Friend or Foe?

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We stood there trapped against the edge of the cliff. I looked at them each one into their eyes. My fingers we tightly wrapped around the top of my sword, I was going to die fighting. Then all at once they gave out a war cry and started to run towards us. My breath was becoming scarce but my grip on Loki never faltered. As they were less than a meter from us a gleaming gold light shone down on us. I looked up as the clouds made circles and lit up the sky. The Bifrost was open but it wasn’t bringing us back, it was bringing someone to us. Loki pulled me back as a brilliant white horse whinnied and it appeared by our side. The light died down and I could see the person upon the horse was Odin.

“Father! We shall finish them together!” Thor shouted out, raising his hammer victoriously into the air.

“Silence!” Odin whispered back, his voice harsh and angry. Thor’s face fell and so did his arm. At this time Laufey ascended to us, ice grasping to his every movement. His rose to Odin’s level so he was face to face with him.

“All father…” His voice grated over the air, almost welcoming. “You look weary.”

“Laufey, end this now.” Odin pleaded; nobody except for Thor wanted a war. 

“Your boys sort this out.” Laufey’s eyes seemed to glow more than before. The red ores burning through any soul.

“That’s right. These are the actions of a boy, treat them as such. You and I can end this hear and now, no more blood shed.” I could see Thor’s anger welling up inside of him.

“We are beyond diplomacy now all father. He will get what he came for, war and death.” Thor was now looking at the ground. I looked over to Fandral and he was getting paler by the second, we needed to get out of here.  

“So be it.” Came the bitter reply of Odin. He raised his staff, bringing the light back upon us. Finally we were pulled up, back to Azgard. As soon as we touched the golden surface, Sif, Hogun and Volstagg dragged Fandral off immediately. He was moaning and groaning as he went.

“Why did you bring us back?” Thor shouted at his father.

“Do you understand what you have started?” The tension was high.

“I was protecting our boarders!”

“Your duty is to protect your friends and people!” I looked over to Loki who was looking at his left hand like he was in a trance. I disregarded it and returned my gaze to Thor.

“They must learn to fear me, just as they fear you!” Thor was talking as a solider, with only war on his mind. 

“That’s pride and vanity talking not leadership. You have forgotten everything I have taught you.”

“While you wait the nine realm’s laugh at us!” Both men were filling up with anger and spite.

“You are a greedy, arrogant, selfish boy!” I had never seen Odin as angry as this. His face was red and he was physically bursting with rage.

“And you are an old man and a fool!” Thor replied with as much ferocity. Odin looked to me, almost shocked I was still here.

“Liara, would you leave us.” He said calmly.

“All father…” I wanted to reason with him, tell him it was not all Thor’s fault.

“Now!” He screamed at me. The shock drove me to stand tall and straight faced. I nodded my head sharply and turned. I looked to Thor who was still breathing heavily from the fighting. I passed through the hole of the Bifrost and passed Heimdall. Why did I have to go along? How could I have been so stupid so naive? I was half way down the rainbow bridge when the Bifrost started to turn behind me. I spun back to see its light activated once more. It began to slow down and finally came to a full stop. I stayed rooted to the spot. Only two people came out. Odin walked passed me, did not even glance at me. He was carrying Thor’s hammer and had tears in his eye. I looked to Loki who was walking much slower and looked to be in more thought. I ran up to him.

“Loki, where is Thor?” I asked, out from breath from running. He did not answer; he was still staring at his hand. He seemed to be studying it, slowly rotating it. “Loki?” I asked again raising my voice. He looked up at me this time, his mouth open and eyes wide.

“Err…Father banished him.” He replied, obviously he was affected by this.

“Banished…? To where?” I asked. I could not believe Odin would banish his own son.

“To the realm of mortals, to be more precise, Earth.” He returned his gaze to his hand. I looked at him intensely, but he did not notice.

“Loki, what’s wrong with your hand.” He looked at me, surprised I had seen him.

“Nothing.” He answered, disbelieving what he was saying.

“Then why do you keep on looking at it then?” I asked.

“Because that’s the problem.” He whispered to himself.   

“Loki, you are not making any sense.” He looked at me as if he had come out of a dream.

“Let’s just go.”

Later that evening we were all sitting in the feast room. Fandral was all bandaged up; he was going to be fine. All Loki did was pace constantly.

“We should never have let him go.” Volstagg said his head in his hands.

“There was no stopping him.” I replied, sitting by the huge coal fire in the center of the room.

“At least he was only banished, not dead. Which we would all be if that guard hadn’t told Odin where we were.” Fandral said. I had forgotten about the guard with all that is going on. That’s what Loki must have been telling him about. I don’t know whether to be grateful or angry.   

“How did the guard even know?” Volstagg asked.

“I told him.” Loki said confidently. I was surprised he would own up.

“What?” Sif asked angrily.

“I told him to go to Odin after we had left. If he would have gone when I told him we would not have even reached Yodenheim.” Loki was thumbing with his hands.

“You told the guard?” Volstagg stood up.

“I saved our lives!” Loki defended himself. I had to say I agreed with him, he did save us. “I had no idea he would banish Thor.”

“Loki, can you not ask the all father, convince him to change his mind.” Sif asked, nearly pleading on her knees.   

“If I do then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. He is arrogant, he is reckless, and he is dangerous. You saw how he was today, is that what Azgard needs from its king?” After making his point he left, walking moodily out of the room.

“He may speak for the good of Azgard, but he has always been jealous of Thor.” Sif said in spite.

“We should be grateful he saved our lives.” Volstagg said sticking up for him.

“You know what Laufey said, there were traitors in the house of Odin. A master of magic could bring three frost giants into Azgard undetected.” I could not believe I was hearing this.

“Loki has always been one for mischief but you are talking of something else entirely.” I spoke up. They all looked at me. Yes, Loki had done some things that were wrong but nothing like what they were suggesting.

“Liara I know you are his wife but, you must admit there is something going on there.” Sif said gently to me.

“No, I won’t, because there is nothing going on. I have known Loki, longer than any of you. He was not behind this, and you should all stop thinking about it.” I shouted and the room went silent. They all looked at the floor.

“Liara…” Fandral said sternly. I snapped my head towards him.

“What, are you going to call me a traitor now?” I asked furious. His silence said everything. “I’ve had enough of this, im going to bed.” I said and stormed out.     

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