The morning after.

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When I woke the next morning I felt wonderful. My body was draped over Loki’s sweat glazed chest. I could hear his gentle heart beating, his chest slowly rising and falling beneath me. I could feel Loki’s long fingers trace up my arm, sending shivers all around my body. He finally rested his hand on mine, which was placed on his chest. Our fingers instantly began to entwine with one another, almost dancing. He brought my hand up to his mouth and he kissed it tenderly.

“Morning.” He whispered. I rolled over so my chin was resting on his chest. I looked up and him and smiled.

“Morning, can I have my hand back?” I asked sleepily. He grinned and relieved my hand of his grip. I brought it back down to rest on his abs and returned my head to its sideways position on his torso. He wrapped his arms around my slender body and took a deep breath. One hand started to play with my hair, wrapping his fingers in my brown locks. It felt so pleasant and soothing; the smile only grew over my face.

“I wish we could just stay like this forever.” I moaned softly as I settled into the hug, moving myself into a better position so that my body would fit perfectly with his.

“Why wish, we could stay like this all day.” Loki said as I once again looked up at him.

“Well we cant because you are the king, and you have duties.” I teased playfully, biting down on my bottom lip.

“Well.” He said mischievously as he rolled on top of me. His fingers brushed the few strands of my hair to the sides and his hand held the side of my face. “If I am king, that means I can do as I please.” He grinned and leaned in for another kiss. One of my hands went straight for the back of his head to deepen the kiss. The other ran seductively up and down his bear back. His hands became more creative and went exploring around my body. Hugging and stroking every curve and sending every nerve into shock waves of pleasure. The kiss grew deeper and deeper and more passionate. Moans escaped both of our lips at times. The door was opened unexpectedly and we were forced to break our kiss. Loki remained on top of me, most probably to hide me from any other eyes. The anger on his face was clear as his head snapped towards the door. My head to more graciously turned to see who it was. A golden guard stood there, looking ever so embarrassed.

“What is it?” Loki growled at the guard. I could see him clear his throat as he opened his mouth to speak.

“Forgive me my king but…err…there is some urgent business needing attending to.” He spoke quietly and shyly. I kind of felt sorry for him.

“I will be there later.” Loki replied irritated.

“Sir, it is urgent.” The guard reluctantly said.

“Fine!” Loki groaned loudly and the guard was gone. He let out a heavy sigh and quickly kissed me. “Sorry.” He grunted and went to get changed. He soon flew out of the room in a temper. I rolled my eyes and wrapped myself up in the blankets, in a sort of cocoon. As I had done many times before, I had the bed to ones self. The bed was so comfortable and I was in much need of the rest.

“Lets play hide and seek, I will seek you two!” Thor said standing tall above us.

“Oh yeah and why do you get to decide?” Loki’s unbroken voice called out bitterly.

“Because I am the oldest!” All three of us we in the center of the palace, plenty of great hiding places. “One, two, and three...” Thor began to count. Loki and I sprinted down the hallway.

“Let’s split up, that way he won’t find both of us!” I called out. Loki nodded and sent loads of duplicates of himself in different directions.

“I could get used to this power!” Loki waved as he entered the left hand corridor.

“Ready or not here I come!” Thor’s voice echoed the halls. I quickly side rolled to my right, hiding behind a thick rectangular column. I had to be very still as to not knock the loose curtains behind me that led into the great hall. I sat there tucked up in a tiny ball, determined not to make a sound or movement. My body froze as I could see Thor’s boots walk slowly passed from where I was sitting. I stopped breathing, all I could hear was my heart beat throbbing in my ears. After a few seconds a clutter sound came from the left corridor and Thor ran towards it. As I breathed a sigh of relief I noticed a gap in the curtain, revealing my father and Odin in what seemed to be a fierce row.

“Felix as you well know Loki must marry someone of my choosing. And that person is your daughter Liara.” Odin said standing high above my father. The shock on my fathers face was clear. His worried state merely confirmed his distress.

“Odin, all father please no.” My father said calmly. He licked his lips, looking like his was anxious about what he was going to say. “I know what he is.” He whispered. Odin stepped down from his throne and stood above my father.

“He is my son!” Odin shouted out.

“He is a frost giant!” My father cried back. Odin’s sincere face seemed to grow into anger. “I was there in case you forget. I was there at the fall of Yodenheim the end of the reign of terror. I fought by your side into that hellish place. And I saw you take that baby from the snow and ice. I saw you take Laufey’s son, Loki. And I watched as you raised him as your own. I had to stand by while I gazed at him play with my beautiful girl. But now you are asking me to watch her marry him?”

“It is done Felix, it is set in stone.” Odin’s voice was fierce towards my dad.

“But please all father, she is my only daughter!” I had never seen my father like this, practically on his knees.

“She can tame him; I have seen this quality in her.” Odin replied, seemly admiring me.

“But he is a frost giant, monster, murderer, cold blooded. I will not allow my beloved daughter to be at risk from this.” My father was now standing, being strong against Odin.

“Fine I will give her the power to defend herself if need be.” Odin looked sincere and my father distressed. “The power of Stata Mater, the gift of fire will suffice I think.” Odin purposed to my father. My father stared at Odin for a long time before reluctantly nodding. “She will be fine. Felix you are an old friend, everything will turn out to be grand, you will see.”

“Do you really think fire can combat the ice of hell?” and with that my father withdrew from the room, looking distraught.

“Found you!” Thor blurted out. I jumped and turned around to see Thor standing triumphantly and Loki pouting behind him.  

I woke up, trusting my body upwards. I was drenched in cold sweat, my breath uneven and hard. It was that dream again, but this time different. There was more, more words and more detail. That same dream my father told me to forget about. But now I know it was not a dream, but a memory. A memory of me over hearing there dealings, with them ending up arranging my marriage. And some thing worse was that my father knew what Loki was the entire time. I was also given this power to defend myself? I did not understand this at all. My life is some sort of game to them; they have played out my days from a young age. I had to get answers, one way or another.   

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