Thor 2

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I wanted to wait a bit before publishing this. After seeing Thor 2 this was all I could think about, hope you guys like it ^.^


"Do not look at me like that!" He spat at her.

"Like what?" She laughed at him. Loki sat high in the golden throne of Asgard. He had been brooding there, alone, for an hour. He was worn out from the constant disguise of Odin, the projection wore him out.

"You're giving me that, 'I'm disappointed in you' look." He glared at Liara's figure as she crossed the room.

"There is no look Loki." She grinned at him.

"Then what are you thinking about?"

"You tell me." He had forgotten again. Her image flickered and disappeared for a split second and then suddenly reappeared next to him. "After all I am a projection of your mind."

"You plague me! Why?" He grunted, throwing himself from the chair. He walked straight through her, disturbing her image but not dissolving it.  

"Perhaps somewhere in that head of yours, is a conscience." She suggested. Loki seemed mortified at the very prospect of it.

"I am no mortal Liara, when have you ever known me to bare remorse?"

"If I am not mistaken my dear, you felt guilt over my death, and I hope, your mothers as well." She reasoned. It was hard for Loki to keep hold on reality, believing that she was real was so much easier.

"And how would you know that?" He gritted his teeth, becoming annoyed with her.

"I am you. I was there when you bore such emotion. How long did it take you to stop crying over me?" She turned bitter and cruel. "Even now you project my image next to you in bed. Yet you can never touch me, you torment yourself but you still do it."

"Why be so vicious? Why torment my own soul?" Loki screamed to himself, beating on his chest.

"You long for the truth. There is some part of you in there that wants to stop this utter madness and turmoil and you know that only I can convince you." She walked up to the golden throne, stroking the arms of the chair. "Remind yourself, what happened to  Odin?" She asked him. He looked to the floor in hatred and disgust.

"What does it matter? And what can you convince me of? There is nothing wrong with where I am!" He argued against himself.

"Really?" Liara sat herself on the throne, her face filled with regret. "What about Thor?"

"What about him?"

"He trusts you or did you not bother to hear what he said about you!" She screamed. "He praises you to the highest of heavens, how you selflessly sacrificed yourself for others! How you redeemed your soul and apologised! He claimed you a better king than he!"

"And so he should!"

"No!" Liara's eyes were wide. "You betray trust. You mended a broken brotherhood and to what end?" Loki's breaths were hard and loud.

"A brothers love is nothing."

"What about a mothers?" She asked. He winced at this and his fist clenched.

"She was not my mother." He said spitefully.

"But you loved her like one, and she loved you like a son. She is the reason you lived. She provided you with unconditional love and what did you give in return?"

"I avenged her death!" He cried.

"Did you? And what about my trust?" She asked gently. Her eyes glistened with the love that she once bore for him.

"As you have said, you are a figment of my imagination." He spoke with a crooked smile.

"But what about the body in the crypts below? What about her son?"

"Is it not better for him to grow up, thinking that his father redeemed himself and died a hero?" He asked confused with his own emotion.

"And what will happen when you are discovered, for it will come. The day will arise when you are shown not to be Odin. What would be best for your son then?" She stood, towering above him. He swallowed hard. He never knew his mind could be so manipulative.

"So what, you want me to stop and just give up. Go back to my cell and reveal everything?" He asked surprised. Liara nodded silently, still standing at the foot of the throne. He gave a deep chuckle.

"You're going to have to better than that." He grinned. Liara began to flicker and change. Loki looked on with a baffled mind.

"If not me, then who else would you listen to?" It asked. The image fixed. It was still Liara but it was her as she died. Her clothes were stained with her blood and her flesh cut from the fight.  Her hair was a tangled mess and dirt and dust clung to her being. Loki began to shake his head and cowered backwards.

"Promise me you will look after them, both of them." She mimicked her last words. "Promise!" She screamed.

"Stop it." Loki pleaded.

"Loki, you are not a thing. You are you. Just because you have different heritage, doesn’t affect that. You may not be an Asgardian by blood but that doesn’t mean you aren’t an Asgardian at all. And you maybe Laufeyson instead of Odinson, but that does not change who you are."

"Stop using her words!" Loki screamed at the projections. She began to walk towards him, quoting as she went.

"I think that you, are a pompous, selfish, arrogant, pathetic excuse for a man!"

"I am warning you!" Loki threatened.

" Not only did I lose a husband that day, I lost a best friend. I went into a deep and dark depression when I thought you had died. I nearly killed myself in grief over you. I had to endure the whispers and gossip of the town and I had to cope with the looks of disgust coming my way. I had to deal with the fake sympathy. I had to go through the most dramatic child birth you could ever imagine, a child birth that almost claimed my life. And now I have to watch my child grow up without a father!" Loki's rage was welling up, he could not take it anymore.

"Loki, you are asking me to chose between right and wrong. You are not fighting for a just cause, I am sorry." Loki screamed, leaping forward, slashing the projection in half. It disappeared and failed to appear again. He sat in the middle of the throne room, crouching with his head in his hands. He sobbed and screamed. All was quiet and Liara was there no longer but a constant soft whisper echoed in his ear.

"I forgive you." 

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