You asked for it.

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As I woke I felt a heavy lump on my stomach. Grunting and lifting my head up, I could see a sleeping Loki, lying across my tummy. I threw my head back down and I groaned as I tried to push him off of me. He did not even stir; he was just lying there with gentle snores echoing from his mouth.

“Loki?” I asked him gently. He did not move. “Loki!” I shouted and he still did not budge. I began to poke his head but nothing woke him, he is a very heavy sleeper. Upon flicking his forehead he stirred a little before wrapping his arms around my stomach like I was a pillow. I slapped his back as I gasped for air. Finally I pinched his nose, cutting off his air supply. He awoke throwing himself up and with a loud snort. I laid there silently trying to look innocent.

“Sorry honey, did I wake you?” I asked sweetly. Loki squinted his eyes and rubbed down the sides of his face pulling his jaw down.

“What time is it?” he moaned, falling down face first into the pillows.

“Time I got up.” I replied pushing the thick covers off of my body. Deciding to take a shower I walked into the bathroom. Undressing I stepped into the shower and let the warm refreshing water run all over my body. I rubbed my neck and stretched as my hair got immersed in water. I could have stayed in there for ever; it was so relaxing and soothing. I came back into the main bedroom wearing my long green silk dressing gown and drying my hair with a towel. Loki was now sitting up, the covers pulled around his waist but I could still see his chest.

“So, what are you up to today?” he asked as I sat down on the bed.

“Oh I don’t know, walk, talk probably drink some more.” I listed. I thought about it but what was there to do? I was quite restricted in what I could do.

“You have stayed in to long. How’s about I take you some where you have never been before.” He grinned at me.

“Loki I have lived here my whole life, I have been best friends with you and Thor, I doubt there is not much I have not seen.”

“Fine but there must be one place…” he thought. I stared at him; for once I could almost hear the clogs in his head turning. This went on for a few seconds before he snapped his fingers in the air and smiled. “I got it.”

“Where is it?” I asked. I was surprised I had not seen everything.

“Ah but this will be a surprise. I tell you what; meet me in the throne room in an hour.” And with that, like a child Loki bounced up and went and got changed. He disappeared soon after like a flash.

“Fair enough.” I told myself before getting up and getting changed. I did not know if we were going outside or inside, so it was near impossible to get changed suitably. Well I have seen everything inside I think so let’s guess outside. So I put on my brown leggings and my darker maroon leather jacket dress. Pushing my hair up into a scraggy bun, I slipped my knee high boots over my feet. Still having half an hour left I strolled over to the extended balcony and gazed over Azgard. I know I keep on saying it, but it is beautiful. Any time of day it glistens in either sun or star light, out shining anything in the cosmos. My attention moved to the Bifrost, the big dome ball thing stuck out as clear as anything. I have always been fascinated with this piece of technology. The pure fact it could take you to any planet you wanted to go to was amazing. One place I would love to visit is Earth. I have heard so many tales of old, of the Earth that was before the war and how we have not been back since. The earthlings used to worship us as Gods, and I don’t blame them. My favourite story as a kid and still is, is about Earth. I guess it will just always be a place within my grasp but I could just never reach out and take it. I thought it was about time I went to meet Loki. I pushed myself off of the white marble railings and walked across the room. It felt weird walking along the corridors with every guard bowing and nodding towards you. Only occasionally did maids or anybody else pass. Finally entering the throne room I could not see any sign of Loki. It was devoid of any life. Sighing I sat down on a nearby step. It seemed like thousands of years had passed since I had sat down on that step. I could see the shadow on the floor from a nearby pillar, indicating he was late. Frustrated I got up and left the throne room, deciding to look for him. Where could he be? This was his idea. Turning the corner rather sharply I bumped into Thor.

“Liara, where do you rush off to?” he asked.

“Have you seen Loki?” I replied with a question. I saw him think for a moment.

“No I am sorry, not since yesterday.” He responded sadly.

“Oh ok thanks.” He left me standing there, sighing. Oh well I am sure I would have seen it already, I told myself.

“Tisk, tisk lost our husband have we?” I did not want to hear this voice. She has been annoying me, tormenting me for days on end, when will it stop? Ignoring her I began to walk on. “I am talking to you.” Enchantress’s voice called after me. I did not reply or even turn around. “Whore!” she screamed. I stopped dead.

“I am sorry, I thought that was you?” I replied dead serious, still not turning around.

“You should stop and listen when I am talking to you. You maybe all high and fancy but I am better than you, better standard of class. No one even close to you deserves to be by Loki’s side. Especially one who can not please him…not like I can. Oh if he had the chance, and he will, he would drop you in a second for me.” I had had enough of her stuck up attitude. Spinning around I connected my fist, physically burning with fire, to her face. The punch echoed the corridors and that was followed by her girly cry. I grabbed my hand with the other, shaking it of pain.

“Ow!” I gasped out loud, pulling a face. I looked down at her. She was face down, her long blonde hair thrown over the front of her face. Her head flicked up and turned to face me, a trickle of blood ran slowly from the corner of her nose. She was breathing heavily and her teeth were gritted at me. I shook my head and began to turn around when she jumped on me from behind. Her arms wrapped around my neck in an attempt to strangle me and her legs were kicking about aimlessly behind me. Tipping forward I chuck her off of my back and she hit the ground hard. She cried out as her back arched showing the pain she felt. I did not care, as far as I was concerned she deserved it.

“You never know when to give up do you?” I asked as she stumbled to her feet. She wiped the blood coming from her nose with the back of her hand. She looked shockingly at the blood on her hand before grabbing a huge chunk of my brown hair. Crying out I followed the force of her pull downwards until I fell to the ground. She jumped on top of me. Kneeing her in the stomach made her soon topple off. Before I could go in for the kill a strong muscle builder arm pulled me back. Thor was holding me back from Enchantress and a guard doing the same for her.

“What is going on?” Thor demanded to know.

“Nothing.” I replied bitterly throwing my arms back and releasing myself of his grip. I looked at Enchantress who was still being held but the guard. She looked back at me with her sky blue eyes. With out warning she spat at me, forcing a surge of anger to run through me. I could feel my body burning up, my hair and eyes lighting fire. I leapt towards her only to be brought back by Thor again.

“Ow that’s hot, stop this now Liara!” he shouted, trying to calm me down to stop the flames erupting from me. “Take her away.” He signalled to the guard and Enchantress was pushed away and hopefully for good with any luck.

“Would you like to tell me what that was about?” Thor asked looking down at me. I could feel my skin cooling down but my eyes were still burning ambers.

“I am sorry it’s just, God that woman!” I moaned running my fingers through my hair and massaging my sore scalp.

“I know.” Thor understood something that Loki could not. Just as if he knew I was thinking about him, he strode down the hall looking slightly amused.

“Did I miss something?”                     

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