giant." Frigga nodded in silent agreement. My tears were stopped from shock. I did not really think this threw, how could I have been so idiotic?

"Oh so it is mine then?" The figment of Loki laughed. A big surge of agony shot threw my entire body. But instead of going away it stayed.

"Oh lord what is happening?" I asked, flinching in pain.

"Ok, we have the feet and hips. You need to keep on going and quickly. The baby is growing limp." The maid shouted back at me. I relinquished my mother of her hand and sat straight up. I had to do this.

"I'm here." Loki said.

"I know." I whispered to myself. I wrapped my arms around my legs and took a deep breath. As I pushed my groan gradually grew into a cry and then into a high pitched scream. I slumped back down onto the bed, sweat glazed my body. My mother and Frigga were both smiling at me and the figment of Loki had disappeared. I felt a small twinge as what I think was my umbilical cord, was cut from my body. I took a deep sigh of relief, it was over. I laid there, expecting to hear the screams of a tiny child, but there were none. Something was wrong.

"What's going on? Where's my baby?" I cried out, tears running down my cheeks. I looked to my mother, whose hands were covering her mouth. Frigga's eyes were closed. "Tell me!" I shouted.

"The umbilical cord was wrapped around the Childs neck, its not breathing." The maid said. She was slumped over the body of my baby, trying to get it to breath.

" after all this. Please don't say that..." I was beginning to feel new pain. My heart was breaking. I brought my hands up to my face and sobbed into my hands. I was wet and soaking from the sweat and that in turn meant the bed was soaked with blood also. I smelt and I was numb all over. The other maid began to clear me up, changing the sheets and my clothes. I kept my eyes closed the entire time, praying. Suddenly I could here the cries of a child. Looking up I could see my baby alive and kicking.

"Oh thank god!" I wailed out loud. The maid wrapped the baby up in some clean white towels and she handed it to me.

"Congratulations it's a boy." She smiled. The beaming grin on my face could not be wiped off. As I held him, his eyes fluttered open for the first time. He had the most enormous green eyes you ever did see. He already had some black hair sprouting from his tiny head.

"Oh my beautiful girl, I am so proud." My mother said looking at her grandson. Frigga got up and went to tell the others outside.

"What will you name him?" The maid asked. I looked at him. He certainly wasn't a Loki, or Thor, or Fandral or any common name. As I stared at my infant child a name just came to me. I'm not sure if it is even a name.

"Deus." I said proudly, stroking his tiny cheek with my little finger. My mother smiled and gently took him from me. I was reluctant to let him go but I could not really put up a fight in my condition.

"I will take care of Deus, while you catch up on some much deserved sleep." She said softly. I was always one to argue with my mother but this time she was right.  

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