And so it begins.

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My heart was pumping faster than it ever had done before. I could not believe this situation I was in. I was sprinting through an ancient stone maze with hundreds of feet drop for bushes in-between. If this wasn't enough I had a heavy rucksack on my back filled with gems that was useless to me, many deadly obstacles to jump over, gaps in the floor and a huge monkey like monster chasing me. Not exactly a perfect day. I jumped for my life as I clutched onto a near by rope. I slid down the rope onto the next level of the maze.

"You are doing fine, you need to make it through ten more levels before you are passed the cloud line and we can get you out of there." Coulson's voice rang in my ear.

"Are you kidding?" I screamed out loud hoping he could hear. I leapt over a gap and landed rather messily. I scrambled ahead with the monster quickly closing in on me. I cleared another level and I could feel how red I had gone in the face.

"These bloody gems better be important!" I groaned as I jumped over a fallen pillar.

"Oh they are. Remember you need to get out alive with the gems in tact." He said calmly. I couldn't help but growl at how easy he had it, sitting up there relaxing whilst I did all the hard work.

"You don't say! I was hoping to die for these!" I cried out sarcastically. I was finally on a straight path, a visible crossroads veering to the left and right and going straight would send me toppling off of the cliff.

"Where did you say the helicopter was?" I asked quickly hoping for a fast answer.

"Directly below you, a few more levels and you can get to us." Coulson answered with suspicion in his voice. The monster was closing and I had nothing to lose.

"I'll be dropping in shortly." I smiled. I could hear Coulson sighing.

"That better not be a double entendre Claire. " He said dryly. As I came to the cross roads I sped up and took deep breaths. I continued straight and leapt from the low wall out into the sky. I began falling when everything faded and I was once again in the S.H.E.I.L.D simulation room. I could hear the computers turning off as I stood up.

"No, no, no Claire! You can not do that!" Coulson shouted as he entered the room. I took off my visual glasses.

"Why not?" I asked honestly. That's what I would have done in Asgard. Coulson stared at me, confused and annoyed.

"Why not? You just jumped off a cliff that had a thousand foot drop and spinning helicopter blades beneath you! You just killed yourself!" I stood with pouted lips and glaring eyes.

"Well you did not let me finish the scenario, how do you know I would have died?" I asked moodily. "Besides! Who the hell writes a simulation for a game, what did you say it was, run temple, temple of doom....temple run that's it!" I argued.

"Lets look at the prediction tapes." Coulson sighed as he knew I would not back down. We sat down and looked at how the computers would have thought my actions would have lead. As I jumped I narrowly missed the blades and grabbed the base of the helicopter and handed the gems to Coulson. I smugly looked at Coulson as he rolled his eyes and continued watching the outcome. Suddenly the helicopter began to spin out of control. I jumped to safety as the helicopter with Coulson in it crashed and burned with the gems.

"Woops." I exclaimed shyly as they turned off the tape.

"So, you did survive, only you killed me and every other agent and lost the gems. Brilliant out come!" He laughed. "Come on lets get a coffee." He smiled as we left the room. Suddenly an urgent voice cried from Coulson's radio.

"What is it?" He asked into the radio. I could not hear what was being said but Coulson looked worried. He put down the radio and started to run.

"What is it?" I asked as I chased after him.

"We need to alert the Director, the Tesseract is misbehaving...badly." He cried back. We ran up to the helipad, Coulson filling me in as we went.

"All personnel, evacuate immediately. This is not a drill." A males voice called over the speaker system. People were running away, grabbing what they could. We made it to the pad and the Directors helicopter was landing. Maria Hill climbed out first and then follow Fury. They walked calmly over to us.

"How bad is it?" Fury asked Coulson.

"That's the problem sir, we don't know." Coulson replied. We all followed Fury into the elevator down to the basement where the Tesseract was being held. My heart was fluttering. This could be it. There have been scares before but this one was big, this one could be Loki.

"Dr Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago." Coulson explained as we made our way there.

"He wasn't authorised to go to test faze." Fury said furiously.

"He wasn't testing. He wasn't even in the room, a spontaneous event." I said cautiously.

"It just turned itself on? " Maria asked confused. The humans still have no understanding of the Tesseract. It is not a mere object they can command, it is alive.

"What are the energy readings now?" Fury asked as we turned into the basement, scientists prodding the Tesseract.

"High. When Selvig couldn't shut it down we ordered evac." Coulson shouted as people rushed by carrying crates.

"How long until everyone is out?" The director was concerned for once.

"About half hour." Fury gave him a stinging look.

"Do better." And Maria and himself walked off.

"Lets go." Coulson nodded to me. We ran back up the stairs as the elevator was in use. "We need to get some of the equipment out." I agreed as we found some people needing some help loading crates onto a truck. The floor began to shake. I could feel the Tesseracts power shooting through the ground. As it reached its climax it stopped. I looked at Coulson. I knew what this was. The Tesseract was a portal and the destruction it could cause was great.

"Hurry it up!" Coulson shouted at everyone as we rushed to load the cargo. My heart was racing at the thought of Loki being right below my feet. I could now hear multiple gun shots from below. I stopped and looked back, aching to go down there, to see him.

"The Director?" I asked trying to make up an excuse to go down.

"He will be fine." Coulson assured me. I growled in frustration. It all went quiet. I found myself fearing for his life. The ground began to shake again, but this time more fearsome than before. The walls around me began to crack and crumble. Some agents fell down the steps with the crates. They went to pick them up again.

"No, leave it. Go, just go!" Coulson shouted helping them into the back of the vans. Huge lumps of rock was now falling, crushing objects. I was completely torn.

"Claire, come on!" Coulson screamed. He was the only one not on the truck now. I looked at the building then back to him. It was to late now. I grabbed Coulson's hand as we climbed into the truck. "Go!" He cried to the driver and he sped off. The truck shook and bounced. I looked back to the base and I could not believe my eyes. It was collapsing in on itself and fast. The roads and surroundings were caving in as well. I looked over the edge of the truck, the hole was getting bigger and dangerously close to our truck. The huge dishes that presided along side the base toppled in. Both Coulson and I could not believe the destruction. I could not believe that Loki was behind this.

"Director. Director Fury do you copy?" Coulson asked into the radio. The hole had stopped growing now, we were safe.

"The Tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down there, Hill?" Fury replied and asked Hill what was the status.

"A lot of men still under, I don't know how many survivors." She sounded rough and she coughed a lot.  

"I want every man not search and rescue looking for that briefcase." He told both Coulson and Hill. "Coulson, you and Vasko get back to base. This is a code Seven. As of right now...we are at war. " Fury's voice echoed solemnly. I looked at Coulson, he was obviously shocked. Everything had just confirmed my thoughts that Loki was back. Thor would be coming soon and I needed to keep out of sight. He would kill me if I knew I was here.

"What do we do?" He asked. The other end went silent.

"We call in the Avengers." 

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