The Feast.

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I never thought this would happen. I loved Loki as a best friend would, but as a wife I do not think it is possible. Loki has many admirers, why could Odin not have picked one of them. My hand was still placed on Loki’s walking towards the feast.

“Liara, what do you do here?” a well mannered voice called from behind me. I turned around, taking my hand from Loki’s.

“Thor it is good to see you.” I smiled hugging him. He was wearing his ceremonial robes, with his crimson cape and his trusted hammer by his side.

“Ah, I see you are questioning mine brother. Do thou know his companion was to be chosen today?” Thor laughed. I looked shyly to the ground as he went to his brother and playfully punched him on the shoulder. “So where is the lucky woman?” Thor grinned. That grin faded as he turned to me.

“You are looking at her.” Loki said smiling at me. Thor’s eyes were filled with laughter. It was only a few second before a deep booming chuckle rose from him.

“Indeed, this is a sight. I never knew father hath a sense of humour!” he laughed.

“You take it more lightly than me Thor.” I groaned.

“Verily, tonight we drink!” he shouted raising his hammer to the air. He walked towards the feast room chuckling heavily. I returned my hand onto Loki’s.

“Get prepared to be bombarded by mother.” Loki muttered. Before I could ask more the doors opened to reveal a large amount of guests at the feast. I felt faint as Loki pushed me in, forcing a smile. He squeezed tightly at my hand until I did the same. He walked me to the head table with Thor smiling brightly at me. I was sure my face would flush bright red if I knew it wasn’t possible. I am known in Azgard for my gift from Odin, he gave me the power of stata mater. In plain terms I am fire itself, I can control, use it and I am it. I sat down next to Loki. The whole room was looking at me; it was hard to gage their feelings. In the front table Lady Sif looked pleased as well as the warriors three. The other side of the table Enchantress gave me daggers. Her blonde hair was messy and her green clothes looked sagging. We all know she wants to rule Azgard one day, and since Thor despises her Loki was her only chance. There were no words everyone just started to eat. I have known Loki and Thor all my life but I have never been so nervous to sit with them.

“Dear Liara, you do look well in that dress. How do you?” Frigga, Loki’s mother said to me smiling.

“I am well thank you. It is a lovely feast.” I replied, returning the smile.

“I have always wanted a daughter, Loki and Thor are good sons but a daughter is something different. I always wanted to do her hair and chose her clothes.” She drifted of topic. She went on and on about wanting a daughter. I felt like saying I already have a mother but I did not want to make her sad. So I sat there and nodded to every word she said. Loki stood up and excused himself.

“You are leaving me here?” I whispered grabbing his arm. He gave a wicked smile and walked off. I returned with a smile to my conversation with Frigga.

Soon it was getting late and everyone started to drink. I saw my elderly father drinking in the corner and sighed. I thought it was time for me to go home. We had left my younger brother, Lex at home and I did not trust him. I stood up and nodded to Thor to say goodbye.

“Have you seen Loki, I just wanted to tell him I was going home now?” I asked Lady Sif as she walked passed with a jug of ale.

“No sorry, if I see him I will tell him. Congratulations by the way Liara.” She smiled at me. I nodded sadly and began for the doors. The guards opened them for me and delightful breeze hit my face. I sighed and leaned against the low wall in front of me, looking out across Azgard. It was beautiful at night. The stars shone out in the cosmos and the water glistened underneath them. As I took in the air I heard whispers from the other side of the wall.

“Come on Loki, you know you want me.” A woman said in a seductive tone. I looked down the wall to see Loki against the wall and Enchantress on top of him, running her fingers through his black hair. Loki made no attempt to push her off. I felt my eyes flame with ambers and hair turned a fiery red. I often lost control of my powers when I was angry. I could feel the fire burning in my hand. I clenched them shut, cutting off the flames. I shook my head and my hair returned to its natural brown form and blinked my eyes so they returned to my normal green. I walked down the stairs.

“I would prefer that you got off of him.” I spat at her. She did not move, only looked at me with such hatred. Loki looked amused.

“Now why would I do that, we have such a connection.” She said sexily. At this Loki tried to push her off.

“Come on baby, you don’t need to marry her.” I heard her loudly whisper in his ear.

“I said get off him now!” My voice rose. Trying to control anger is hard. I could feel my eyes burning again. Enchantress removed herself from Loki and looked at me.

“As soon as you get bored of him, I will be there.” She spat at me and walked of, shaking her hips as she went.

“I was expecting a cat fight!” Loki said disappointed. I looked at him with disgust. I shook my head and made my way home. I heard him call my name but I did not reply. As soon as I got in I went up stairs and to my room. I had the larger room, with a balcony. I entered to see Lex lying on my long lounge chair.

“What are you doing here?” I moaned as I chucked myself on my bed.

“It’s not fair, why did I have to stay at home? Why couldn’t you?” He whined as he sat up.

“Oh well I will tell Loki that you will marry him instead shall I?” I joked.

“Yuck! You can have him!” He stuck out his tongue and stood up. I rolled my eyes.

“Get out and go to bed.” I told him. He groaned and left. I let out a huge sigh and began to play with fire in my hands. I watched as it danced across my fingers. I could not feel any pain, it just tingled. I closed my eyes and remembered me and Loki from our childhoods. We were about eight and we were playing tag in the woods.

“Tag you’re it! Run Liara!” A younger Loki called grabbing my hand and pulling me into the forest. Thor was running after us but we were faster. The air was filled with our giggles and laughs. Loki let go of my hand and I tripped him. I did not look back, I kept on running. My laughing gave me away in front of me was Thor. I skidded to a halt and screamed. Thor leapt at me trying to tag me when Loki dove like a hero in front.

“Tag!” Thor shouted at Loki and ran off as fast as he could. That was the first time Loki did anything for me. My memory soon slipped off into a dream. We were still running through the forest but the ages we are now. It was the same game of tag; I was just about to get tagged by Thor when Loki jumps in front of me. Instead of getting tagged he jumped further and standing next to me was Enchantress. He stood in front of her and saved her and I got tagged. Now I was falling and Enchantress’s face was laughing and sneering at me and Loki was standing behind her. I sat up screaming in my room. I was out of breath and sweating. It was just a nightmare, I told myself. As I reassured myself, something was not right. I looked around me and I was not on my bed anymore. Instead I was sitting in a pile of ashes. I must have still been playing with fire when I feel asleep. My mum always did say don’t play with fire. I sighed as my door flung open.

“Liara I heard you screaming!” Lex came running in looking concerned for once. He looked at me then the pile of dust below me.

“Mum’s going to kill you.” He smirked. I threw a lump of ash at him and he ran out of the room. 

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