Into the depths of hell.

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We rode threw the town, dashing passed confused citizens. I was at the back of the pack and Thor was at the front. I have never seen Thor worked up, not as much as this at least. I prayed to god Loki knew what he was doing. We passed threw the gates and onto the rainbow bridge. The crystal blue sea thrashed out beneath us, and toppled over the never ending waterfall. And there in front of us was the Bifrost, on the edge of forever. We rode within ten meters of where Heimdall stood and we dismounted. All seven of us walked towards Heimdall and he stood tall. Loki stepped in front of Thor.

“Leave this to me.” He smiled confidently. “My good Heimdall…” He started to say.

“You are not dressed warmly enough.” Heimdall said without a blemish.

“I’m sorry?” Loki asked dumbfounded.

“You think that you can deceive me?” Through out his words, Heimdall never blinked, never faltered.

“You are mistaken, we are…” But Loki was cut off once more by Thor.

“Enough! Heimdall may we pass.” Thor shouted. For once Heimdall’s eyes moved in one quick motion to stop at Thor.

“Never, has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened.” Heimdall replied.

“Then tell no one where we have gone.” At this Thor walked passed Heimdall and we all followed. We walked around the circle and stood once more at the far end, waiting to be transported. I had not expected to use the Bifrost twice as in as many days. I could hear the cold steel blade of Heimdall’s sword being pushed down into the main control. Immediately the Bifrost began to hurl itself in circles.

“Be warned, I will honour my sworn oath to protect this realm as its gate keeper. If your return threatens the safety of Azgard, the Bifrost will remain closed to you. And you will be left to die in the cold waste of Yodenheim.” Heimdall was sincere. I could not help the shivers that ran instantly down my spine at his words. Our bodies were thrust forward and sucked into the glimmering swirl before us. We were on our way to Yodenheim. As we landed the chill of the land instantly ran through every cell and fibre of my body.

“Should have dressed warmer?” Loki laughed as he saw my shaking. I groaned at his idiocy as I set my body temperature to twenty decree’s higher than before.

“On the contrary.” I smiled. The ice realm was deserted and quiet. Specks of ice drifted in the wind and the dark sky set the scene. Ice was hanging from high glaciers and the snow beneath our feet was solid.

“We should not be here.” I breathed out. It was what we were all thinking.

“Let’s move.” Thor’s monotone called out. We walked cautiously forward, following Thor. As we walked I felt a hand hold mine. Looking from my hand upwards I saw Loki looking particularly frightened. He noticed I was staring at him.

“It’s only for the warmth.” He reassured.

“Of course dear.” I replied with little enthusiasm. It was only a matter of time before I realised the hanging glaciers where buildings. Chunks of ice toppled down and crashed to the ground, showing the unstable surroundings we were on. We walked into what seemed to be the center of Yodenheim.

“Where are they?” Sif asked. It was true I had not seen a single living soul since we had arrived.

“Hiding, like cowards always do.” Thor replied, a little too full of himself. We reached what looked like the palace.

“You have come a long way to die Azgardians.” An icy voice travelled across the air.

“I am Thor, Odinson.” Thor replied to the voice calmly. I looked over my shoulder, and I could spot a distant figure approaching our position. I glanced to the others and they had seen the same. They were surrounding us.

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