Why hello Mr Stark.

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Today just seemed to me like a blur. In a matter of 24 hours I had celebrated Deus's cleansing day, found out Loki lives, arrived on Earth, defeated Deadpool, found the Tesseract and become a member of S.H.E.I.L.D; it wasn't even dark yet. I was now sitting in a huge black truck being driven by Coulson, since I was too dangerous to be allowed to stay in HQ. We sat in silence, I hardly knew what to say. The man just saved my ass and now he was taking me in? Thor was right, he really is noble.

"Will your family not mind?" I asked him trying to break the silence. He kept his eyes on the road.

"No, I do not have any family." He answered. The silence returned and all I could hear was the rubber tires on the hard road.

"Oh." I replied quietly to myself.

"I did once..." He spoke up softly. I looked at him. His thoughts seemed distant, his face almost sad. "But...they died." He took a deep shuddering breath in and composed himself.

"I'm sorry Coulson." I said out of respect.

"Oh, it was years ago now. But still, S.H.E.I.L.D is the only place I can call home, friends I can call family." He smiled at me. I gave a comforting smile back before looking out of the window. The sky was clear so the stars were shining and I looked to the closest one to Asgard. I missed Deus so much. I had never been away from him for this long before. The truck pulled up to a humble little cottage in the middle of no where.

"This place is beautiful." I exclaimed as I climbed out of the car.

"I don't use it as often as I should." He replied opening his front door. The inside was quite old fashioned and worse for wear but it was to be expected if he had not lived in it for a while.

"Make yourself at home." He called out from a room which resembled a kitchen. I ran my fingers along his dusty mantle piece, looking at the old pictures that were placed there. A younger looking Coulson was in one. He was on a beach, white sand gleaming behind him. Tucked beside him was a beautiful woman with deep brown hair, a dazzling locket hung from her neck and in both of her arms a beaming child. A girl with dark hair and a cheesy grin. They all looked so happy. By the side of the picture frame the same locket lay there, dusty and going brown with age. I did not even want to know what had happened to them, I already felt sad enough.

"You like pizza right?" Coulson called out again, making me jump.

"Yeah!" I replied without thinking. Suddenly I stopped and thought, what is pizza? Oh well, I suppose it would be fine. I sat down on the sofa and twiddled my thumbs. He came out with some bread and cheese round thing on a plate. He sat opposite me and tucked into his, pizza. I looked at it and poked it.

"Melted cheese?" I whispered to myself. "That's fantastic!" I cried out. Coulson stared at me, chewing very slowly.

"Sorry..." I apologised and ate quietly.  The only noise now to be heard was the rather loud ticking of his clock.

"So if you travel, where have you been?" Coulson said putting down his empty plate. I froze. I did not know Earth places and he was staring intensely at me. Desperately I tried to remember the place that Loki had took me to on our visit. More ticking noises echoed around the room.

"England!" I cried out excitedly as I remembered. I cleared my throat and settle back down.

"Yes, I suppose you do have a slightly posh English accent about you." He said smiling.

"Posh?" I asked surprised. He nodded quietly. He let out a large breath and stood up.

"Well then. We better be turning in, we have to be up early and on the first plane to New York." He yawned. Began to exit the room but he turned around slightly. "You can sleep in the room to the left, you will find your uniform in there too, night." And he disappeared. I put down my half eaten pizza and decided to retire. The room was cosy much like the rest of the house. On the side was a tight black leather looking cat suit. It had full length arms and a zip going down the middle until my belly button. A belt with mini compartments lay beside it and a pair of knee high boots, all clean and shiny. I brushed them off, I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. Slipping off the dress I jumped into the warm bed and snuggled into the covers.

Light emerged through the windows slowly waking me up. I rolled over and my heart sank as I failed to see Deus's cot, but I remembered I could not see him until I caught up with Thor again in two months. I slithered into the suit and drew up the zip to just below my neckline. To my surprise it fitted perfectly as well as the boots. I looked in all of the compartments in the belt, there was no weapons. I stepped out of the room. Coulson was already by the door with a briefcase.

"Do I not get any weapons?" I asked.

"No, Fury does not trust you with any." He replied opening the door. We drove to what he called a private airport, where we got into a small jet. "You are my responsibility, therefore you must go wherever I go." He explained as we took off.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked as we zoomed through some clouds.

"To meet a man called Tony Stark." I looked at him. He had a smirk on his face.

"And what kind of a man is Tony Stark?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows.

"How could you have not heard of Tony Stark...Iron man?" He stared at me as I shook my head.

"Well then, lets just say he is a bit...theatrical." He smiled at me. I pondered his meaning as we landed. New York was bigger than any other place I had seen on Midgard. Metal buildings, many of them reaching high into the sky, up to the Gods. Lots of people walked beside the roads and yellow vehicles zoomed past. Right in the middle of all of this chaos a huge tower with one name plastered above it, Stark. We made our way up the esteemed tower. There was hardly any staff around only a sort of presence.

"Jarvis, tell Mr Stark that we are here for an appointment." Coulson spoke out loud.

"Yes sir, one moment." A male toned voice replied. This nerved me a little as I could not see this Jarvis. Some metal doors opened to a small box and Coulson stepped inside.

"You coming?" He asked expectantly. I hurried in with him and the doors shut behind me and a strange moving sensation went through me. I grabbed onto the rails around me and Coulson looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He laughed. I gave a broad smile and stood upright. The doors once again opened but we were on a new floor, a penthouse. We stepped out.

"Agent Coulson. I believe our appointment was annulled due to the initiative being shut down." A dark haired man said without looking up. On his left arm was a red and gold device, he was prodding it with another thin metal pole making it twinge in places.

"Indeed Mr Stark but new events have arisen." Coulson answered Mr Stark. Mr Stark now looked up. He was a handsome man, a little goatee and his eyes big and bold. It was only now I noticed his chest, a glowing blue circle in the centre.

"Hello." He said suavely, but not to Coulson to me.

"Oh forgive me, Agent Vasko meet Tony Stark, Tony meet Agent Vasko." Coulson introduced us.

"Un chante, and what are you? His lackey or bodyguard?" He smiled at me.

"I prefer sidekick." Coulson replied for me.

"And I prefer accomplice." I butted in.

"Ah she does speak." Tony laughed placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes looked sharply towards it.

"Take it off...before I break it off." I whispered roughly. He gave a smirk and a slight chuckle.

"I would like to see you try."   

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