The Captain

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A month had now passed since my meeting with Tony Stark. It was unforgettable to say the least. I have built a steady friendship with Coulson, he even agreed to teach me how to use a gun and as it would be, my aim and shot was perfect first time thanks to my asgardian depth perception. The crashed aircraft that Coulson had mentioned was searched thoroughly and the one called Captain Steve Rogers was found, alive. Coulson could not stop bouncing for hours. He spends a lot of his time watching the frozen body defrost, quiet disturbing really. TodayRogerswas moved to a S.H.E.L.D base in the middle ofNew York city.

"I refuse to do it." I spoke plainly to the Director. I knew that people were beginning to trust me but I did not feel comfortable doing my first mission and what it entailed.

"Claire you are the best person for it. You do not have to do much." Coulson insisted. I stood there, crossing my arms and pouting.

"Now you listen to me Vasko. I let you into this corporation and now I am not going to watch you make a fuck up with this. This is important." The Director was getting angry.

"But it is wrong! It isn't fair on him!" I argued back. The director held an old fashioned war office uniform in front of me.

"Get your ass in there when he wakes up and convince him he is in the 1940's!" Fury screamed at me. I stood silently. When I arrived on Midgard I was lost and confused, much like he will be when he wakes up. The last thing he needs is to wake up to a ploy that is destined to go wrong and who will be in the firing line? Me.

"Fine." And I sharply snatched the uniform. They left the room while I put on the uniform and people dressed my hair and make up like their 1940's girls. Coulson came back in alone.

"Now if there is any trouble press this, and help will come." He smiled handing me a small black device with a red button on top.

"I still do not like it." I stated my opinion. I stood, waiting for signs of his waking from the hidden cameras. They had specially designed the room to deceive the poor guy. They even went as far as playing an old sporting game on the radio. Suddenly he was moving and very soon sitting up on the end of his bed. He already looked suspicious. I took a deep breath, brushed down my uniform and opened the door to the room.

"Morning!" I said softly to him, closing the door behind me. He just stared at me with apprehension, he seemed on edge. "Or should I say afternoon." I corrected myself after checking my watch. I tried to have a comforting smile as he glared at me.

"Where am I?" He asked directly.

"You are in a recovery room inNew York city." I responded quickly. He stared at me for a second before quickly looking at his surroundings. His eyes snapped back to me.

"Where am I really?" He asked contently. My heart stopped. I knew this was a bad idea. My brain froze.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." I laughed it off as if I was confused.

"The game. It's from May 1941. I know because I was there." He explained. My face fell. I swallowed as he stood up. He was a great deal taller than I was and had a hell of a lot more muscles. "Now I'm going to ask you again, where am I?" He walked threatening towards me. I pressed the concealed button in my hand.

"Captain Rogers." I whispered trying to reason.

"Who are you!?" He shouted at me. Two guards came rushing in with guns. All Captain Rogers had to do was look and they were doomed. He grabbed both of them by their front of their collars and threw them through the wall. He immediately jumped through the hole he had made.  

"Captain Rogers wait!" I cried after him, also climbing through the hole in the wall. He sped out of the doors. I grabbed for my radio strapped to my back. "All agents code thirteen, I repeat all agents code thirteen." I spoke into the radio and my voice echoed over the building. I chased after him, following the trail of guards he had left behind him. I burst through the entrance doors to the building and raced into the busy streets ofNew York. The captain was sprinting down the middle of the road, cars swerving to avoid hitting him. As planned in this case, seven black S.H.E.I.L.D vans surrounded him and Director Fury climbed out to meet him. Out of breath, I reached Coulson's side.

"At ease solider!" Fury cried out.Rogerslooked suspiciously at him, obviously dazed and confused at where he was. "Look, I am sorry about that little show back there but...we thought it best to break it to you slowly." Some anger arose overRogersface. I knew how he felt, coming into a world that you do not understand...alone. At least he could share his grief at losing his world and loved ones where as I had to hold it in.

"Break what?" He asked annoyed. A crowd had gathered around us, agents were trying to push them back.

"You've been asleep cap....for almost seventy years." Fury ripped it off like a band aid. The shock on his face was understandable. He looked around him, studying the buildings and trying to take it in. He took a few deep breaths and looked like he was going to cry. Rethinking it...he had it a lot worse than I ever will. I felt terrible for my part in the deception. "You going to be ok?" Fury asked.Rogershad not spoken for what seemed like a lifetime.

"Yeah, just..." He replied staring at the sky. He took a deep breath. "I had a date." He whispered quietly. Fury nodded and gestured for him to go inside.

"You never told me he had someone." I whispered harshly to Coulson beside me as we both walked after them.

"I did not think it mattered." He whispered back.

"This has got to be awful for him, the poor guy. And I just went in there and tried to deceive him? Can you imagine how much he hates me right now?" I asked. Coulson just sighed, he was probably thinking of him signing his cards. Cap spent the next few hours being briefed about history and all the main events he had missed. It must have been devastating for him. Fury left him in the gym in the basement. I felt like I should make my peace. I went down silently. I could hear the anger from the punches he was throwing at the punching bag. As I entered he knocked a bag off of its steel hinges.

"Hi." I said awkwardly as he ignored my presence. He picked up another bag and hooked it up, not looking at me and began to start boxing again. "Listen I am sorry about before, I did not want to do it...its my job. I just follow orders, like you did." I tried to explain my actions. He must have heard what I said as he stopped punching.

"The difference is, if I did not like an order, I disobeyed." he replied with attitude.

"Time's have changed Cap. It does not work like that now. If I do not obey then I get fired. And if I get fired I have no family to look after me. I will go out on the streets. I felt terrible for what I did and I am apologising. I realise this is a difficult time for you but do not get on your high horse with me. I have been through stuff similar to you. I admit it is only about half the pain you carry but I still understand." I got a little bit angry. I turned to leave but he said something that made me stay.

"Knowing only half the pain, is better than not knowing at all." He said quietly. I turned back to face him. He was looking down at the floor, looking very sad. "So how do you know my pain?" He asked.

"Let's just say I am not from around these parts. No friends or family to help me. All of this is so different for me." I replied truthfully. He nodded and resumed his punches.

"Its ok you know....the act you did before. They thought it was in my best interests, and I understand you were following orders. Thank you." I spoke with genuine spirit and regard. "It's just...I miss...there was a girl." He said shyly.

"The date?" I asked softly and he nodded.

"I just wish I knew if she was happy after I...was gone." I looked at the disheartened face ofRogersand had sympathy.

"Well there is a way." I smiled sitting down at the computer in the corner. Having spent a month here, Coulson has taught me a lot about computers and weapons and a lot of Midgard stuff. "What was her name?" I asked. He looked confused at the machine.

"Peggy Carter." He said anxiously sitting beside me. I typed in her name and a few came up. I scrolled down through every picture. "That's her!" He cried out as her picture came up. I clicked on her file and let him read it. He had a huge smile that he could not wipe off whilst reading.

"If there is anyone else, just type in their name here." I said pointing to the screen. He nodded and had tears in his eyes. I left him there all night and in the morning he was still there...smiling.  

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