Not always a happy ending

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I paused for a second, allowing him to rethink his taunt towards me. His hand remained on my shoulder and his cocky grin also stayed on his face. I smiled and gave a girly laugh before spinning on right foot to perform a roundhouse kick with my left, but his reflex's were fast. As my left foot connected with his chest he grabbed it with his metal glove. My eyes widened as he pushed my leg up, forcing me to flip backwards, slamming my body onto the floor.

"Claire, need I remind you, you are a member of S.H.E.L.D?" Coulson sighed as I kicked back up to my feet.

"Impressive Mr Stark." I said with little conviction. Again with his armoured fist he lunged for me but with my quick speed I grabbed the oncoming fist. His fist of iron was nothing compared to my Asgardian strength. He resumed pressure from his fist but this did not exert my own power. His hand began to tremble beneath my own. When the pained look on his face was just right I pushed his hand backwards, hitting him in the face. He clicked his jaw back into place and looked at me.

"Considerable amount of strength, Miss Vasko." He complemented me. We then immediately went to hit each other meeting in the middle, our forearms locking together.

"You are expected to maintain some dignity and compose yourself." Coulson stated without getting involved. Tony's hand swiped over my head as I ducked and kicked him in the stomach. He flexed his hand with the slightly squashed glove on it, releasing a tiny pulse pushing me backwards.  

"Tony, you cannot hit a woman." Coulson did little other than recite restrictions to us. There was now a considerable amount of distance between us. I was on my feet, crouched and my hands beside me in a feline like position. Tony stood opposite slightly bent over. At the same time we raced towards each other. Ours eyes locked into each others.

"Is anybody taking any notice of me?" Coulson moaned as we smashed into one another. We both landed with a groan on the floor. Neither of us wanted to win this fight, we were both as ambitious and stubborn as the other. Simultaneously, we scrambled to our feet and near enough mimicked each others poses. We froze less than a meter away from each other, both adopting defensive poses. Our faces remained serious. My straight mouth suddenly kicked up into a smile, as did his. We both started to laugh.

"I fail to see the point in that." Coulson remarked as Tony and I shook hands.

"I think I might be able to tolerate you Miss Vasko." Tony smiled as he wiped the sweat off of his head. "Now Coulson, what did you want to talk about?" He asked out of breath. Coulson brushed down his suit and stood respectfully before him.

"We have found a signal coming from the arctic ocean. A large damaged aircraft seems to have been discovered." Coulson had a broad smile on his face at saying this.

"And you think its him? The man my father loved so dearly?" Tony asked with attitude.

"Yes we do believe the wreckage will contain the body of Captain America, presumably dead. We have sent a team to search the plane." Coulson informed Tony. For some reason Tony really seemed to have a slight hate for this Captain America.

"Presumably dead? Do you think he could have been frozen, survived?" Tony laughed.

"That would make him a capsicle." I laughed, I could not resist. Tony laughed at my joke, Coulson not so much. He seemed to idolise this man.

"Capsicle, I have to remember that one!" Tony giggled. Coulson coughed and silenced our moment of pure fun.

"I just thought you ought to know. If we do manage to recover him, we are looking to put him forward as a possible candidate." Coulson nodded to Tony. Tony just sighed and poured himself a drink.

"Well good luck with that Coulson. Nice to meet you Miss Vasko, I must fly." Tony winked. I watched as he casually strolled onto the edge of his building outside. As he did so some electronic device magically made him a fully suit of red and gold armour and then he literally flew away. My mouth was wide open, but I tried to hide it from Coulson.

The flight back was filled with Coulson telling me about his love for this Captain America.

"You must of heard of him! He is a legend!" Coulson blurted carelessly. I silently shook my head, a bit scared off how excited he was at possibly finding his corpse.

"I have all of the trading cards, all of them, they are mint!" He grinned. I couldn't help but laugh at how girly he was at discussing this.

"When did you start collecting?" I asked.

"Oh years back! I was in my twenties I suppose. I bought my first one when..." His voice trailed off.

"When...?" I asked softly.

"When my wife, Emily gave birth to Tammie." He replied quietly. I sat there staring into space, I had not idea what to say. "It's funny. I don't really talk about them, well not even mention them, but with you... it's like you remind me of Emily and you look so much like Tammie..." He said sadly. This left me stumped. We sat there in silence the rest of the plane journey. We arrived back at S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters and Coulson left me there to have a meeting.

"I will leave you in the capable hands of Maria Hill." He smiled before leaving. She was a good looking girl, wearing the same suit as I did.

"Hello Miss Vasko." She smiled. I now recognised her as the woman who scanned me yesterday. 
"Hi." I said back not knowing what to say. This earth custom of just talking was all new to me. Back in Asgard you only had about six people to talk to at the most, not having new people to meet every day. We both decided we were hungry so went to eat. She did not look it, but she was quiet intimidating to talk to, just her tone and formality. I could guess she was high up in the system.

"What happened to Coulson's family?" I asked in a quiet moment. She looked slowly up at me.

"I don't think I should be telling you." She replied.

"It's just he keeps on mentioning them, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to ask him because of obvious reasons." I said tenderly. She put her fork down onto the table and clasped her hands together. She sighed as she looked up at me, ready to tell me what had happened.

"Coulson has worked at S.H.E.I.L.D for about fifteen years. In his first year working here he got his big break by taking down Omega Red, a big villain wanted by this corporation. Now Omega Red was not alone. He was part of a group known as Weapon X, you met one of the members yesterday, Deadpool. But Weapon X is much bigger, and when Coulson took down one of the main guys they were not too happy. Coulson was late getting home one night as there was loads of traffic, now undoubtedly made on purpose." She paused, hesitating to continue. She swallowed and continued. "When he got home his wife's car was pulled up in the drive way. The passenger door was wide open and there was shattered glass on the floor from the front wind screen. Coulson knew something was wrong, so he pulled out his gun and ran up to the car and looked in.... there was Emily, his wife. A bullet had clean passed through her skull, quick and painless. He looked around and there was no sign of Tammie. His front door was open, so he ran to it, screaming for his daughter. He could hear her crying for him from upstairs. Sabertooth, a member of Weapon X was holding her captive. After some talking and much shouting Coulson ended up shooting Sabertooth in the leg and he go away, but Tammie had already seen to much. She was mentally scared for life. Coulson felt it was the best decision to send her away, not to see her again for her own safety. He does not know where she is and there is no record of her." Hill looked down and refused to speak any more. Part of me wished I had never said anything.

"Why does he still work for S.H.E.I.L.D? Why didn't he give up and look after Tammie?" I asked her. She did not look at me, but she did answer.

"Coulson has always wanted to avenge his wife, and he has. Sabertooth has been long since captured but he knows other families have been through what he has and he wants to help." And with that I felt I finally understood who Coulson was. He was a hero. 

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