The truth.

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I could not believe it. Loki was king and that in turn made me Queen. It was late so we made our way back to our room. Neither of us spoke a word. Loki held his staff in his hand; he could not quite believe what had happened. We entered our room and Loki laid the staff proudly next to the bed. I could not longer hold the silence, it must be broken.

“Loki are you ready for this?” I asked, sitting down on the bed.

“Of course I am, I was always born to be a king.” He said conceitedly. I sighed and looked down.

“You may have been born to be one, but you were not brought up to be one.” I replied in the kindest of tones.

“Yes indeed. Father was always brighter towards Thor. Always gave him the attention, well now I know why I could never feel like a king.” His voice had bitterness and hatred towards his father. I had never heard Loki speak of him in this way.

“What do you mean? Why are you being so harsh towards your father?” I asked. His eyes sparkled at my question.

“He is not my father.” His blunt reply startled me.

“Loki, that doesn’t make sense. Of course he is your father.” I said trying to make it seem logical.

“Oh how little you know Liara. Perhaps I can enlighten you.” He walked towards the door and opened it. He held his hand out towards me, but I stayed seated. There was something not right here and it frightened me. “Come.” He said sternly.

“Where are we going?” I asked standing up slowly. He did not reply. I walked cautiously towards the door and exited the room once more. Loki walked out in front of me and started to lead me down corridors. He did not speak or make a sound. For once I was scared, so scared I felt like running. We came to some huge gates, some that where vagly familiar to me. They opened and we walked down a lot of bronze steps into the vaults.

“Loki what are we doing here?” I asked once more. And as before he did not speak. “Loki, you are scaring me.” I said feeling my voice tremble in my throat.

“If you think you are scared now…just wait.” He whispered sharply. I stopped in the middle of the vault. Peculiar objects rested on small columns either side of me, but Loki was only interested in one artefact. He walked right to the end where the ice giants casket laid. He stood in front of it, lingering his hands over the handles. He finally placed his hands on the handles and lifted it.

“Loki?” I asked petrified. I heard a clunk of the casket being returned to the podium it was on. With out a word Loki slowly turned around. My breath was knocked out of me when I saw his face. My legs began to shake beneath me. My lips began to quiver and tears started to brim in my eyes. His skin was blue, like ice. His once green eyes were now gleaming red, bold like the fires of hell. He was a frost giant. He tilted his head sideways. It was him but I could not believe it.

“You’re…a…a…frost giant?” I said out loud, trying to make sense of it. Loki’s face stayed straight and sincere.

“And as you can see, I am not Odin’s son.” He replied in anger. He took a step towards me and I took a step back. His face seemed quiet livid that I had done so, but I was scared. “You are scared of me?” he asked. I did not reply, I stood frozen to the spot, staring into his cold eyes. “Are you?” he screamed out, making me jump and gasp.

“I am a monster, a nightmare; a villain that parents tell there kids about at night!” He shouted at me, taking one more step closer to me. “Talk to me!” He yelled at me, running towards me. I stumbled over my feet, falling onto the steps behind me.

“I…I…” I wanted to speak bit words refused to leave my lips. They would not stop shaking and quivering. His face was less than an inch from mine. I felt cold and could not help the shivers that went down my spine.

“What?” he whispered so gently to me, reminding me of who he was.

“I’m sorry.” I replied finally getting words out of my mouth. The quivering and shaking seemed to have subsided, and instead I felt something else, something odd.

“Sorry? Sorry for what? I should be in a cage, im a fiend!” He cried out, standing up. Now his anger was gone and it too was replaced with something, like fear and sadness. “I have always known I was different to Thor. I was always treated differently. I looked different, acted different. I was different! I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier! Who could ever care for me? I’m not even me, im a thing!” He cried out and crouched to the floor. His head was tucked up in his arms, resting at his elbows. It was then that I realised what I was feeling. It wasn’t pity or regret, it was love. I gently pushed myself up from the steps and walked quietly over to Loki. He was not crying but his distress was clear. I softly dropped to my knees so that I was kneeling in front of him. I licked my dry lips and cleared my throat.

“Loki, you are not a thing. You are you. Just because you have different heritage, doesn’t affect that. You may not be an Azgardian by blood but that doesn’t mean you aren’t an Azgardian at all. And you maybe Laufeyson instead of Odinson, but that does not change who you are.” I kept my voice to a gentle whisper. He removed his head from his hands. His face still blue and cold.

“And who am I?” he asked. I looked into his red eyes.

“You are my husband.” I whispered. I leaned in towards him and placed my lips on his. It was gentle and soothing. From the moment out lips connected it could feel his cold lips start to warm up. His skin was getting less icy to the touch. I pulled away and looked at him. “And I love you.” His skin was now back to its pale self and his eyes were that bold green once more. He returned my gaze and stared at me. With out any warning he lunged in for another kiss. This time more passionate and strong. He was now too on his knees. I flung my arms carelessly around his neck and tried to return the kiss with as much force. His hands interlinked around my back, supporting me from the sheer ferocity of the kiss. His tongue begged entrance to my mouth and I happily let him in. He was swift but at the same time gentle. Our tongues danced, ice and fire playing on the tips. My hands soon reached up and tangled themselves with Loki’s black hair. I felt my reflexes come into play as I slightly pulled with every strong motion. Soon the power of the kiss became too much and I fell backwards but Loki refused to brake the kiss. The fall caused a rather loud moan to escape my lips but it was soon silence by Loki’s mouth. He was now on top of me. His lips roughly moved from my mouth to my neck, allowing me to breathe. He planted tender kisses along my neck line, taking care with each one. I knew what he wanted and I wanted it too but not in this place.

“Loki not here.” I breathed out, trying to breathe steadily. He growled viciously under his breath. He ripped his mouth from my neck and looked at me. He had a broad smile across his face.

“Think you can make it to the bed room?”          

Sorry it is a bit short, I didn’t have much time! ^^ please forgive me x

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