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Rolling out of bed in the morning I found the sudden resurfacing of my memories disturbed me. I sat on the end, running the vision threw my head, trying to make sense of any second of it.

“Liara, are you alright?” Loki asked as he came in from a shower.

“Yeah…it’s just, that memory.” It was confusing me.

“Well maybe I can help, tell me what was in it.” Loki down next to me, with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

“It’s just hard to explain. It was too real to be a dream. We were playing hide and seek, here in the palace. I was hiding behind a pillar, and a curtain was behind me. I could see into the throne room. Odin and my father were arguing, about me. My father was begging him not to do something. I do not know what; fragments were sort of blotted out. In the end Odin said he would give me the necessary power to defend myself.” Saying out loud only confused me further.

“Liara maybe it was just a dream, it will do you no good to linger on it.” Loki said, patting me on the shoulder before standing up and going to get changed. Maybe I was looking too far into this. I shook my head, trying to mentally clear it before standing up to follow Loki’s suit and get changed. Loki’s head suddenly popped out of the door frame and looked me up and down.

“And where do you think you are going?” He asked.

“To get changed.” I replied, baffled.

“Into what? Your ugly, embarrassing, stupid ceremonial robes?” He laughed.

“Come on Loki, out with it.” I was getting annoyed, I had no sleep thanks to that dream and I was tired. His eyes darted behind me. To satisfy his need for attention I turned around to where his gaze was leading. A guard was standing there with some robes in his hands. I turned back to look at Loki and he had his usual smile on his face.

“Finished it yesterday, enjoy!” He beamed and disappeared. Walking to the guard I took the robes and gave him pardon to leave. I was so curious I had to get it on straight away. The top was a normal white tunic, crisp and a bit baggy just how I liked it. It had shoulder pads to it. Engraved gold metal, taking in the form of three triangles layered on top of on another. There was a dark brown, embroidered with gold corset. At least this way I can say how tight it goes. A bit of the white tunic could be seen at the bottom of the corset, making it look like a skirt. There were suitable leggings to go on beneath it and knee high leather boots. The finishing touch was my gloves. They were beautiful, coming to just below the elbow. They were pointed like a triangle on the back of my hand and were delicately seamed with gold swirls. Looking at myself in the mirror I decided this was defiantly better than the other robes.

“Pleased are we?” Loki’s sweet tones came from behind me.

“Much better thank you.” I replied straightening out my new treasure.

“I need to go, family stuff. Will you be alright on your own?” He asked.

“Yeah I will be fine. I was going to go and talk to my father anyway.” Loki’s happy face fell slightly.

“Liara it was probably a dream.” He huffed.

“If it is that will be fine, I just need to find out.” Loki rolled his eyes and left, dressed in his ceremonial robes, his helmet under his arm. Parting my hair from the back and to either side of my shoulders I made my way to my old home. It was only a tad bit uncomfortable walking through the streets but most of the people were busy making preparations for the coronation today. A big toothy grin spread across my face as I came face to face with my old house. Walking straight in I saw my mother, licking her fingers and trying to scrubs poor lex’s face.

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